Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Lusambo meets Kaweche Kaunda to resolve differences


Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo on Friday held a meeting with Kaweche Kaunda, son of First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda to “iron out some misunderstandings.”

The misunderstandings arose from a comment Mr Lusambo made regarding the alleged wealth accumulation of President Edgar Lungu’s daughter Tasila.

“Just held a very successful meeting with Comrade Kaweche Kaunda representing the family of His Excellency President Dr Kenneth Kaunda. The meeting was held to iron out issues that have arisen following my comments targeted at a specific member of the Kaunda family,” Mr Lusambo wrote on his Facebook page.

“We have both agreed that the misunderstandings arose from the desperate efforts by some individuals to twist and manipulate the true spirit in which I issued the comments.”

He added, “It is gratifying that with today’s meeting, the long held family ties between the Kaundas and the Lusambos will continue to flourish.“

“To the purveyors of fake news and propaganda, I wish to inform you that your efforts to drive a wedge between the two families have been futile and that I also wish to state that I will forever continue to hold the former First Family in high regard.”


  1. Dr Kenneth Kaunda raised morally upright children.
    I cant imagine any of them lowering themselves to the level of party cadres or thugs like Bowman Lusambo.
    Why is Lusambo panicking?

  2. Lusambo! ichipuba cha mwana who thinks people should lila mwibala. Just like Lungu who has allowed himself and his daughter to steal from our farm. He has henchmen like Dr Chilufya whom we can see is getting fatter since becoming minister of Health. So is Siliya. These people can laugh at Kaunda because Kaunda was a leader not a looter like them

  3. There we go again. Typical of this thug. Whom is he kidding. Ubupuba bwa kwa kabolala. He has foot and mouth disease. Just some PR stunt. Remember what he did with BFlo. Shame on you Lusambo. You have no respect whatsoever. Does your wife ever advise you on some of the stupid things that you do and say?

  4. I still don’t get it why people go to all lengths just trying to shake each other’s hands?

    Imwe lusambos iyi family ipezeka kuti? Since when did Kaunda’s have any beef with this family? Kikiki

  5. We told you that Lusambo didn’t deserve to walk out of hospital at all. The thug is peace of gangster, imbwa ya muntu.

  6. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Who the funk is the “Lusambo family”? Who knows that family? I have only heard of an overzealous Kapocha called “Lusambo”… this dude is out of his mind to think he can compare with Kaunda and his family. I have traveled the world and everywhere you go, people know about Kenneth Kaunda.

    By the way LT, context again is missing… what did this former Kapocha cadre say about Tasila Lungu’s wealth?

  7. This big buffoon Bowman speaks before he thinks especially if its to protect his corrupt master Lazy Bum Edgar he would jump in front of a bus just to protect Lazy. Where is Panji in this photo will are tired of PF propaganda rubbish?

  8. Bowman is just a young man that needs our guidance and I’m happy that he initiated the reconciliation. This isn’t the first time he has done it, I know that he did the same with Major Richard Kachingwe. Bowman Chilosha Lusambo is the only member of the entire PF that apologizes when he’s wrong, others try hard to justify their wrong. So on this I say bravo! KK’s children weren’t all upright but that’s the past. In whose interest should we remind them of their lives as the First Family? Besides KK was an absentee father because of his engagement in politics, Mama Betty named him Kamwendo Munjila because of his endless travels. National duty took him away from his family. I also commend Kaweche for accepting to host Bowman and I hope it ends there

  9. Ati …..a wedge between the 2 families ???

    You think you can compare KKs family to your family of kaponyas you lusambo ?

    Morron ,

    Expect this morron lusambo to change the names of his twins in 2021 from Edgar and ether lusambo to Hakahinde and mutinta lusambo after the elections…..

  10. Bowman is just a young man that needs our guidance and I’m happy that he initiated the reconciliation. This isn’t the first time he has done it, I know that he did the same with Major Richard Kachingwe. Bowman Chilosha Lusambo is the only member of the entire PF that apologizes when he’s wrong, others try hard to justify their wrong. So on this I say bravo! KK’s children weren’t all upright but that’s the past. In whose interest should we remind them of their lives as the First Family? Besides KK was an absentee father because of his engagement in politics, Mama Betty named him Kamwendo Munjila because of his endless travels. National duty took him away from his family. I also commend Kaweche for accepting to host Bowman and I hope it ends there.

