Friday, October 18, 2024

We are still waiting for Raphael Nakacinda to sue, his re-reinstatement ultimatum expired-MMD


Opposition New Hope Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) Deputy National Secretary Mr. Gregory Mofu has said that his Party is still waiting for the nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakacinda to sue them since his two days ultimatum for him to be reinstated as an MMD Member ended last week Friday.

Mr. Nakachinda on the 8th of July, 2020 through his Lawyers Makebi Zulu and Associates threatened to take the New Hope MMD to Court over the Party’s decision to expel him. He had vowed to take the party to court if they didn’t reinstate him as a member by the 10th of July, 2020. He had remained a suspended member of the Party from 2016 upto his expulsion over a month ago.

Today, Mr. Nakachinda unveiled his office in Olympia as the MMD Secretariat. And said that the MMD has no right to discipline it’s Members of Parliament.

New Hope MMD Deputy National Secretary Mr. Gregory Mofu said that it is a known fact that Nakachinda is not a member of MMD

“I would like to reconfirm that Raphael Nakachinda is not an MMD Member. He remains expelled from the MMD and the Speaker of the National Assembly reconfirmed that position by saying that he is an Individual nominated member of Parliament and not an MMD one”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu confirmed that Nakachinda had written to the party to reinstate him but the Party is shocked that he hasn’t yet taken them to the Court after his ulitimatinum ended.

“I would like to confirm that indeed Mr. Nakacinda through his lawyers wrote us a demand letter for us to reinstate him as an MMD member after we expelled him. In that letter, we were given two days upto to the 10th of July, 2020 to reinstate him as our Member failure to which he would take us to Court. Today is the 16th of July and We still have not received any Court papers from him”, Mr. Mofu mocked.

He further said it was baffling that Nakachinda who is boasting of not recognising Dr. Mumba as Party President and Hon Elizabeth Chitika as National Secretary had the audacity of writing the New Hope MMD (which he doesn’t recognise) to reinstate him as a party member.

Mr. Mofu labeled Mr. Nakachinda’s personal Secretariat as a beer hall.

“We are not moved nor shaken by Mr. Nakachinda’s move to turn a rented cottage into a beer hall. This is not the first time that well known enemies of our party have done that. In 2013, our then MP for Mafinga Hills Hon. Catherine Namugala opened up a so called Secretariat in Rhodes Park. What happened, it evaporated in thin air. So I urge all MMD Members to ignore that beer hall that Mr. Nakachinda has opened in Olympia”, Mr. Mofu said.

Mr. Mofu then said that MMD MPs are in Parliament at the mercy of the Party.

“Maybe Mr. Nakachinda has never read the MMD Constition before, but it clear gives the Party mandate to discipline it’s Members including Members of Parliament. And for the record, these MPs according to law are not supposed to be in Parliament. This is because their adoption letters were signed by an illegal group and the Court judgment of November 5 2019 said that whatever the now-disbanded Felix Mutati group did from 2016 upto that date which included the signing of the adoption letters was null and void. We have not informed the Speaker about those vacancies because we do not want to cause unnecessary by elections”, Mr. Mofu said.

Some of the people organised by Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakachinda  for his press briefing
Some of the people organised by Nominated Member of Parliament Raphael Nakachinda for his press briefing

Yesterday, Mr Nakachinda addressed scores of MMD members from his faction at his office where he disclosed that the former ruling party has resolved to support progressive national matters such as Bill 10 and urged all MMD Mps to support the bill.

Mr Nakachinda said MMD Members of Parliament have since been directed to support Bill 10 which he said is a progressive document that must be supported by all well meaning Zambians.

“Our Members of Parliament have been directed to support Bill 10 because it is a progressive legislative bill, “he said.

Mr Nakachinda explained that the document will allow women, youths and people living with disabilities to have a voice in Parliament.

He has since assured that MMD Members of Parliament will not go against this directive but will vote for Bill 10 and will not be swayed by people who do not mean well for the country.

Mr Nakachinda urged party members not to follow people like Nevers Mumba whom he accused of having no direction as he would in the morning say he supports Bill 10 and a minute later changes he’s position.

Mr Nakachinda has challenged Mr Mumba to be focused and stand on one thing.

He has since advised all well meaning MMD members to remain committed not to be misled by leaders like Dr Mumba because Bill 10 is a progressive legislative.


  1. Raphael Nakacinda had bailiffs pounce on him not too long ago. Suddenly he’s awash with money even as key public institutions remain under-funded. Some guys hv all the luck , as an old song by the Shakers says.

  2. This is a guenine case for by elections, whether you contest or not.
    Sue him for contempt of court as the ruling was made by the court of law.
    Just calling his place a beer hall will not do. He will continue destabilizing mmd. Shut him up, once and for all

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