Saturday, October 5, 2024

Kambwili condemns people behind the story alleging that President Edgar Lungu is financing Rwandese Rebels


Opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) Leader Chishimba Kambwili has condemned people behind the story alleging that President Edgar Lungu is financing a named Rwandese organisation to launch attacks in that country.

Mr. Kambwili says such kind of politicking is not only childish and irresponsible but can bring misunderstanding between the two countries if the media continues publishing such stories.

He has advised politicians to learn to have boundaries and not politic to an extent of involving the President in fabricated stories in an effort to gain political mileage.

Mr. Kambwili who is also former Foreign Affairs Minister, says in as much as he disagrees with President Lungu on certain issues, the President cannot sink so low to fund an organisation in a foreign country.

He told ZNBC News in Lusaka that even the amount of money mentioned in the story can not even be enough to match the allegations.

Mr. Kambwili has further challenged the media to be responsible in their reporting and avoid running fake stories.


  1. There is no evidence that this story is fake. Check BBC Africa and even Rwandese news outlets which first published the story. It’s up to Lungu to reach out to Kagame and convince Kagame that he (Lungu) has clean hands. Given Lungu’s recklessness on managing domestic issues ( association with known criminals, gassing of citizens, political violence against opposition, etc), I am at pains to put anything beyond this careless president. Do not rush to blame the messenger!!!

  2. I thought this was testimony in a court of Law in that country .How on earth is this politicking or maybe we are missing something ?

  3. I agree with Kambwili by saying it is “Childish” but wait a minute! Has the formula to field in one opposition candidate already met its fateful outcome or Kambwili is not sure where to stand as usual. The once NDC consultant from PF wants to be appointed back in the same corrupt party he once belonged. May be he wants to sound a bit different from his “childish” friend who is in the habit from opposing everything. On the other hand it appears the social media popular party UPND has sponsored a lot of former Watch DOG bloggers to make LT equally dirty.

  4. Kambwili you are a corrupt thief.

    Everyday there is a negative story about Lungu and his people.

    We know Lungu likes violence, and that is why we think there is substance to this story.

    Why on earth would Lungu invite and dine with a rebel leader and even give him 150,000 USD?


    Do not think Zambians have forgotten that you were part of this thieving regime.

    Bally will fix you too my friend.

  5. Case 3: Suspected Terrorist Financing: Two foreign nationals X and Y incorporated Company D in Zambia. Company D held bank accounts with bank B. Mr X requested the bank to amend his name, date of birth and nationality. Upon receipt of this request, the bank performed customer due diligence and adverse information on the new credentials was revealed. The new name was linked to a terrorist group in country Q within Africa. Mr X made multiple forex purchases using his company account to fund his travel from Zambia to the African country where terrorist activities are rampant. The forex purchases by Mr. X were suspected to be funding terrorist activities in country Q. The matter was disseminated to competent authorities for further investigation. Source, FIC Report 2018.

  6. Ck looking for lungu to relive some pressure from his fyantad mapolo….

    It is up to lungu to tell the Rwandese government to clear lungu on this…

    Why should we believe someone who watched on as our people were gassed resulting in 50 innocent people being burned to death ???

    All the while lungu knew the gassers

    If lungu can do that to his own people , gassing them , he would interfere in any country without batting an eye

  7. Kaponya (HH) aka Bally Matore and his friends at Cambridge Analytica, Africa Confidential this is how desperate they’ve become for power.
    What a useless opposition party UPND.

  8. If you lie down with dogs, you wake up with flies….

    This is a statement made under oath in court so don’t blame the media. We can only wait for the cross examination process to be completed before concluding. The media is certainly not to blame, they are just messengers.

  9. I agree we all hate PF for brining untold misery but accusing Lungu of such is very dangerous, also Lungu is not that ambitious to start financing wars in other countries.

  10. Politics have robbed us of reasoning. Everything is shadowed by politics not logical thinking and reality of the world we live in – the world of fake news. If fake news can penetrate the White House of the most powerful country in the world what of Zambia.

  11. Every normal citizen should keep quiet if can’t stand with His Excellence Edgar Chagwa Lungu. This development is sad indeed for our country

  12. CK is unstable and unstrategic as an Opposition Leader. The source of this news is Rwanda. CK should tell us why these Accused singled out Lungu as their Financier. Why didn t they point fingers to Ramaphosa of South Africa, Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe etc? CK is naive and should realise that there is No Smoke without fire. CK is exonerating Lungu without any shade of evidence. If CK wants to be appointed by Lungu as a Running Mate he should just leave the Opposition Alliance. CK cannot be trusted. HH should handle the slippery CK with care becoz he lacks Principles. The writing is on the wall.

  13. This is all fake news ECL and President PAUL KAGAME have been all weather friends since 2015 and beyond when most PF
    opportunist did not want to ECL to ascend to a position of Pesident of Zambia.