  11. Lusambo is just the thug Lungu employs to rape mother Zambia that’s all he can do, when he opens his mouth $hit comes out

  12. All those insulting bowman, you will never amount to anything. Bowman has achieved things that you can only dream about. He is managing Lusaka province and is in charge of it whether you like it or not. From.comments above I can tell its only diasporan complaining and criticising .even lusambo had friends who ran to diaspora now he is doing big things serving his nation while his friends are wiping backsides in diaspora. Such is life

    • Who said you become immune once you have contracted the disease. Not this one some US doc caught it four times so just be careful

  13. THE LUSAMBO Family…. NEVER HEARD ABOUT THEM…. ONLY KZ seems to know them…. Ati Relationship between the Kaunda and Lusambo family….More like saying The relationship between the TRUMP and KZ Families….. kikikikikikikikiki

  14. How can a man be so shameless to continue peddling lies after lies when the only truth is he is completely dressed down by every single non partisan Zambian on every social media? Lushambo and Kaizer are roaming naked.

    I will be happy to see Kaizer Zulu behind bars and spilling beans the way Erick Silwamba did on FJT Chiluba to get pardon from prosecution to ensure fat cat goes behind bars for good.

  15. Why do you guys want to see bad things happen to me. Normally people unhappy with their own lives want to see others unhappy. Sort your own sad lives out

  16. Ati the Lusambo family….the term is only used to family generations that have made it in the community and have something to show for it…..even Kaunda is not referred to as the Kaunda family…normally its for business minded families not Politicians…..like the Mazhandu family etc

  17. Kaizar Zulu , unlike you…My life is sorted out despite the MESS PF has put the country in….As for you its so obvious that PF is paying for your council flat in the UK….Ati the LUSAMBO and KZ families…. kikikiki

  18. Kaizar Zulu , unlike you…My life is sorted out despite the MESS PF has put the country in….As for you its so obvious that PF is paying for your council flat in the UK….Ati the LUSAMBO and KZ families…. kikikiki

  19. Excellent exhibition of maturity by our Lusaka Minister. Dialogue and reconciliation are what level headed people engage in. Well done ba Lusambo, it seems the two families have had a friendship built from way back and of course it must be nurtured and maintained. Further, I personally appreciate your efforts and hard work in Lusaka keep up the good work Hon. Lusambo.

  20. (A) Hon Lusambo & KK’s Sons Dispute
    The dispute between Hon. Lusambo and KK’s sons arose from Col. Panji Kaunda having alleged that Ms. Tasila Lungu corruptly acquired land within Chimutengo Forestry Reserve in Sinda District. It is important to investigate Col. Panji’s allegations in a CLEAN way.
    1, Any sales transaction involves a SELLER of land and an interested BUYER.
    2. Col. Panji alleged that Ms Tasila fenced land which is part of Chimutengo Forest Reserve.
    3. It has also been revealed that Ms. Tasila Lungu bought this land (@K2 million), which was owned by the Late Rev, Ben Zulu.
    4. It is a puzzle that if Rev. Ben Zulu encroached into a Forest Reserve, no dust was raised then.

  21. (B) Location of Rev. Ben Zulu’s Farm
    5. A range of rocky hills (inselbergs) can be seen in eastern sector from Petauke Boma.
    6. Road junction to Rev. Ben Zulu Farm is located about 1.5-2.0 km east of new Petauke General Hospital along Great East. The same point lies on south east of Kabele Old shopping area.
    7. Two inselbergs locally called Mapemba-abili, close to main road are located at following geographical site: East of Petauke: 14o17’34.5”S, 31o28’34.2”E.
    8. From new Petauke Hospital, it takes about 30 min drive at 80 km.hour – a distance of about 40 km to reach Chimutengo Forest Reserve.
    9, Rev, Ben Zulu’s Famr is close to Petauke Boma; whereas Chimutengo Forest Researve is close to Sinda Boma.

  22. (C) CLEAN Way to Resolve Panji’s Allegations
    10, The Eastern Province Regional Surveyor be directed to provide the geographical location of Late Ben Zulu’s Farm bought by Ms. Tasila Lungu.
    11. Geographic locations can be determined using a (i) GPS (Geographic Position System) and also by (ii) capture of satellite sites using the Google Earth computer-generated technology.
    12. The GPS equipment will give the latitude and longitude location of Rev, Ben Zulu’s Farm.
    13. Google Earth satellite imagery will reveal locations of new Petauke Hospital, Kabele Old Shopping area and Rev. Ben Zulu’s Farm.
    Such determinations will prove if Col. Panji Kaunda knows the geography of Eastern Province.

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