Monday, March 24, 2025

President Lungu has fired General Education Minister David Mabumba with immediate effect


President Edgar Lungu has fired General Education Minister David Mabumba with immediate effect. President Lungu has since transferred Minister of Water Development Dennis Wanchinga to the Ministry of General Education.

The head of state has also appointed Bwana Mukubwa Member of Parliament Jonas Chanda as Minister of Water Development.

The changes are with immediate effect.

The Head of state has since thanked Mr. Mabumba for his service to the country.

On Dr. Chanda’s, appointment the President has congratulated him and wished him God’s blessing.

This is contained in a statement issued by Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Isaac Chipampe.


    • Because LT is like most of our current pathetic internet publications it doesn’t tell us why he has been dropped. However ba President is trying to pretend he is a man of action when we all know about his inactions when taxpayers’ moneys are stolen or when his daughter steals state land. Can we have reasons behind the dropping of this minister explained by state house. You the media ba LT should be busy writing requests for just this information if you know your role as journalists. The president has to always be cross-examined for his actions. It is our money he is paid. He is not a King but a republican president

  1. Truly an example of why I have been propagating for more control and regulation of social media. The former minister is a victim of a childish individual who decided to leak personal content. It appears this was recorded by the said person probably without the consent of the former minister and then leaked. In normal circumstances the person who leaked this should be facing the law. There is no normal man on this planet who has not pleased himself, even as a teenage boy. Every one does it. It just so happens someone leaked this man’s private business. Sad but the president had no choice. I had to advise him to do so. Kz

  2. I personally have no problem with Mabumba’s private misbehaving as it has no direct impact on my life besides the issue being of public interest. One the other hand ECL failed to fire Chilufya who has stolen public funds. Funds which could have made sure there is more medicines & PPEs in our public hospitals. Please fire this Chilufya as well.

  3. Truly an example of why I have been propagating for more control and regulation of social media. The former minister is a victim of a childish individual who decided to leak personal content. It appears this was recorded by the said person probably without the consent of the former minister and then leaked. In normal circumstances the person who leaked this should be facing the law. There is no normal man on this planet who has not pleased himself, even as a teenage boy. Every one does it. It just so happens someone leaked this man’s private business. Sad but the president had no choice. I had to advise him to do so. What an entanglement. Kz

  4. Mr. Dishonourable David Mabumba, committed one of the most disgraceful acts to have happened in our country. Firing him was a good decision. But he needs serious counselling too, as a fallen child of God. But we must place this in the larger honest context: This is a portion and reflection of the PF regime. Reckless, corrupt and now confirmed again to be morralless. This will not be the last disagraceful act from PF, we all know. As Zambians, we must not surely live PF in government beyond the next 12 months. This appointment and firing reflects poorly on a clueless immitation of a man ruining and destroying this country. Zambian voters must equally fire Lungu next August and all his party apparatchiks. They are a complete disgrace to this country.

  5. Although I hate PF, there are too many holier than thous in Zambia. Very laughable because some of them even masturbate 5 times a day. The Harvard medical review says that masturbating is healthy and recommend at least 5 times a week. I follow the doctors orders before any moral religious lies. Self s.e.x is safe s.e.x

  6. Sad that he had to be disgraced in such a manner. The person that shared the video must face the law as well. Meanwhile, men please be careful with your choices of your concubines.

  7. I hope UPND will not be against this NOBLE firing.
    If Dora could throw up like that after watching ulufyono , then the video was indeed disgusting. Please stop comparing Mabumba to Lawrence Sichalwe…
    Lawrence circulating PoFo but Mabumba was producing. Mabumba was worse than that teenager girl daughter of minister Kaingu.
    Again, UPND please let Mabumba face his daughters over this.

  8. He’s only fired his male slay queen minister co’z elections are just around the corner.
    Surely ba J0n@ had set a dangerous precedent by not firing P0rnorable 2ichalwe after 2ichalwe’s own WhatsApp saga in the past & also not dealing with erring s@vag3s & crooks like “the real K@iser”, Kit0tela & now K!talu Kilufya. Meanwhile ba (G0d)fr!dah has failed to condemn this wrong doing, as her job is to only chastise the opposition, fill her belly & organise sham October national fake prayers.
    Lastly P02N0FRONT aka P.FMUSTGO!

  9. It’s such a sad moment for our ex minister.i pray that God will guide him through but my question is how did the person who leaked the video get access to it..!or maybe he was sending it to his girlfriend then she decided to leak it….all I can say is we are all human being we don’t know whom to trust

  10. After demonizing UPND with baseless accusations of being a gay friendly party, then boom. Let this be a lesson to all those “Holier than Thou” zealots in PF, we are all sinners and have fallen short of God’s standard. From witchcraft accusations (seer1) to this, it’s a new low for sure. Please don’t accuse others falsely. His wife must b gutted, I feel for the family…..what a “low” blow, certainly below the belt.