    President Kagame and the nice people of Rwanda were at handy to see that peace prevailed in Zambia people

    So ECL cant sink so low to turn against President KAGAME and the RWANDAN people.

    This rebel has just been bought. Zambia is a beacon of peace and should remain so

  14. Of course it is shocking news but the fact it was stated in a court of law during a mandated trial is what makes it startling. We had vigilance dispelling the Nigeria and Israel pictures on the State House page. Let’s have the same diligence and vigilance to dig around this story and to see what it is that we can come up with. I do not want to imagine the entire Zambian Presidency would sink to these depths in this matter. Just saying. I don’t like the guy but hey, some things are just incredulous!

  15. All well said without saying what would be the MOTIVE for ECL to “finance” such a terrorist? Let’s remove “emotion” & for once apply logic… Think about it…

    • Forget the motive. Lungu associates with shady characters who are using him for moneylaundering. They then send money to dogs of war that they are funding for various purposes in Africa.

  16. This is laughable. Kagame and Lungu are laughing at the muppets who bought into the bait. Zambian opposition and their followers are so naive and sadly inexperienced.

  17. Duda Lungu is not laughing, if he was he would not have released that statement through that young boy. Lungu is shaking in his pants, wait for more testimony to come out. Lungu is humbly dangerous with a criminal conviction for a reason that’s why you can’t for sure say he is innocent

  18. Duda- Lungu laughing?? Read his panicked denial and see if you get the sense of him laughing. Lungu allows Kambwili to appear on ZNBC just to dispel this! That doesn’t sound like Lungu is laughing to me!! Why do you want to make it about Zambian oposition anyway? Always trying to deflect to cover your messes.

  19. @Mpundu, don’t think everything published by BBC is authentic. They have few times found to have quoted wrong sources and have apologized

  20. This whole story is a meddling on FIC report 2018. Authorities know who wired money. Who says money wired from Zambian Bank cant be traced? Lets find out who visited Sankara before that court hearing. Otherwise terrorists always lie.

  21. With ECL such things are possible. You simply can’t rule it out. If one can gas his own people, maim his own people, shoot his own people using PF carders in police uniform, what can stop him from sponsoring terrorism in other countries, especially that he is a money monger. He has no integrity to protect and the international community is aware of how he maliciously persecuted HH, how he rigged elections and forced himself on Zambians. They are also aware of his current machinations to go for a third term.

    Mr CK please desist from blaming people who write / talk about this issue. It was a court case where it was brought up and people have the right to discuss it. Remember you are dealing with a very reckless dictator who owns PF militias.

  22. Before becoming president, Lungu presented himself as the “humble one”.

    Within one year, he was reported as the second richest Zambian.

    This is a guy who was driving a 1978 Toyota corolla, often being pictured eating nshima in komboni in the morning with a bottle of mosi.

    Who ever thought Lungu would be so corrupt? So violent? So stubborn? So selfish?

    Who ever thought Lungu would want to topple foreign government?

    Maybe Lungu was doing Museveni a favour?

    If I remember correctly, this was around the same time Lungu was making those suspicious trips to Uganda!!!!

    Ok I have cracked it. It all makes sense now.

    This mess is linked to Uganda. Lungu was doing the dirty work for Museveni!!!!! Oho.

    Now that Uganda and Rwanda have reconciled, how does that make Lungu…

  23. All you lungu sympathizers saying lungu can’t do this ………..

    Excuse me……..hallow …..

    the man gassed his own people resulting in 50 lynching deaths ….

  24. Citizens, I have cracked this case wide open.

    Why did Lungu give money to a rebel leader to topple Rwandanese government?

    Do you remember around 2017/18 when Lungu was making frequent trips to Uganda? To visit Museveni for no good reason?

    At the time, Uganda and Rwanda had hostile relations.

  25. I have looked at the Rwanda news papers they have nothing talking about President Lungu, all I saw was they are only reading from the Zambian newspaper who are trying sabotage their president.
    There is no news in Rwanda it is only boiling in the hearts of scoundrels with in Zambia, to the Rwandans it is strange to try to demean a president of a nation that is peaceful in the region.

  26. Waiting quietly for cross examination of the suspect. In Law, we say He who alleges must prove. Not sure why CK is trying to mop up for ECL. Is there something he knows that we don’t know or he is one of “ba Concluda?” Ba UPND you are in trouble with some of these your alliance partners. They are like GBM with no fixed abode in politics!

  27. Looks like we are now looking for sympathy! The story in question is in the international media, I doubt any local people have anything to do with it.sometimes, it’s best to just be quiet if the issue does not concern you

  28. This is Akainde and his brainwashed cadres behind this rubbish. Mr President appoint a Commission of Inquiry on privatization if this chap is to behave himself. He has too much time on his hands and maybe running from one court to another will keep him busy.

    • Albert, what more commission of inquiry on privatization do you want? your lungu was exposed to have been equally involved in the process by the commission 0f enquiry in case you have forgotten

  29. The story has been fabricated by upnd. Sata was right to call HH an under five. This is the more reason why HH will NEVER BE president of Zambia.

