United Party for National Development(UPND) has accused the ruling Patriotic Front of instructing Zambia Police not to allow UPND to hold meetings, despite the people submitting notification to the police, with the aim of disqualifying the party in 2021 for not holding internal elections.
In a statement to the media, UPND Spokesperson, Charles Kakoma said that UPND has been notifying the police to hold its meetings for the purpose of holding internal elections, but police have been refusing because they have “instructions from above” not to allow UPND to hold meetings.
Mr. Kakoma said that this instruction from above is unlawful and it offends the provisions of the Republican Constitution.
Mr. Kakoma said that UPND has had so many cases where police have not only denied its members their right to assemble, but also abused police powers to arrest innocent members of the party.
Mr Kakoma said that, recently, police on the Copperbelt arrested UPND Chairman for Research and Policy Dr Choolwe Beyani and several others for holding intra-party elections.
Mr. Kakoma further alleged that the implications of this action is to stop the UPND from holding internal elections so that, come 2021, the party will not qualify to participate in the presidential and general elections.
Below is the full media statement
Holding Meetings in the Bush
A strange phenomenon is developing in Zambia where people have resorted to holding meetings in the bush to run away from a repressive regime. Examples abound. Recently, youth in Lusaka decided to hold their gathering in the bush after police refused to allow them to hold their protest even after following the laid down procedure under the Public Order Act.
The United Party for National Development ( UPND) has also been a victim of police infringement on the rights of its members to freely assemble and carry out political activities.
One of these political activities is the holding of elections within the party. The Constitution of Zambia demands that for a political party to participate in the presidential and general election, it must first hold internal democratic elections within its party.
In order to fulfill the requirements of the Republican Constitution, the UPND has been trying to hold intraparty elections at ward, constituency, and district levels to usher in democratically elected representatives of the members at the lower organs of the party. After holding these lower organ elections, the party will proceed to hold elections at the provincial and national levels.
It is interesting to note that the ruling Patriotic Front is also in the process of holding its intra-party elections. PF Secretary General Davies Mwila recently told a press briefing that his party will go ahead to hold elections in six remaining provinces despite the prevailing COVID 19 situation.
This revelation by the PF Secretary General confirms two things. One is that the PF has been holding infra-party elections without interruption from the police. Two is that the PF will proceed with the internal elections with or without Corona Virus.

The UPND been notifying the police to hold its meetings for the purpose of holding internal elections but police have been refusing because they have “instructions from above” not to allow UPND to hold meetings. This instruction from above is unlawful. It offends the provisions of the Republican Constitution.
The UPND has had so many cases where police have not only denied its members their right to assemble but. also abused police powers to arrest innocent members of the party. Recently, police on the Copperbelt arrested UPND Chairman for Research and Policy Dr Choolwe Beyani and several others for holding intra- party elections. The implications of this action is to stop the UPND from holding internal elections so that come 2021, the party will not qualify to participate in the presidential and general elections. As a party, we are seeing through this scheme by the PF and its government.
We will not allow that to happen.
We have had many cases where our members have been forced to hold their meetings in the bush to hide from the police. In places like Eastern Province, our members have been told that they cannot hold meetings because it is a PF bedroom.
Our members have devised strategies to beat the PF regime in their so-called bedroom.
But why should Zambians be subjected to holding meetings in the bush to run away from the police more than half a century after gaining independence in 1964? Our fathers , mothers and forefathers and foremothers fought for independence from colonial rulers because they wanted freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of speech and many other rights and freedoms. By today, these rights and freedoms should have been A GIVEN. Why should we be fighting for rights and freedoms which we already won from the colonial rulers?
In case, the PF and its government have forgotten, suppressing people’s rights and freedoms is not a guarantee to continued stay in power. The white colonial rulers had the army, police, messengers and other instruments of power but failed to suppress the Africans whose only weapon was the mouth and brain. Using their brains, the oppressed people also resorted to holding meetings in the bush. Sometimes, the female organizers would gather women at a well or water drawing point and tell them how they were going to fight the colonial rulers. If the colonial police or messenger appeared on the scene , they would all pretend to be busy drawing water. There was no case to answer. In some cases, the freedom fighters would gather in the bush, at someone’s field carrying hoes pretending to be tilling the land in case the authorities found them . History is repeating itself. We are back to a situation where people are going back in the bush to hold meetings.
