Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Government Appoints Administrators for Suspended Lusaka and Kitwe City Councils


The government has appointed Nixon Nkwapu and Adam Jere as administrators for Lusaka and Kitwe councils respectively for a period of 90 days.

Local Government Minister Charles Banda says the appointment of the two administrators is to pave way for investigation into alleged illegal land allocations in the two local authorities.

Dr. Banda says the local government administrators will discharge the functions of the councils which will include policy and decision making among others.

He was speaking during a media briefing in Lusaka this afternoon.

Dr. Banda said the government will not tolerate any misconduct from councilors or council officials in the service delivery process.

Last week, the Ministry of Local Government suspended Lusaka and Kitwe city councils over alleged illegalities in land allocations.


  1. I guess this will pave way for the investigations to be done without fear or favour!! Well done Honourable Minister!!

  2. Both KCC and LCC hv internal audit wings I believe. They know exactly what has been going on. In fact I hope the minister will renew the ban whn it expires in October. We won’t miss Miles Sampa in Lusaka. He has failed to provide leadership.

  3. Great stuff. Cleaning out the mess. Every so often you need to unblock dirty pipes and sometimes it takes replacing them in their entirety. The latter is what is happening. Sometimes you need to drastically take the bull by its horns. We await the progress report on this which will be shared with his excellency. Kz

  4. Hope you have not forgotten about the workers who are still owed months of Salary arrears as you go about your petty fights! It’s unthinkable that the government is the first to break labour laws. How do you think workers are surviving? No wonder Councils are now charging abnormal property rates as though to punish property owners. If these rates are not revised downwards, we are changing ubuteko! Why should residents pay for government mistakes? Amano ububi!

  5. We need to review the Local Government Act that gives such authority to Ministers such as corrupt Chink minister Charles Banda as if a Mayor is a junior officer to the appointed minister as is the case here where we have a corrupt outfit in the ruling party is fearful of the attention its mayors are getting through their hard work. Who is undertaking these selfsame investigations? The corrupt minister himself, why has this not been passed over to ACC…why are ministers charged with corruption still serving as Public officials? Who is going to pay these govt administers and what is their background …this is why PF wants Bill 10 so badly so they can have dull yes man at municipal level.

  6. This is good move. But doing an investigation within 90 days is impossible, especially if the administrators want to settle and begin to understand how these systems work. Hope the suspension is extended to at least 180 additional days.

  7. This is good move. But doing an investigation within 90 days is impossible, especially if the administrators want to settle and begin to understand how these systems work. Hope the suspension is extended to at least 180 additional days. Let’s be thorough

  8. What’s happening in Zambia is recipe for civil war. The Northwest, Central, Lusaka, Southern and Barotseland comprise close to 70 percent of the population but have near to zero representation in this PF govt. every time you hear a Lozi, Tonga, Kaonde, Lamba or Luvale name in PF, it’s being fired!

  9. We are getting deeper into a pandemic and you decide to suspend the local authorities implementing the mitigation measures??

  10. @Nyangwamuloty.
    Nkwapu is Tonga and is PLGO for Western Province. Why should each appointment be associated with tribe imwe ba fee color kanshi. This is the more reason I will never vote for HH coz of you bast1ards. Why should you always see tribalism in everything. Have you ever been to Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs and see for yourself how tongalized that ministry is just because the first PS Chiboonta was Tonga and ended up employing anything that sounded Tonga. And for you non Tongas especially Kaondez and Lambas, these tribalists are just using you

  11. By the way, what’s the history behind the cousinship between Kaondes and Tongas apart from political expediency? Atleast Lozis and Kaondes fought at Kamusongole

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