Tuesday, April 1, 2025

PEIF National Coordinator in arrives in Mongu Aboard Zambia Air force Plane


The Presidential Empowerment Initiative Fund (PEIF) has arrived in Western Province to a thunderous welcome on a tour of duty to facilitate various empowerment initiatives aboard a Zambia Air Force Plane.

PEIF National Coordinator Mr Clement Tembo is leading the team to distribute empowerment initiatives which include block making machines, ploughs, egg incubators, revolving funds, startup capital, second-hand bales of clothes among others.

Mr Tembo was welcomed upon arrival by party officials and immediately proceeded to pay a courtesy call on the Provincial Sermanent Secretary Mr Daniel Bukali who welcomed him to the province.

Mr Bukali informed Mr Tembo that the province has been longing to be part of the empowerment initiative which has transformed the lives of many people across the country and further thanked President Lungu for being inclusive with empowerment initiatives regardless of regions or political affiliations.

He thanked Mr Tembo for his tireless effort in ensuring that people are empowered in various parts of the country with life-changing opportunities which will equally delight the people of Western Province.

And Mr Tembo has handed over empowerment parkages to Mongu residents with as assurance to them that President Edgar Lungu is committed to improving their welfare.

Mr Tembo who is in Western Province for an empowerment tour, handed over ploughs, bales of second-hand clothes, fishing nets, brick making machines for youth empowerment and financial assistance to taxi drivers and marketeers.

Mr Tembo reminded the recipients that the Head of State having come from a very humble background ably understands the plight of marketers and other vulnerable individuals and what kind of challenges they face in sustaining homes and educating their children.

He further urged the beneficiaries to ignore critics who want to belittle what the empowerment initiative seeks to achieve as he emphasized the need to detach politics and tribalism when it comes to bettering people’s lives.

“I know our critics will belittle what we are doing but if you are a patriotic Zambia, you will support what President Edgar Lungu is doing because he understands what people like marketers go through on a daily basis” Mr Tembo said.

And Mr Tembo took advantage of the occasion to preach against tribal politics and urged the people to ensure that they support initiatives that mean well and ignore leaders that are spreading falsehoods.


  1. Hahahahaha, so that cartoon for Kabwata aspiring candidate was received like Vice-president? What kind of styupidity in Zambia is this? ZAF officers risking their lives in air to fly a cadre?

  2. Hahahahaha, so that cartoon for Kabwata aspiring candidate was received like Vice-president? What kind of styupidity in Zambia is this? officers risking their lives in air to fly a cadre?

  3. Extremely sad development that ZAF resources could be used in such a manner. Outright campaign. Anyway time to account always comes.

  4. Since this is a private arrangement for the President, why is ZAF fuel and personnel being used? This is not right. And NGOs who look at such issues are dead quite. This cant be right on any given day

  5. Zambian journalists are really crazy!!
    Ati The Presidential Empowerment Initiative Fund (PEIF) has arrived in Western Province to a thunderous welcome!
    Really? the fund jumped on a plane and flew to Western Province. It then jumped out of the plane and people gave it a thunderous welcome. Only Seer can see such things

  6. @ James and The Ballot Opposition, Forget the NGO’s, forget the opposition parties for action is equally demanded from you….. What are YOU doing? The empowerment fund only resurrects in election year!

  7. That poor young man working for MOH lost his life in a bus accident carrying COVID19 samples (MHSRIP)yet ZAF are available to fly a cadre around. A cadre who saw Lusambos billboard and thinks you cant get covid through the nose by wearing his mask on his chin. What a mess.

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