  11. After demonizing UPND as a gay friendly party without evidence, how is PF going to spin this ? All “holier than thou” zealots have been stunned. We are sinners indeed, from witchcraft accusations to this, low blow for sure, below the belt so to speak.

  12. Really laughable what a few coins can do in ones pocket at a later age then you throw in desperate poor young girls….this PF minister was playing candy camera whilst playing with his foooolish self buffing his banana for a girl flashing his job down the drain and humiliating his wife and children. I hope the police move in as well so he is removed as MP…let’s check his WhatsApp group there must be other big fish from Parliament Motel. Shameful foooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Humans masturbate, yes. But this is about whether he was being recorded by his girlfriend – allegedly, and who was blackmailing him for money, a house etc; hence as alleged, the leaking of the video when he did not deliver. Further, he is a leader with a family.

  14. Look at comment 7…that’s the impostor for you when the boy has nothing to say…he starts clogging other bloggers accounts as the fake has nothing to offer here.

  15. Is Mabumba`s story even surprising? What is unfortunate is the number of Zambians that vote for this PF.

  16. Ubu chengeshi,Sex hallucinations, Imitunko,ulunkumbwa,ubupulumushi, ubucende mu high authority of the land and you call your selves Christian’s .You are all cursed in PF.playing with your manhood and masterbating that is the only job you can do for mother zambia.We need repentant ,mature and dignified leadership to rule zambia once again.Mental issues right from the appointing authority. Lungu and PF have failed us zambians.Lets try new blood

  17. First of all, the current government has no proper strategists… the minister should have resigned on moral grounds by his own or the president should have advised him to. It would have shown some remorse and apology. Firing him with immediate effect is a dent to the already messed up image of PF. I am going pose this question…if this issue was let to slide, do you think the minister would have left? PF lacks image building or strategic spin doctors..sad really…



  20. @KAIZER speaks sense some times, and I agree there is no man who has not pleased himself at some point in their life, its just a pity this mans video had to be leaked.

  21. Have said it before that Ministry of National Guidance must set an office at Parliament Motel to offer their so called guidance to their own people whether they are opposition or ruing party these guys are the same and their habits are the same, men with too much money tend to misbehave. But then again which is worse masturbation or sleeping with another man’s wife? How many MPs and Ministers have been having extramarital affairs and are still in office?

  22. Dora threw up only because her vidoes are poor and show lungu as the pimp, this is what PF is about
    Pf must go or zambia dies

  23. The sin of Onan is catching up with PF and their dear brother leader and his religious minister including a feral party carder called Kaizer Zulu cannot recognise it.

  24. I hear there is a new video of another minister taking the rounds after the Mabumba one. It’s Dora this time seriously doing it with her sex toy, the only difference is that Dora has another woman in mind while at it, Nkandru Lunyo!

  25. Mabumba’s only crime is that his sin was exposed while for many others their sins are still concealed. Honourable, it is not the end of the world, take it easy, pick yourself up slowly, you have not committed murder, pray hard going forward. We have all fallen short of the glory

  26. Why get naked in front of a camera in the fist place? He knew the possible consequences. Yes someone can please himself but not in front of a camera. I can’t imagine how traumatized Mabumba’s wife and children are right now. Terribly sad!

  27. Hoooo you guys think about what you also do your secrete place.We are all victims of acts of human nature do not laugh because next it will be you in a different act mmmmmm kkkkkk

  28. Why get naked in front of a camera in the fist place? He knew the possible consequences. Yes someone can please himself but not in front of a camera. I can’t imagine how traumatized Mabumba’s wife and children are right now. Terribly sad!

  29. That is why we have to behave honorably even when no one is seeing because God is everywhere. We are all kings for crying out loud and our behavior should reflect that.

  30. Just look at them above trying to justify this behaviour of a married man who is a public official wanking off to a girl on social media whether behind doors its wrong full stop plus we pay for those bundles he is using there…I bet you there is some truth in what that boy Chellah was saying about Dora, I hope more girls come forward with evidence.

  31. This is a lesson to all, young and old, rich or poor, at home or abroad…….ONCE YOU RECORD/CAPTURE YOURSELF OR POST PERSONAL ISSUES ON LINE, YOU HAVE SURRENDERED YOURSELF TO THE ENTIRE GLOBE. YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL IN WHOSE HANDS THAT INFORMATION, PICTURES AND WORSE STILL YOUR VIDEOS, END UP INTO……..As much as we were laughing or cringing at the Dishonored Former Minister yesterday, this could happen to anyone and all it could take is one simple slip in judgment……My advice to the former Minister is to ask forgiveness from the nation, lay low for a while, resign from parliament if he needs to, so that he disappears for a couple of years and come back reformed.

