Sunday, September 8, 2024

Government releases the total allocated Constituency Funds as budgeted in the 2020


The government has released the total allocated Constituency Development Fund as budgeted in the 2020 National budget.

Local Government Minister Charles Banda says the CDF budgetary allocation for 2020 is K249,600,000.

Dr Banda says this amount is meant for distribution to all the 156 Constituencies and each of the 156 Constituencies will receive a total of K1.6 million.

He said in 2018, K209,337,616 was released from the Treasury and the Ministry in turn disbursed the funds to 132 constituencies because the allocation was not adequate to cater for all the 156 Constituencies.

Dr Banda said the 24 constituencies not funded from the 2018 CDF were constituencies that had Members of Parliament who were Cabinet Ministers.

He said in 2019, given the country’s financial constraints, the Ministry of Finance released a total of K29,962,384 which was in turn disbursed to the remaining constituencies that never received the CDF in 2018.

Dr Banda said this being an inclusive Government premised on delivering development to every corner of Zambia, the Government has shown this commitment by releasing the whole amount as budgeted for to ensure that no constituency is left behind in terms of development.

He said the Members of Parliament now have an onerous task to ensure that the implementation of the earmarked projects commences as soon as the funds are in the accounts.

Dr Banda has directed all the councils that have not yet submitted the 2020 CDF projects for approval to do so immediately.

“It is the cry of the large citizenry that development should be hastened in all areas without leaving anyone behind. There is no reason to retain the funds in the Constituency Bank Accounts when there are many development challenges that need to be urgently addressed”, he added.

He has reiterated his Ministry’s commitment to ensure that the CDF allocated is used for the intended purpose in a transparent and accountable manner in accordance with the CDF Act No.11 of 2018, which prescribes the funding, management and accountability of the Fund.


  1. Create an impression that there is development in all constituencies before elections, well tried but too late. The ground has already shifted, Sorry,

  2. K1.6 million is less than what Tasila paid cash for her farm. And Lusambo said ka K2million is nothing, it’s just for shopping.
    In short Lusambo is saying K1.6 million is insult to a constituency.

  3. SONTAPO!!! we are ensuring development in all corners, whether you support UPND or PF, we will develop you. All those UPND supporters allergic to development, we are warning you that whether you like it or not, we are coming to make your lives better. We know most of you are being brain washed and being forced to be sadists by your leader who forces you to shun any progressive initiative from us. However, we are going to wash you in the band set you free from the demonic spell that freemason has put on you all. Development is coming your way!!! KZAR

    Lusaka times editor, the day you come to zambia i will greet you with 50 slaps

  4. we are ensuring development in all corners, whether you support UPND or PF, we will develop you. All those UPND supporters allergic to development, we are warning you that whether you like it or not, we are coming to make your lives better.

  5. “Dr Banda said this being an inclusive Government premised on delivering development to every corner of Zambia, the Government has shown this commitment by releasing the whole amount as budgeted for to ensure that no constituency is left behind in terms of development.”

    This Chinese minister must be taking us for dullards …this taxpayers funds he is talking about and its GRZ mandate to fund these constituencies whenn you talk about equality in distribution compared to geneartion you will find that Luapula gets more infrastructure development than NW and this has nothing to do with CDF.

  6. The purpose of a Census and the responsibility of the Central Statistical Office is to provide data on demographics. This data is supposed to be when disbursing funds like this. You can allocate the same amount for all Constituencies – it is nonsensical and shows that you are not doing your job properly.

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