In urban areas, people will devise methods of meeting to beat the regime. Some are meeting in buses, churches, workshops and other allowed places to discuss their plight and find a way forward.
It is shameful and embarrassing for the government to be seen to be oppressing its citizens in such a manner in this time and era. Pictures and videos have gone viral on social media about oppressed Zambians holding meetings in the bush. What image does it show to the world about the state of democracy in Zambia? The country has become a dictatorship similar to or worse than colonial rule. The solution is very simple: restore people’s rights and freedoms. You can suppress the people once, but you cannot suppress them forever.

I used to support UPND…..BUT you guys are too docile and inept. Zambians had put their trust in you to fight for them. It looks like Zambians put their trust in cowards who have gone to sleep. How many people know “Bally” mpulungu villages or Mwansabombwe? If you think you will win elections on social media…God hepl us.!!
Hold virtual meetings. Where you would return the elected officials unopposed.
Katuka is one man not adding any value to UPND!
@nafileka you are Very ashamed?
Bandit PF how much is mealie meal? How much is mealie meal? How is the economy doing? Bandit lungu never give power to the speaker. 1 year to elections, next Government need to audit budgets from 1995 to current if what corruption to finish
Bandit lungu never give power to the speaker . How much is mealie meal? How much is fuel ? Has load shedding finished?
Bandit lungu never give power to the speaker! Bandit lungu how much is mealie meal? Has load shedding finished? How is the economy doing? Bandit lungu and his Bandits start running
Secrete virtual meetings (Zoom) is the way to go even if it means returning the same officials. Dull PF will not even know what is going on until you publicize the election results.
We need UPND to participate so that we have an entertaining Under 5 cry baby rushing to the courts within 14 days.
Akainde doesn’t want 30 days to petition. He is ok with 14. He is very dull. He has no idea what government is.
So don’t worry Kakoma, we need a free circus provided by UPND with your bally matore Akainde as the chief Bozo.
Hahahaha they have already started crying even before the elections have taken place. Just few weeks ago they were praising the police for beating suspected pf cadres now they claiming the police are against them. They don’t know whether they are coming or going. Listen upnd, even if we didn’t campaign and even gave you some free votes, I am still confident that pf are winning the elections. I am the only one who has vowed to run naked from arcades to mandahill if pf loses. Why can’t hh or your senior figures agree to do the same if they lose?
Hahahaha they have already started crying even before the elections have taken place. Just few weeks ago they were praising the police for beating suspected pf cadres now they claiming the police are against them. They don’t know whether they are coming or going. Listen upnd, even if we didn’t campaign and even gave you some free votes, I am still confident that pf are winning the elections. I am the only one who has vowed to run naked from arcades to mandahill if pf loses. Why can’t hh or your senior figures agree to do the same if they lose? Kz
Kaizer Zulu please just enjoy your stolen money. the late Sata fired you but you were brought back as a payback for your hand in illegal votes of 2016. Wait for 2021 you will run from Zambia.
UPND, I know that you’re stubborn individuals who can’t take advice even when its coming from a good place; but please its time you thought of getting rid of these uninspiring exco members at the top of the party. Katuta – out !!!, mutale nalumango – out!!! jack mwiimbu, worked at the Lusaka city council’s legal department in the 80s. He is on record as the worst lawyer they’ve ever had. The council stopped winning cases under him. He is a garbage lawyer. This is why some us knew that the upnd electoral petition was never going to succeed with him and that mad woman leading the team of lawyers. Even when john sangwa was brought in on the 11th hour, the mess of mwiimbu was too much for him.
Mazoka had an attractive team. Get rid of these flapjacks surrounding hakainde.
