Sunday, October 6, 2024

There is No Constitutional Basis to Dethrone Chiefs in Zambia–Mucheleka


United Party for National Development-UPND-deputy secretary general for Administration, Patrick Mucheleka says the accusations against the UPND that party president, Hakainde Hichilema intends to dethrone the Paramount Chief of the Bemba speaking people once in office is baseless and unfounded.

Speaking during a radio programme dubbed “Burning Issue” on 5FM radio this morning, Mucheleka stated that the current Republican Constitution doesn’t provide for the removal of traditional leaders through Government decree.

He said that those who were peddling lies to that effect were ill-informed on the matter and that they wanted to play politics over an issue that was the preserve of the establishment of traditional affairs which were built on systems of succession through lineages.

He reminded the Mwinelubemba that it was not the UPND, but the PF, through Bill Number of 2019, who wanted to meddle in the affairs of traditional leaders in the country, heighten succession wrangles and eventually remove the heirs to the throne for political expediency.

Mucheleka noted that the rumours circulating alleging that Mr Hichilema was a sworn enemy of the party were ill-informed, adding that President Hichilema advocated for the ascendance to the Bemba royal throne following late President Michael Chilufya Sata’s decision to sent 500 heavily armed Paramilitary forces to the Palace to prevent him from ascending to the throne in 2011.

He has since warned the Chitimukulu to desist from taking part in active politics, saying if the Mwinelubemba wanted to join active politics, he should come out from traditional leadership and announce his intent publicly.


  1. Waiting on the rabid UPND hater known as Kaizar Zulu to attack HH and Mucheleka on this one.

  2. In fact,Edgar Lungu then Home Affairs minister , ordered hundreds of police to patrol the chiefs palace in 2013. Media articles covering the event are their for all to read.
    Its strange that the chief has conveniently forgotten this.

  3. Kanyanta Sosala doesn’t have any thread of credibility left in him. Nobody in their right mind would consider him a stable to be a traditional leader. That is why Sata didn’t want him to even a chief, let alone Chitimukulu.
    Himself revealed his long held secret that he was the mastermind of the a grand theft from Barclays in 1968! Sata knew this and is one of the reasons he did want Sosa to be a chief; a thieving Chief! It’s a pity this Old Arse cant just grow old gracefully.

  4. Kanyanta Sosala doesn’t have any thread of credibility left in him. Nobody in their right mind would consider him a stable to be a traditional leader. That is why Sata didn’t want him to even a chief, let alone Chitimukulu.
    Himself revealed his long held secret that he was the mastermind of the a grand theft from Barclays in 1968! Sata knew this and is one of the reasons he did want Sosa to be a chief; a thieving Chief! It’s a pity this Old Thief cant just grow old gracefully.

  5. Sosala is playing tribal politics as usual, which is highly unfortunate because if he does not realize, most Zambians are sick and tired of his people’s stinking tribalism that has seriously divided this country! If he wants he can go back to his damn Mwata Yamvo’s Kola in Katanga, f**k him!

  6. Mucheleka continues to insult Chitimukulu. How can a Chitimukulu resign as chief to go stand as MP ?
    The Zambian constitution doesn’t prevent a chief to stand as a Political party leader. So Chitimukulu has a right to challenge the vacant PF president candidate for 2021.

  7. It is well documented that upnd is a tribal grouping. Due to this, over the years hh has desperately tried to get popular bembas into vice president position in hope that they will help him win the north vote. By the way who is the vice president of upnd? That in itself will show you that upnd is a one man party with hh

  8. Patrick Mucheleka must be ashamed of himself, what about the spirited propaganda and attacks on Mwine Lubemba? Again we know that most of Hichilema’s choices are wrong. Mucheleka was appointed by Hichilema and he serves at his pleasure. If the UPND wanted a Bemba in their midst they should’ve opted for Chimumbwa. Mucheleka came out a distant 3rd while Chimumbwa an independent was a close 2nd. Had he Party support he could’ve carried the day. You can win the battle on social media but we’ll see who’ll laugh last. Mwine Lubemba will reduce apathy to 20%, do your maths

  9. What a bunch of clowns!! Realising that they are not in power yet and that the insult on the Chitimukulu has damaging political consequences on their aspirations, they are trying to play the victim again. Patrick, do you think the people in those three provinces will believe you or the Chitimukulu?? Campaigning there will be hell, my retarded friend.

  10. Mucheleka ukutumpa, you are challenging the Chitimukulu to join politics. Are you in your right senses? You have always masqueraded as coming from the Bemba royal family when it is well known the surname you carry was something you adopted from your step father who was governor in the UNIP era who married your mum. Your dad was a Southerner. The more reason you are being insolent to the Chitimukulu. For if you were from the Bemba royal family, you would not be so disrespectful to the Chitimukulu. I know you in and out from Luwingu. So, stop being insolent iwe mambala.

  11. Wait a minute. Chitimukulu accused HH and milupi of a plot to unseat him. UPND Supporters are calling him tribal. Explain to me how. Does attacking upnd make one tribal. His accusations were on HH and milupi not on Tonga people. The guilty are always afraid

  12. Whn I weigh in with a viewpoint, my aim is always to help the person concerned to become better than they hv performed. I hold the view that all normal people are capable of being better persons if they are given a chance. Not a very easy position to adopt in so corrupt a society. Now the PF are themselves calling each other corrupt and suspending local authorities they themselves control. But are Zambians learning any lessons about hw to give power to politicians? The same old pointless dancing, singing and corrupted religiosity continue. Every political meeting starts with a prayer but all kinds of evil things soon follow. Why’s it not the minister of national values and principles Godfridah Sumaili telling us about corruption in PF but Matero MP Lloyd Kaziya?

  13. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    The same PF numskull from comment #8 to # 11 repeating themselves and spewing out the same garbage under different aliases.

    Truth is Chitimukulu’s reputation is tainted and damaged forever! Dude really appears to be insecure, speaking of dethroning and apparently some Chinese wanted to make him leader of fimo, fimo. His complex is pretty dangerous, always quoting colonial masters on historical records, as if to validate his points. Why doesn’t he quote his own ancestors?

    A ‘Chief’? More like a ‘thief’; a ‘Chiti’, more like a ‘Cheat’, a fraud, Lisholi Kawalala who confessed to stealing stamped mailbox full of cash. Bummer!

  14. Patrick Mucheleka is simply putting the records right and hsi so called fellow Bembas insinuate, insulting Chitimukulu. Well, well, well “Blowing out someone’s candle doesn’t make yours shine any better”. All what Zambians know now is that the emperor has no clothes on, he’s naked.

  15. Why should a number of us even waste our time on this matter? It’s all about peddling propaganda by PF drawing the thin skinned Chitimukulu into being ridiculed and insulted for the miscalculation! Mucheleka is nephew of GBM, and GBM is nephew of the Chitimukulu! (In other circumstances the Chitimukulu could even be nephew to Mucheleka!) Whatever is the feud let’s just leave them alone to sort themselves out) No need to involve their free choice party affiliation! Kukana ukutontonkanya!

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