  32. Very sad indeed. He was a hard working Minister and delivering. Also disappointing to me because he came across as a clean-cut guy to me. I think he didn’t know he was being filmed. I agree with No 17 above, Ariste Bance above, the President should have (privately) asked him to resign.

  33. This is a criminal offence, this rogue minister should appear in court for circulating indecency material and prove to court otherwise. Iris Kaingu courageously appeared in court and was fined. Where is the law this time. Lungu says he is innocent until proven guilty? Or not!

  34. Kaizar Zulu sometimes you speak sense mambala iwe….true Zambians are hypocrites they criticize even at things they’re fond of doing….

  35. What he did is a crime, and it should not just end at him being fired. let the law visit him. Remember Iris and Bobby east cases?

  36. You can’t blame Mabumba for Jezebel’s loose canonship. Guys s#!+ happens most of the time. Guys start downgrading your side chicks Technological advancements and usage. Guyz stop using WhatsApp video calls or anything to do with filming or recording. Check all side chicks for any hidden cameras.
    Boma iyanganepo. Had that videos not gone out we would be smiling as usual as if nothing happened. Almost all guyz especially old timers take technology for granted. Guyz scrutinize all your side chicks for mental disorder too. Under the camera all an be exposed.
    You can’t blame social media for people’s abuse of it. Blame the demented gal, becoz $#!t happened unusually.
    Police must move in to charge mabumba’z side chick for BLACKMAIL. $!11y chick.

  37. A gay couple in Kapiri Mposhi were jailed for 10 years on mere suspicion of being involved in gay acts. Now we have video evidence. How do we know that he is not gay? Take him to court and let him produce his crime partner whether male or female and be answerable to the law on indecent material. Onanism is a sin in the the Holy Bible. Rev Sumaili should spend more time on her knees reading the Bible than in front of the mirror applying makeup.

  38. I just cannot imagine how terrible Mabumba’s night was. I am sure Mrs Mabumba could not sleep and had to wake him up around 03.00 hrs to ask him again what made him do that. She must have told him, “kwena bashi mwana mwansebanya, chiwa nshi chamimine pakuti amulachita ifi ifyabungwa palwalala?”

  39. If as a woman or man you have never touched yourself please upvote this comment.
    If you have ever touched yourself please down vote

  40. Please put David Mabumba on suicide watch and intense counselling for his wife and most importantly his innocent CHILDREN.

  41. There is nothing like pleasing himself the age summarize everything, disgrace is disgrace and it should never be embraced frankly my father need total cancelling otherwise the whole party is…………..

  42. And all those criticizing Mabumba….you probably online right now doing the same thing….just dont get caught…otherwise i blame it the woman…she’s nasty…work hard for your money chimbwi instead of trying to black mail hard working prople makaka iwe…..

  43. Firing niyamene manje kafiringdwe. I feel he should have been given chance to express remorse by resigning. Like this, you have just hit a man who is already on the ground.

  44. Lungu should fire thieving. Ministers eg Chitalu Chilufya, Kampyongo etc…..why was mabumba fired……what wrong did he do???? The President of the USA admitted forcibly touching women’s pusssyss and he is in the whitehouse

  45. I think the events of the last two months have exposed the real nature of Zambians in leadership from Luapula. Where ever you hear of stinking stealing on sexual perversion, you will find at the centre of such malfeasance a Luapulan “tubulu”. Look at Dr Chitalu Chilufya (stealing), David Mabumba (se.xual wanking pervert) , Dr Chileshe Mulenga (adulterous pervert). One wonders, is this a cultural thing or it’s the air and water they share with their Katangese cousins that has made them such rotten human beings? Look at Chitalu Chilufya, he appears in court for “robbery” and all the Luapula “chieves” came out “munyololo” to give him moral support. The day the Litunga does that for any thieving Lozi will be the day he will be decalred a Luunda or Aushi, kuuuunya!

  46. I think the events of the last two months have exposed the real nature of Zambians in leadership from Luapula. Where ever you hear of stinking stealing on sexual perversion, you will find at the centre of such malfeasance a Luapulan “tubulu”. Look at Dr Chitalu Chilufya (stealing), David Mabumba (se.xual wanking pervert) , Dr Chileshe Mulenga (adulterous pervert). One wonders, is this a cultural thing or it’s the air and water they share with their Katangese cousins that has made them such rotten human beings? Look at Chitalu Chilufya, he appears in court for “robbery” and all the Luapula “chieves” came out “munyololo” to give him moral support. The day the Litunga does that for any thieving Lozi will be the day he will be decalred a Luunda or Aushi, kuuuunya!!!!!

