Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Fate of the 23 Teachers Dismissed on Account of Alleged Fake Qualifications to be determined


The Teaching Service Commission says it will look into the fate of the 23 teachers who were dismissed on account of alleged fake qualifications.

The respective teachers were dismissed in 2018, during the national teachers’ registration exercise.

Teaching Service Commission Chairperson, Stanley M’hango announced this in Kabompo, North-Western province, when he called on District Commissioner, Patrick Kasoka.

Mr. M’hango said the reconsideration follows the teacher unions’ appeal on behalf of the dismissed teachers.

He noted that some of the teachers, who were dismissed, had served for over 20 years, while others were due for retirement at the time and had upgraded their qualifications.

Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) Vice President, Newman Bubala has thanked the Teaching Service Commission for considering their appeal.

Meanwhile, The Civil Service Commission has assured civil servants in North-Western province who have not been confirmed that the commission will work to ensure they are confirmed as long as they have the necessary qualifications.

Commission Vice-Chairperson, Hillary Chipango has praised the civil servants in the region for implementing government policies.

Mr. Chipango was speaking when he held a meeting with Heads of Government Departments in Solwezi, North-Western province.

Teaching Service Commission Chairperson, Stanley Mhango said all the developments, that have been scored in the province, are as a result of a loyal and committed civil service.


  1. Teaching is a gift. Ok, some may have fudged their qualifications, but please assess each case on its merits.

    But please find out if these are the same teachers that taught Lungu and other cabinet ministers when they were at school.

    It could explain a lot.

  2. Cheating should not accepted. It is wrong regardless who has done it, how long they have been teaching or whatever reason one want to justify it. How do you expect the teachers to discipline the pupils the teach not to cheat if themselves are the product of the same vice?

  3. If you applied with fake qualifications then you deserve to be dismissed because you took up a position which could have gone to a deserving candidate who sweated to obtain those qualifications but is now unable to find a job because of people who have taken up the vacancies with fake qualifications.

  4. They committed a crime, period. Why should we compensate lawlessness? In well setup countries, those 20 teachers could have been jailed as we speak. The fact that they are not, they should appreciate. It is only in Zambia where we shield the outlaw.

  5. They must not even be called teachers because they faked their qualifications. Who ever will pay them for having worked as teachers should equally be jailed because those people are have never had a qualification in teaching. The teaching service commission is useless, how can they fail to define who a teacher is.

    Send all the the 23 fakers to jail.

  6. They must not even be called teachers because they faked their qualifications. Who ever will pay them for having worked as teachers should equally be jailed because those people are have never had a qualification in teaching. The teaching service commission is useless, how can they fail to define who a teacher is.

    Send all the the 23 to jail.

  7. Here is what must be done to them, send them to Teacher Training Colleges to teach them a lesson or two, and deploy them after graduation.

    We must think critically and outside the proverbial box.

  8. Nonsense – cheating is cheating regardless of the years one has taught as a teacher. We have not run out of good teachers on the waiting list. Besides there are a lot of teachers out there who are not employed and we want to be lenient for what. Guys lets be serious thats why this country is on it knees now because of such liers. Just look at the level of corruption and cheating at government level its because these guys were taught by cheaters and liers.

  9. They must pay back the salaries they were paid. Or face imprisonment. This has contributed to Poor English language, spoken and written especial those educated during the Chiluba tenure

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