Monday, March 3, 2025

Nevers Mumba visits Chief Chitimukulu as he readies party structures eager to take part in upcoming By-Elections


In his continued inspection of MMD structures, Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba has visited selected structures in Northern Province.

His visit started with a courtesy call on His Royal Highness Paramount Chief Chitimukulu. The Mwine Lubemba hosted Dr Mumba and his entourage in an hour long meeting, in which they discussed cross cutting issues including future developmental projects for the region.

The New Hope MMD President was accompanied by the National Secretary Hon. Elizabeth Chitika, the Chairman for Elections Mr Tobias Maliti, the Chairman for Arts and Culture Rev Ntalasha, the Chairman for Mines Hon Steven Mukuka and the Provincial leaders.

Dr Mumba and his delegation offered their condolences on the demise of Lukashya Member of Parliament Hon Munkonge.
The delegation later held meetings with the Lukashya and Kasama Central Constituency officials, Kasama District and Provincial Committees who overwhelmingly elected to contest the upcoming Lukashya by- election.

Dr Mumba was delighted to note that Northern Province was without a doubt, enthusiastically MMD. After the inspection of the structures, it was clear that the leadership challenges of the past three years had only helped to strengthen the resolve of the Party.

The Provincial Chairman for Northern Province, Mr Chibeka was delighted to host Dr Mumba and his delegation in the province. He congratulated Dr Mumba for putting up a resilient fight to defend democracy which was threatened by the now-disbanded faction which had wanted to usurp power undemocratically.

He informed the MMD President that the members who where misled by that disbanded faction had returned to the party and were ready to vote for the New Hope MMD and ensure Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba is ushered into State House next year.


The Provincial Chairman underscored the Party’s readiness to participate in the forthcoming by election in Lukashya Constituency.


Nevers Mumba with paramount Chief Chitimukulu
Nevers Mumba with paramount Chief Chitimukulu
Nevers Mumba with the party structures in Northern Province
Nevers Mumba with the party structures in Northern Province


  1. I cant wait for 2021 so that some of these Nonsensical thieving Politicians can vanish especially Nevers Mumba….

  2. Good luck to mmd and all other parties. May the best party win. Oh how wonderful is democracy. We then you ba FTJ chiluba.

  3. The Chief who has a short memory.
    Now we know why HE (MHSRIP) Mr sata did not want him to be Chief.
    30 pieces of silver does that ring a bell.

  4. But ba nevers where are masks and social distancing for your people? was that gathering held in the bush as well? PF is like a child who had completely nothing and abused by a step mother, when such individuals get something in life they tend to become have a shaka mentality.

  5. Courtesy call on the Chief! ??? I think it’s inconsiderate and most discourteous to visit an elderly Chief at this time of the pandemic, without face masks nor observance of distancing. Doesnt this group realise that elderly people are at highest risk of suffering severely from Covid-19? Unbelievable!

  6. Owee!! mayo tawalalofya imfumu yesu. Iwe Nevers kuti waya kwi sano ku musumba ukwabula mask? Teti ukwate ne nsoni sha kukopwa ifikope na mulopwe kanabesa ukwabula mask?

  7. While other are busy on Twitter and Facebook despite their Party losing elections at least Nervers Mumba has visited his structures, that’s proper mobilization. Even Chellah Tukuta and Pilato are very popular on shosho media get on the ground they have zero support. People on Twitter don’t cast ballots

  8. Iwe ka Ayatollah, which support on the ground?playing ichi dunu with mediocre disgraced chiefs like Chiti mukulu, u call that support?

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