  47. @Ngombala Ikandulwa – you are being a little tribal here, ain’t you? Address the issue, not the person’s tribe. You are at risk of sounding like some racists who think all black men are criminals.

  48. I am sure there are other tumagirlfriends out there who are threatening to do the same or else!!! Kikiki! Wapya muzi. Lets roll guys. There are loads of videos out there lets see them now and learn our lessons. Its not too late. The sad side is that I just hope and pray that my kama girl did not take clips of those great moments we had together – yaba!!

  49. He broke the 11th commandment. ‘Thou shalt not be caught.’
    The Cabinet, including the President, are all laughing at him now.

  50. Some of you your right arm biceps are even bigger than your left because of too much fwap fwap, and yet here you are laughing at an unfortunate event

  51. Some of you your right arm biceps are even bigger than your left because of too much fwap fwap, and yet here you are laughing at an unfortunate event. Kz

  52. Some of you your right arm biceps are even bigger than your left because of too much fwap fwap, and yet here you are laughing at an unfortunate event. Lets not be quick to judge

  53. Some of you your right arm biceps are even bigger than your left because of too much fwap fwap, and yet here you are laughing at an unfortunate event. Lets not be quick to judge. Kz x

  54. Kunta umutwe, tumone pankoto! PF is now in the throes of something in all areas of human endeavor. Neo zokamba apa palibe koma.

  55. @kaizer Zulu, men touch their organ when they go to urinate, not in front of a camera or do you? How do you remove yours when you pee? Strange guy this dIck head Zulu!

  56. why hide in your cements. that is healthy. Men and women be careful with these partners of yours. that’s why you have dull relationships. whats wrong with what the minister was doing. Its the one who released video who is supposed to be put behind bars. Is it a sin? Let us know because most of people in the world are doing it to keep themselves safe.

  57. @KZ…there is no way u can control social media unfortunately..even the owners like Mark Zuckerberg are failing. You KZ think you can control it. The onus is on individuals to be responsible. What the minister did needs a public apology..but then again, apologising has never been a PF strong point. I just feel for the dishonourable ministers children and wife.

  58. Anyway, sad as we are for him to lose his job during covid19 pandemic, it’s understandable, as education Minister, he must be careful about his personal presentation to the public. And such scandal for a man in charge of our children’s educational welfare cannot be tolerated.

    He now has all the time for pleasure.

    He is wronged by the person who breached his privacy by publishing.

    Where is the video again…….. ;-))

  59. Some smart kids thought the minister was holding a lollipop and are asking whether the minister is fired for stealing a lollipop … Kikikiki
    There are definitely worse “Action” videos out there that are yet to come out if endless demands are not met.
    Some will be having sleepless nights because of some personal videos they have shared.
    Mabumba is one person we thought was a person of reason in PF but probably he got corrupted by bad Company. Sorry means but life must go on.

  60. Hope David Mabumba is not symptomatic of most PF senior cadres in high offices with high salaries enabling them into strange acts morally.

  61. LUNGU’S law jik is coming to haunt him. He thought he was cleverer than KK and all the others who used to suspend or fire ministers who have been arrested. Now, his innocent until proved guilty rant is going nowhere. This minister has not been proved to be guilty. He did nothing ILLEGAL. He broke no law. There is nowhere in the Penal Code where it says, You shall not touch yourself in a video call. Lungu punishes innocent people and rides with the guilty, helping them to escape.

  62. This is not just about masturbation. I don’t understand how some bloggers don’t get it – or is it convenient ignorance? It’s about a married cabinet minister allegedly filmed by his girlfriend and subsequently her leaking the video when he allegedly failed to deliver on her demands for ‘resources’ – which included a house. This is not the first time. Another minister had a leaked video last year – and yet, do we not hear these PF leaders proclaiming night and day on ‘mountain tops’ about values and morals? In fact, one of the official opening of Parliament by ECL in recent years was on the theme of values and good examples from the leadership. How then, can some of you dismiss this as a ‘by the way’?

  63. The lady in question apparently has a husband who was allegedly offered K50,000 not to have the video released. His wife has since disappeared. Mabumba is married and videos were shared. Nothing wrong? Or is this this the benchmark for morality in this regime? Was this a ‘personal’ video that was stolen and leaked? That would be a different issue. Why are some of you ignoring the underlying perimeters?

  64. The sad news linked to former Minister of General Education should sober up many Zambians. In this regard the UPND leaders who have some trace of moral uprightness must advise their followers to reflect on the state of morality of all political leaders, especially taking into account the social and political judgement of HH when he singly and dictatorially nominated Charmaine Musonda as UPND candidate for Chilanga. It is time to forge ahead and deliver development country wide under the able leadership of President ECL.

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