Sunday, September 8, 2024

Full UPND’s Open Letter to the European Union



  1. Wow that is some bad useless letter. I can’t continue reading.That’s 1 million votes loss right there.
    The letter should have been on Rwanda saga. Rwanda saga was the shovel to bury PF.
    PF was saved from Rwanda gate by the death of MPs last week.

  2. The problem with hh he has got stupid advisors ,zambian is governed by zambians its a sovering state next time write to the president then Au before rushing to eu.

  3. The muzungu anikonde party is at it again. I was not aware that Zambia is now a member of the EU. Is it EU he wrote to or some gay party there which funds the upnd. Hh will never rule this country because he is very childish and ignorant. They doing the same with bill 10. Instead of fighting and debating in parliament, they are scared and choose to run to courts or to their whlte saviours. I can’t help but notice kakutas ugliness. Kwati monitor lizard ububi

  4. I can’t read this nonsense.

    Looks like the same old stuff !d!0+$ got complaining about.

    We got the EU as part of the entourage monitoring our elections.
    They got nothing wrong.
    H² will be bu+t whipped again and again and again until he gets it in his thick oval skull.
    No one said getting to plot 1 gonna be easy.
    That kinda thing don’t come easy.
    6th time loss record in the making.
    We don’t put sodomites in plot one.

  5. EU supports Zambia’s democracy and socio-economic agenda. So they are cooperating partners and deserve to be informed.

    Stop behaving like infants. Our election budget is partly supported by EU.

    So they must be informed and UPND being the largest opposition party is duty bound to that.

    PF naifilwa pack and go!

  6. UPND always rushing to foriegners to come sort our problems when u run away in Parliament to confront problems on Bill 10. Can’t vote for u guys

  7. UPND always rushing to foriegners to come sort our problems when u run away in Parliament to confront problems on Bill 10. Can’t vote for u guys. U guys give no hope for true leadership. U need Malema to be your mentors as UPND

  8. @ Chenda “UPND always rushing to foreigners to come sort our problems…” yet you read that there is to be an Zambia- EU summit at which ofcourse, the PF will give their interpretation of where the country is at politically. UPND will not be there and so were merely voicing their views to enable the EU make an informed opinion. The same foreigners you refer are the ones funding your elections. They, rightly have a stake in the matter. I actually find the letter to be mature in the way it raises the grievances and I’m glad LT decided to publish it in its entirety . It is telling that of all the comments above that are condemning UPND, none of them addresses the veracity or otherwise of the points that have been raised.

  9. Anyways, “Like butts, the UPNDEAD will forever remain behind”, LPM.

    What a spell! Visit his grave to undo this curse.

    Sounds like Dununa Reverse.
    What can we say?

  10. Chenda, the letter UPND sent to EU is in the context of the upcoming annual Zambia-EU Meeting. The UPND letter raises concerns and challenges faced by the opposition and the silenced majority of Zambian citizens which they want EU to raise during this annual Zambia-EU meeting. Why should there be an annual Zambia-EU meeting if PF sees EU as a foreign institution interfering in sovereignty issues of Zambia? Why is the PF keen to continue seeking EU support in development and governance if EU is seen as a rogue foreign institution in Zambia?
    PF should not reduce serious national issues to narrow partisan interests. Debate or argue against the challenges raised by UPND in this letter than just demeaning what the opposition wants EU to raise during the annual Zambia-EU meeting.

  11. The UPND did good to brief the EU about whats happening on the ground.
    The EU declared elections in Malawi and Kenya free and fair. The courts eventually embarrassed the EU by overturning those elections for being rigged and fraudulent. The EU wont make that mistake again.
    Besides EU countries provide huge amounts of donor aid towards Health , water development and social cash transfer. This aid targets the vulnerable in Zambia unlike the Chinese money which goes to building useless roads and corruption.

  12. The page is too long full of nothing but same everyday or every time complaints from cry babies. Eu or USA UPND will lose 2021 elections

  13. This is shallow and low. In the quest to lead you don’t go against the wishes of many or try to injure many in the quest to put one person in power. This is the same as we have been condemning bill 10.

  14. Very good UPND ,

    You are taking in advise ……..

    Lungu and PF can not survive 6 months without western aid…..right now lungus PF thugs are rampaging because PF need money to pay them to continue savaging the opposition. He has no money for them. Either money for the little service delivery or pay his thugs.

    Now write to the IMF and all other western embassies in Zambia.

    Remember lungu craves nothing more than borrowing , begging and legitimacy as a democratic elected popular leader ,
    Let the world know his true colours

  15. Maybe upnd thinks it’s the citizens of EU nations that are going to vote in the 2021 elections kikiki

  16. Maybe upnd thinks it’s the citizens of EU nations that are going to vote in the 2021 elections kikiki. Some one send them the memo

  17. Maybe upnd thinks it’s the citizens of EU nations that are going to vote in the 2021 elections kikiki. Some one send them the memo. Kz

  18. KZ

    Yes , it is us, the citizens of the EU and other western countries propping up your corrupt regime of lungu. Even if most of the citizens can not vote in Zambia , atleast they should know were their tax monies are being waisted on a corrupt brutal regime.

    UPND ,
    Well done. Keep on informing western nations.
    Don’t forget , you need video evidence of PF savagery as we approach 2021…..

  19. (HH) is a dull mother fother.
    Trying the same tricks always and expecting different results that’s insanity. This quack is going mad. He needs to visit Chainama Hospital ASAP.

  20. Edgar has defeated hh already. Upnd is looking for sympathy where it is not necessary to look for.

    Does upnd has intellectuals. Writing a letter to EU does not solve problems. Upnd makes me sick and tired.

    May the good Lord Edgar so that we see hh and upnd defeated in 2021.

  21. I knew we had one useless political party called PF leading us. I didn’t know the opposition was equally useless.

  22. Crooks are running the government..UPND did the right thing before bloodshed starts running. We have assists for leaders and they travel in our suffering. They have modeled themselves on the sadistic Chinese govt with weapons and brutality with surveillance cameras in our town centres. Such is the behaviour of thieves and scared little men after stealing funds from foreign loans.

  23. Read the last article by chitimukulu. There is a reason why only I was allowed to comment. Real recognise real

  24. Spaka if you are citizen of EU what are you doing here. I am sure you have more pressing issues to do with your adopted country. No one forces the EU to give grants and FYI the riches of the west originate from the exploitation of Africa. So my friend the EU IS NOT doing us any favours, it is what we are rightfully owed. Ati my taxes iwe unemployed chap claiming benefits.

    Please Read the last article by chitimukulu. There is a reason why only I was allowed to comment. Real recognise real. Kz

  25. Spaka if you are citizen of EU what are you doing here. I am sure you have more pressing issues to do with your adopted country. No one forces the EU to give grants and FYI the riches of the west originate from the exploitation of Africa. So my friend the EU IS NOT doing us any favours, it is what we are rightfully owed. Ati my taxes iwe unemployed chap claiming benefits.

    Please Read the last article by chitimukulu. There is a reason why only I was allowed to comment. Real recognise real. Kaizar

  26. If this is really KZ who was working from plot 1, then we have very serious leadership problems. That is not a mentality of a modern day leader. Such brutality, crudity, uncultured, fowl-mouthed, devilish hatred for others, etc. It is like there was an evolution warp where some dinosaurs escaped into modern day.

  27. Yes KZ represents serious leadership crisis we currently have in Zambia. So this KZ is advising the PF government to go to Annual Zambia-EU meeting to claim resources EU owes Zambia. Nkulilya muzindo ooku! It is like that insect which eats its own ass until it dies!

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