Monday, March 3, 2025

PF must now begin to cement the gains it is making in formerly UPND strongholds-Davies Mwila


PF Secretary General Davies Mwila says the ruling party must now begin to cement the gains it is making in formerly UPND strongholds while continuing its efforts to replicate similar results elsewhere.

Mr Mwila says as the PF celebrates the victory in 10 of the 30th July Ward by-elections, PF must ensure that UPND have not closed their eyes.

He has thanked party structures and all members at grassroots level, for their untiring efforts to familiarize our fellow citizens with the PF’s Developmental Agenda. Indeed, your gallant efforts comrades have and are yielding desired fruit!

The Patriotic Front has won ten Wards, eight of these in the heart of the opposition UPND. These recent victories by the PF including those ones in UPND strongholds include some of the following:

Nakanya Ward of Nalikwanda, Western Province; Chabale Ward in Serenje, Central Province; Lobufu Ward in North Western Province; Nyoka Ward in North Western Province; Silumbu Ward in Sesheke, Western Province; Imusho Ward in Sioma, Western Province; and Nangweshi Ward in Sioma, Western Province among others.

Below is a full statement…


31st July 2020

As you may already be aware, the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has won ten (10) Wards, eight (8) of these in the heart of the opposition UPND. These recent victories by the PF including those ones in UPND strongholds include some of the following:

Nakanya Ward of Nalikwanda, Western Province; Chabale Ward in Serenje, Central Province; Lobufu Ward in North Western Province; Nyoka Ward in North Western Province; Silumbu Ward in Sesheke, Western Province; Imusho Ward in Sioma, Western Province; and Nangweshi Ward in Sioma, Western Province among others.

As the PF celebrates these monumental victories, the Party leadership wishes to sincerely thank its structures and all members at grassroots level, for their untiring efforts to familiarize our fellow citizens with the PF’s Developmental Agenda. Indeed, your gallant efforts comrades have and are yielding desired fruit!

As PF, we must therefore begin now, to cement the aforementioned gains in these formerly UPND strongholds, while continuing our efforts to replicate similar results elsewhere.

Elections at Ward level are extremely important because they reflect the real voices and desires of ‘ordinary’ citizens at grassroots level. To our people in Chiengi, your Government hears you! The PF winning one (01) Ward in a UPND stronghold could have been termed as a fluke or ‘stroke of luck’ by some sections of our society. However, the PF taking away eight (08) wards in UPND strongholds cannot be a fluke, it is a pattern. A pattern which reaffirms a self-evident fact that: the opposition, both individually and collectively, cannot unseat the ruling PF. A pattern which confirms that, the wind of change is sweeping across the formerly UPND strongholds. A pattern which reaffirms the fact that, where UPND used to win by landslides at grassroots level, even if they win now, they do so by very small and negligible margins.

This is because, like the Scriptures have said in Isaiah 32:3:

“Then the eyes of those who see will not be blinded, And the ears of those who hear will listen.”

Again, in Luke 24:31;

“Then their eyes were opened and they recognized…”

At grassroots level in UPND strongholds; the eyes of our fellow citizens are not blinded and their ears have listened regarding the visible development being implemented by the PF Government. Our people at grassroots level have opened their eyes and increasingly recognize the Development Agenda being driven by the ruling PF under the leadership of His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.

To all Party structures and members everywhere, let us always remember that the Patriotic Front Party is a grassroots movement; a movement of the “people”. Therefore, we must constantly listen to the voices and wishes of our people at grassroots level, while selling the Patriot Front’s Transformative Manifesto.


Hon Davies Mwila

Secretary General

Patriotic Front

Party Headquarters



  1. HH must wake up. Swallow pride and be in league with people who understand politics in Zambia. He needs atleast one or two heavyweights and that will seal it all.

  2. You are wasting your time and money buying counsellors and creating unnecessary by Elections so you can keep appeasing and lying to yourselves that your party is popular. You can’t even work. Spending all the money on bye Elections. Wait for the 2021 earthquake.

  3. The results are cooked up and if PF are basing on these ward results as testing for their popularity that is delusional.

    Who doesn’t know that results are cooked up in conjunction with ECZ.

