Friday, March 14, 2025

COVID-19 must not derail my Government’s development agenda, President Lungu tells Provincial Ministers


President Edgar Lungu yesterday received regional cluster reports from provincial ministers and directed them not to relent as they strive to improve the welfare of the people.

Addressing the ministers, the President did not mince words about his desire to see development in all regions of the country. President Lungu said COVID-19 must not derail his Government’s development agenda and urged his ministers not to take their feet off the pedal.

The President told his ministers, “You all know that, as Government, we are more than ever before called upon to improve the welfare of our people and to ensure equitable development across the 10 regions of our country.”

President Lungu added that the global emergency as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has exerted pressure on Government to unprecedented levels.

The President said social and economic needs “of our people have been adversely impacted by the pandemic.”

The President urged all Ministries, Government Departments, and Agencies to ensure they enforce measures put in place to safeguard people’s health and lives.

He told the ministers that he expects them to use innovative approaches to continue to attract investment into their provinces.

“As this is one way of safeguarding livelihoods, providing employment opportunities and ensuring continuity in economic activities which are a bedrock of national survival,” the President said.

Also in the meeting were Finance Minister Dr Bwa/ya Ng’andu, Secretary to the Cabinet Dr Simon Miti, Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet Christopher Mvunga and Permanent Secretaries.

The provincial ministers were Mr Nathaniel Mubukwanu (North-Western, Chair of the Cluster), Mr Japhen Mwakalombe (Copperbe/t), Dr Edify Hamukale (Southern Province), Mr Lazarous Chungu (Northern), Mr Makebi Zulu (Eastern), Mr Richard Kapita (Western), and Mr Sydney Mushanga (Central) . Luapula, M uchinga, and Lusaka Provinces were respresented by Permanent Secretaries Charles M ushota, Joyce Nsamba, and Elias Kamanga, respectively.

They all presented progress reports on projects and programmes in their provinces.


  1. The provincial minister for Muchinga Province is just a passenger in a Dobadoba train. I don’t know if the province starts with Chinsali and ends with Chinsali…ever since Mpika district was divided into three districts, nothing has ever happened to develop Lavushimanda and Kanchibiya districts ever since they were created six years ago. He has simply concentrated on developing Chinsali ignoring these other areas. You can’t for sure point at anything to show one that this is a district. Even the area MPs ba Dr. Martin Malama kuwayawaya fye..despite ci title. Mind you 2021 is not very far…

  2. In other words Zambian lives are cheap for Lungu to gamble with.And his development agenda includes major economic setbacks …which is not development to begin with.

  3. In all fairness politicians shd stop calling the citizens as “our pipo”.In wat way ar they their pipo. Ar they under their care.NO.they shd jst be saying “the pipo.”

  4. Whatever happened to using Zoom to hold such meetings? We save lives, we serve money and everyone stays home. Not sure why covid isn’t take serious when we have people dying in the street and several BIDs in hospitals.
    Come on guys!

  5. The picture provides irrefutable evidence as to why there is a surge in covid-19 cases in Zambia. Clearly its ECL himself and the PF who are disregarding the covid-19 guidelines.
    1. They recalled parliament just to pass bill 10.This exposed MP’s and parliament workers to the virus.2 MP’s lost their lives.
    2.ECL went to commission an incomplete bridge and multitudes of PF cadres from around Lusaka city were bused over .No social distancing was observed and many had no masks.
    Clearly the PF is responsible for many of these unnecessary virus spreading events in the capital city.

  6. Covid 19 will NOT derail Zambia imwe’ ba J0n@, please!
    P.F’s boasting via that semi literate cheese loving s3wer r@t B0wman, that U$D 100.000 is small child’s change to spend in one shopping spree, is what is causing Zambia under your putrid corrupt & drunken leadership to sink to junk status & a bonafide failed sh!tehole republic.
    That $ 100.000 comes from the treasury or corrupt deals /tenders which is the reason Zambia is sinking NOT Covid.
    Mwaya sana ba P0rnogr@phic Fr0nt!

  7. Covid 19 will NOT derail Zambia imwe’ ba J0n@, please!
    P.F’s b0asting via that semi literate cheese loving s3wer r@t B0wm@n, that U$D 100.000 is small child’s change to spend in one shopping spree, is what is causing Zambia under your putr!d corrupt & drunken le@dership to sink to junk status & a bonafide failed sh!teh0le republic.
    That $ 100.000 comes from the treasury or corrupt deals /tenders which is the reason Zambia is sinking NOT Covid.
    Mw@ya sana ba P0r.nogr@phic Fr0nt!

  8. Seriously if Lungu makes most of his statements believing in what he says then we have a bigger problem than we thought….he actually sees development?One year of loadshedding, cost of living spiralling out of control,dollar at 18,fuel at 17 and the man believes he has done a damn good job.To him development is infrastructural…Makeni bridge…

  9. The level of anger in diasporans seems to be increasing as we approach elections. I am sure most of them have lost their jobs as toilet cleaners and professional faecal backside wipers. This can explain their frustration. But who is to blame for it ? We never asked these angry toilet cleaners to move to diaspora.

    Anyway, the president is doing a great job ensuring things on ground are moving. I have read the reports myself and will integrate the findings into my own action plan as we approach 2021. Kz

    • Use polite language big man. dont be bitter with other pipo u perceive to be against u. that’s life, there will always be pipo for u and against u.
      respect the toilet cleaners pliz. u wouldn’t use a toilet if someone has not cleaned it. and we ALL NEED a clean toilet.

  10. President Edgar China Lungu wants his development agenda not to be derailed. What development agenda? There is no development agenda. The roads are worse than when China took office, Covid takes over the country. China opens a bridge in Makeni that his government didn’t even spend one kwacha on but has increased the debt burden massively. And KZ haas read the reports himself….. But KZ doesn’t understand that does reports have been written by the same corrupt officials as himself – so ordinary Zambians know they are just lies. Go back to live under your stone KZ

  11. President Lungu would have been a good President if he had the determination of KK to fight corruption, the economic vision of Levy, the kind heart of RB, the political astuteness of FTJ and the empathy for the poor and drive of Sata. Unfortunately he has very little of the best qualities of his predecessors. If I were to say what his best quality is it is to hide a steel fist in cotton wool, it is to hide as a wolf among sheep. He is a very good pretender and actor. He has perfected the art of appearing in public to be what he is not in reality. Will he win in 2021? Yes. He has no opposer in his party, UPND is top heavy and weak at grassroots, the development programs are seen as progress by the masses and Zambians are non-bankers so inflation and national debt do not directly affect…

  12. Bandit PF and corrupt Lungu . How much is mealie meal? Has load shedding finished? How much is fuel? How is the economy doing? Bandit lungu never give power to the speaker. By the way know third term Bandit lungu .


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