  30. Chishimba Kambwili you can’t speak for Edgar Chagwa Lungu, we want to hear from him. It’s under his presidency that another country the DRC has reported Zambia to SADC as an aggressor. Why is he quiet on such serious matters? Is Edgar fighting an illegal war with DRC? Surely he can find to talk to the nation. What is he doing about the Rwanda accusations?

  31. Iwe Kambwili check the Kigali High Court records. The media did not invent the story. They are only the messenger. That is why when you were Information Minister if DeadNBC carried the story you would fire them yet they are only reporting what was said by people in court.

  32. Kambwili is indirectly attacking HH. Mark my words HH and UPND are behind this scam. A Ugandan I met recently who is resident in Rwanda expressed great surprise that some Zambians took this story seriously.

  33. Kambwili is mad, who can politicize Edgar Lungu ‘s involvement in Rwanda’ s domestic affairs. The terrorist himself mentioned Edgar Lungu of Zambia.

    So what is this bag of rubbish talking about!?

    Edgar Lungu is a bad guy.

    PF must go!


  35. All you supporting Lungu, do you have evidence that he is not capable of what he is being accused of? You can never be accused of anything without anything linking you to what you are being accused of. Just the fact that he is linked to the problem it raises questions for the humble ECL. Let’s wait for it. The sun is shining bright on all PF dark sides, soon even the blind will see.

  36. What a s.t.u.p!d story!! Even ECLs critic CK has distanced himself from it. Heard the story from some upnd supporters this morning and I didn’t even respond, I moved to the next place to discuss the Premier league….

  37. Zambia is doomed if big headed noise maker kambwili is someone people are looking up to for leadership! People don’t have short memories. Kambwili is not a credible person. He started and instigated the closure of the post when he was I information minister. Remember how arrogant he was? He has been going to court and he knows that evidence presented in court is done under oath. Only the judge can verify the evidence upon hearing the whole case.
    We know Lungu is capable of anything. You have to remember for Lungu it was power and influence. Lungu at the time was chairman of politics, peace and security for SADC. So what could stop him doing what he wanted to do? Yes, could do stuff like that to help his friend Museveni. Do you remember the elections he supervised in DRC where he had…

  38. Lungu – Museveni and Rwanda.
    DRC – Elections under Lungu’s Supervision as Chairman of Politics, peace and security for SADC – Lungu went to consult Ramaphosa before results were announced.
    Deposing of Mugabe Lungi opposed the wishes of the people of Zimbabwe and wanted to send the SADC army to go and intervene until the people of Zimbabwe told him off. Lungu had power and influence during the period these things happened. He also had the motivation – render support to his mentor – Museveni
    Lungu doesn’t support anything good unless stands to benefit.

    Watch “Chishimba Kambwili Says President Edgar Lungu Will Soon Suffer” on YouTube

  40. Some of us have tried to help the Zambian opposition but they are so stubbornly untrainable. Unfortunately, they will always end in mwamoneni.

  41. I find many Zambians not to grow up. Why get excited about such news? Is there any substance and conclusion in the news. How easy it is for Zambians to turn one against another. My fellow bloggers lets be truthful in comments. Let’s wait and hear how the investigations goes. Already I see UPND supporters and PF supporters fighting each other in comments. Grow up. Stand for the truth not for the smoke. The smoke doesn’t always contain the truth. How many times are Zambians going to be lied by parties that they have solutions for the nation. When the party is in government don’t want to hear from people who have solutions for the nation. Zambians need to elect MPs who stand for the people, not MPs who stand for the party.

  42. What does Kambwili know that we don’t know? Let him quote his sources of this info otherwise we’ll think he is just a job seeker looking for pardon for his cases in Zambian courts. Some of us are waiting for that court case in Rwanda to be concluded and then will comment based on facts in public domain.

  43. Wait a minute, CK could be part of this sponsorship becoz he is quick to condemn. How on earth would you defend what the lebel leader is purporting. This news is not from Zambian news media but from that country itself. Leave this to Lungu himself to clear his name or show us proof of clearance.

  44. Our country is full of investigative journalists is it? everyone quick to say” have cracked the case”!! Why dont you go over to Rwanda and “crack” the case instead of shooting your mouth on a matter which has no locus standi! Cracked heads for sure .Believing trash from the mouth of a criminal.

  45. The news reports are from non Zambian sources, credibility is zero. CK possibly speaking out of patriotic spirit and whether he truly has any sincerity, that is for all to see.But no doubt the accusations are worth condemnation and no true Zambian should be willing to hear such garbage about our President. Rwanda has problems, they should sort out their own trash, And what proof and what clearance, We dont need anything, its all too clear that this is political positioning in Rwanda. Dont be foolish enough to let it take political spin in Zambia, we are far above their calibre.

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