    PF must go!

  4. Just accept that you are defeated, if you start crying foul now on the local bye elections, what will happen if you are defeated in 2021 general elections. Time to work hard is now, we don’t want any one to cry foul after general elections. The only problem with the opposition you like winning in the media but on the ground you are always beaten.

  5. Exactly the same language MMD was using when they were winning bye elections with a better economic management of the economy than the failed PF regime.

  6. Some gullible characters believe this is a true reflection on the ground, you must have just jumped off the bus. This cant be a true reflection on any given day. Wait and see. The same MMD tricks with their President finally crying on their dead NBC TV will repeat itself.

  7. Alliance partners don’t add any value to UPND. I now believe one article I read last week or so here by Issac.

  8. Congratulations PF.

    Keep working hard through the current foggy environment. When the road is covered by trees, cut a road through to pass on to victory.

  9. This is what seer1 calls village elections which are easy to rig and besides with each win pf is going to cost themselves a big election. What if all those wards you wining and the people don’t perform. Pf is also spending colossal amount of money bribing voters which they won’t be able to do in town. Let’s not forget pf was losing big elections and they resorted to ward elections

  10. Congratulations PF for your win!
    Congratulations UPND and NDC for your loss!
    You both deserve the outcomes you got!
    PF is showing a spirited fight.
    The opposition have fallen into Seer1’s trap. Just because Seer1 said HH will win in 2021 does not mean he has won. It’s 50:50. Learn to cross the bridge when you get there! The opposition parties should forget about unseating PF because of the external Chinese factor! If the opposition parties want to win 2021, HH and CK must step down and field a new face!

  11. By elections are not the same as general elections as most people are not interested in voting since they consider it a waste of time. MMD used to win all by elections when they were in power but look what happened to them come general elections.

  12. The congratulatory messages have been pouring in all day. Thank you mwebantu. I have not had a single one from the majority of the angry evil diasporans. Swallow your pride and listen to my advice. I have been telling you for years now that upnd in it’s current state and considering how formidable we as pf are , will never win an election. Doing the same things expecting a different result is madness. Can I hear from tarino who is obsessed with imposters kikiki

  13. PF don’t think Zambians are so stupid as you think with so many scandals you say you are winning cooked up results 2021 no rigging PF must go.

  14. This like a boxer boasting of winning a fight with an opponent who’s hands were tied ………..

    Only PF were allowed to campain using covid as an excuse….


  15. WARD elections are worthless. Why would you even make a statement over them? A single counsellor out of how many in each municipality ? Who are the majority, mayor or chairperson and to which party? Dont understand the pointless fixation with a few wards when we both know its the MP and Presidential vote that matters which is unlikely to change.

  16. Who cares about bye elections ? 2021 ndiye yamene tifuna….so go ahead n enjoy the mock election victory but KUYA BEBELE.

  17. this is a win win game but on the ground the ruling party is more at a loss than the opposition parties.

  18. The strategy by the ruling party (PF) is working, buy off Councillors in the Opposition perceived strong hold, then create by-election and make sure they win it at all cost. When they win those induced by election, they are sending a message to the whole world that PF is still popular in the ground and come 2021 they will win the General Election. Their intention is to sow a seed of despair among the Opposition Political Parties and to make them think they can not win the General Election. Opposition Parties wake don’t fall in PF strategy, if they induce a by elections, don’t contest let them go un opposed so that you re-organize and meet them next year in the General Election after all its only 12 months to go. What PF Government has done is to create extreme poverty so that it will…

  19. The strategy by the ruling party (PF) is working, buy off Councilors in the Opposition perceived strong hold, then create by-election and make sure they win it at all cost. When they win those induced by election, they are sending a message to the whole world that PF is still popular on the ground and come 2021 they will win the General Election. Their intention is to sow a seed of despair among the Opposition Political Parties and to make them think they can not win the General Election. Opposition Parties wake up don’t fall for PF strategy, if they induce a by elections, don’t contest let them go un opposed so that you re-organize and meet them next year in the General Election after all its only 12 months to go. What PF Government has done is to create extreme poverty so that it…

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