I used to support UPND…..BUT you guys are too docile and inept. Zambians had put their trust in you to fight for them. It looks like Zambians put their trust in cowards who have gone to sleep. How many people know “Bally” mpulungu villages or Mwansabombwe? If you think you will win elections on social media…God hepl us.!!
I agree UPND are cowards and full of talk no action. Even me who isn’t a Lawyer could have sued the ZP for denying me my right to assemble provided am following COVID-19 guidelines of Social Distance. Wake up PF are thugs who will do anything to win elections even waking up a judge at 02hrs
If kokoma cannot see, that there is political mileage to be gained by defying the state machinery, then he’s too st”$%%p to lead the party. If PF are stopping you from gathering. If you are in the right, you should be excited to defy them and go ahead with the meetings, let the cops beat you, jail you or kill you. This is the Capital price you pay for the love of Zambia. Zambians don’t like oppressors and sympathy will be on you . you stand to gain politically. Going to jail is intact a sign that the office is waiting for you.
Stop fearing prison. If kakoma cannot see that there is political mileage to be gained from defying the state machinery, then he’s too st$%&p to be in leadership. If the PF are stopping you from gathering, then its an opportunity to defy them. Go ahead and hold your meetings, let the state police come to beat you, jail you or kill you. It is the capital price you pay for the love of Zambia. As long as you are right, Zambians hate oppressors, they shall back you. But you and your cretinous leader, like to write letters to the UN, AU the human rights organisation showing how truly under 5 you all are. If you are scared of death, then go to the graves of all the UPND members who’ve been allegedly killed by the state and go and talk to them about it. If cardres can pay the ultimate price,…
If you are scared of death, then go to the graves of all the UPND members who’ve been allegedly killed by the state and go and talk to them about it. If cardres can pay the ultimate price, then who are u kakoma and your cowardly leadership friends.
Ba Kakoma, you write that “Pictures and videos have gone viral on social media about oppressed Zambians holding meetings in the bush.” I suggest that you provide communication technology to all your structures as they hold their intra-party elections following the health guidelines. In case police or other cadres come to disturb your elections, capture these unconstitutional actions so that these also go viral on social media. UPND should invest in social media and train relevant members to capture all actions by Police or PF cadres denying your party from holding intra party elections. We need this as evidence of the dictatorship and the violation of constitutional rights in Zambia.
Ngoma how do you capture something that does not exist? This is how you start manufacturing fake videos.
Ngoma how do you capture something that does not exist? This is how you start manufacturing fake videos. Stick to drumming. Zilile ngoma kikiki
Ngoma how do you capture something that does not exist? This is how you start manufacturing fake videos. Stick to drumming. Zilile ngoma kikiki .kz
Kwena ba UPND naine nomba nalamibwelamo. Some of us don’t like PF because of its many useless turncoats like Lusambo Dora etc but UPND is not looking attractive. You must blow your trumpet about what you stand for not just dreaming up conspiracy theories ati PF will do this to us. We all know they can’t unless balefwaya intulubundi. We never see your alternatives for any contested political decisions. Ebu chimbwi no plan beba ubu.
Kaizar, why dont you want UPND to capture videos of police sent to stop UPND from holding their intra-party elections? It is very easy to know genuine videos from fake videos. I dont expect UPND to upload fake videos and photos like those fake photos of a road in Nigeria depicted as the Kafue-Mazabuka road. Kaizar you seem to think everybody is in the business of fake videos like what your preferred party does. UPND should capture genuine videos and we will use these as evidence.
@ Martin # 15, if the police refuse you a permit, you appeal to Minister of Home affairs, and we both know how that will turn out. Didn’t the Deputy IG of police issue an ultimatum to the cops to allow equality for all political parties?
I would like to state, that this issue of appealing for sympathy from the citizens is annoying, ‘please, the police are not allowing us, we are victims, we are suffering, we won’t be allowed to vote, help us’.
Please show some spine!
It’s not something to worry anyone, this is 21st century you can have virtual meetings, including elections! PF is too dull to realize this no wonder they keep moving with guns and machetes politics of intimidation are for the 18th century!!
Kakoma, There is only ONE ABOVE, Go out and campaign