Wednesday, February 5, 2025

PF Not Bribing UPND Councilors, it’s a crime and UPND should report their bribed councilors for prosecution


By Marvin Chanda Mberi

The wind of continuation for the ruling PF is now blowing nearly in all corners of the country as it has now become stable in the once upon a time UPND strongholds.

The popularity of UPND and its life President Hakainde Hichilema is fading and melting like butter in the Sahara desert while the popularity of PF is raising at an alarming rate like the sun rising from the horizon after dusk.

This is attributed to the mature and issue-based politics that the PF has embarked on with the development-oriented approach.

The massive resignation of councilors in UPND has brought about insecurity as the chances of the UPND coming second are reducing.

We have noted the growing tendency of UPND to attribute massive resignations to alleged corruption which we have carefully scrutinized and established to be untrue.

This is the lame excuse which has become an alternative way of blackmailing their political opponents who with vigor and determination will eliminate HH at the political battlefront.

It is inconceivable that to assume that the attention-seeking UPND can have evidence of bribery, conceal it and dare not to publish it in the press.

For a fact, bribery constitutes a criminal offense and UPND will do well to handover their councilors to the relevant institutions for prosecution as opposed to parading elderly people to expose their lack of consistency.

To the contrary, it is the UPND coercing its councilors not to resign to the party of mass movement and national character.

This is a scheme and the new political strategy UPND is using to quench their desperation to remain relevant in this era were the PF is the sole people’s choice.

We suspect and expect to see more UPND councilors taking resignations and later rescind their decisions with a view to seeking political attention.

We say so because in this era, financial transactions have a proper paper trail and beside their oral assertions, there is no other connecting link between the allegations and members of the ruling party or indeed any other official.

There is growing intolerance and dictatorial culture which is well entrenched in UPND. The inordinate delay by UPND to replace the two departed vice presidents exposes that the UPND under Hichilema will grant the President despotic power to the extent that he will concurrently be performing the functions of the President and that of the Vice President.

UPND is at the verge of being relegated to a regional party once the campaign mode commences as many big wigs will flex their political six pack and join the winning team.

Having sensed the pending humiliating defeat, the oldest active opposition party knows so well that it is at the verge of historic defeat and this is why they are hitting out in desperation.

For a fact, the PF is not on the business of buying people, it is a voluntary association that values the right of citizens to belong to the political party of their choice. The PF’S preoccupation is to popularize the political agenda of President Lungu and the various political programs.

The preoccupation if PF is to carry on the mantle, preach the gospel to the unconverted whilst leaving no stone unturned. We refuse to be the reason their political shutting down.

We can only assure the UPND to brace themselves for mass exodus at the 11th hour preceding the election which will usher in President Lungu for the second term in office.

We wish to repeat our earlier timely request for Mr Hichilema to quit politics and concentrate to pursue his calling in the corporate world.

We say so as we are concerned with the timely warning he was given by his sympathizers of possible manhandling at the hands of his sympathizers should he suffer defeat at the hands of ECL.


  1. His article is as a result of Hallucination motivated by fear of losing the undeserved current benefits being received.

  2. Rubbish article indeed, learn from MMD. They thought they had everything you name it.

    For people to love you do what is ought to be done for them.

    This cheap propaganda will make you vegetative state next year on the judgement day.

  3. Hehehehe….say that to people who are not well informed. We know PF cannot win an election without rigging or offering heavy bribes. Infact bribing the voters is a form of rigging. No one in their right mind would support this government unless they are heavily bribed

  4. Last year I questioned why ACC never arrest bribed UPND councillors. Yesterday a councillor said he sold seat for 150000, PF kwacha, but the customer delivered just PFzk75000, therefore reversed the sale.
    Is anyone thinking anymore in Zambia?

  5. I have been saying the same. If a crime such as bribery is committed why not report to relevant authorities. If you don’t report it, then you are committing a crime. You see the problem with African politics is that opposition see corruption allegations as a campaign tool. This thinking has been fed into these dull politicians through western world propaganda of labelling Africans as untrustworthy and thieves. Unfortunately our friends in opposition are playing to the gallery. And you wonder why the same westerners look down on our race

  6. @Madilu System why do you cheat yourselves that the same thing happened to MMD? This narrative is misleading, check your facts, you will see it’s the opposite.

  7. LT reports to please its master. Such a story if attributed to an opposition party stands no chance of being published. We are alive to commentaries of individuals that have not been published due to critical views expressed about the party in government. Its a big ask in Zambia to expect free and fair coverage, Prime Tv closure is enough evidence. LT is/has been a PF pendage and your publicity of this opinion is not vindication of your status.

  8. And if UPND report this bribery of PF buying their councilors to Police, what will Police do?

  9. When UPND MPs start resigning that is when you should worry, not mere counsellors who are underpaid for the work they do.

  10. And even if they reported to the most toothless organization in the country called ECZ, nothing nothing nothing would happen

  11. Just like marijuana and alcohol cause
    hallucination, rigged elections have the same effect. You start seeing contracts to supply ubufi, violence, ubuchende etc.

  12. You people are truly unfair.
    Had PF lost in these by elections,I am sure there were going to be big headlines in the Mast,Zambian Observer and Zambian Watchdog to the effect that PF is finished and stands no Chance in 2021.

  13. If you use false propaganda with malicious allegations against innocent people, you will inevitably fail. Because truth is power.

    Most human beings are tuned in to safety and self preservation. We know when others mean to harm us or others. UPND failed to understand the basics of human decency. They are asking Zambians to ignore the economic improvements in their lives, the quality of life brought about from the injections of infrastructural improvements and the quality of life brought about by owning their own homes no matter how humble it is. We have upheavals caused by global economy challenges but, PF have put their heads on the block and concentrated with the job at hand headed by President Lungus’ calm, respectful demeanour which gives confidence in him from voters.

  14. This trash can only come from Monday Chanda.HH is surely giving these pathetic fools sleepless nights.That is what happens when you gsin power using Seer 1 without a vision.The economy is on the verge of collapse and our debt levels are out of the roof and we are preoccupied with HH.Corruption is the order of the day and hospitals have no drugs and clinical staff, teachers have no jobs,covid 19 testing kits have been stolen, no rule of law and we can only blame HH.A visionless leader blames everybody but himself.

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