Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Vice President Wina tests positive for Covid-19


Vice President Inonge Wina has tested positive for Covid-19.

The 80 year old Mrs Wina becomes the latest high profile individual to test positive for Covid-19.

Sources in her office have revealed that the positive test result was availed to her last evening although her condition is said to be stable.

President Edgar Lungu has since ordered that a team of Doctors be sent to her residence to commence treatment than having to put her in a public isolation Centre.

State House fears that due her advanced age, Mrs Wina’s Covid-19 positive status could prove fatal.

Her office has since cancelled her trip to Western Province which she was to undertake from today with no official explanation.


  1. Wish Covid-19 could claim her. That would be the only way these corrupt creatures will respect COVID-19 and stop wasting money buying off poor counsellors. Lungu should get and die from COVID-19 to stop the corruption.

  2. When you think of it, I am pretty sure Lungu was behind the ACC officer’s court evidence against Chilufya. There’s no way a key witness would give that time of evidence unless under undue pressure and with big financial payout. This had the hallmarks of Lungu’s DNA footprints.

  3. Hoo no madam President. Every time she gets sick, I feel it too. Sign of love.
    Please fligh-in her Indian doctors.
    All the best Chinese, Indian, whites doctors in Zambia should be rushed to her residence.

  4. This has resulted careless cross contamination from the likes of Lusambo who was going round beating people up yet he had the killer virus .

  5. This has resulted from careless cross contamination which should be pin pointed to the likes of Lusambo who was going round beating people up yet he had the killer virus .

  6. Sad development but we are doing all we can to support the mother of the nation. We trust and have confidence in our men and woman in uniform. We trust they will do their level best. I am praying for your mother. Kz

  7. Sad development but we are doing all we can to support the mother of the nation. We trust and have confidence in our men and woman in uniform. We trust they will do their level best. I am praying for your mother. No evil forces against you will prosper. Amen. Kz

  8. Wishing the Vice president a quick recovery.
    Innocent people being exposed to covid-19 just because of bill 10 .
    How many lives are we going to put at risk because of this useless bill 10.

  9. If only we could all heed to advice, Covid can indeed be contained quickly. If a DC can perform that function, don’t engage in non essential travel. Wishing the veep a quick recovery.

  10. When we said PF is spreading covid-19 among Zambians you objected vehemently, campaigns going on will result in needless deaths to Zambians. Now president Lungu ignorantly believes dispatched doctors to vice president Inonge Wina will treat her without vaccines yet to be found. LIES.
    Medical advice is stay safe, social distancing, wash hands often, mask up, avoid crowding and avoid careless politicking.

  11. It’s time for her to retire and enjoy
    Her retirement. At 80 we still making her work as if zambia has
    No capable person to replace her.


  13. Tamumfwa ba Peee efu. You will eventually lose Lungu himself if you are not careful. Covid 19 is a dangerous disease whose full effects on health are unknown. We have people who have recovered who continue to feel unwell. We do not want another death in office or a long term sick President.

  14. Rather than show how to wear a mask wrong or claim there is “no need to panic” because people testing positive are without symptoms, government would do far better to explain some basic facts about the virus. If people truly care about Mrs. Wina do it for her.

    1) Everyone is at risk of getting COVID-19 if they are exposed to the virus. This is why masks must be worn correctly and why we need to wash our hands. The virus can be passed through the mouth, eyes, AND nose.
    2) Older adults and people with underlying medical conditions have an increased risk of severe illness.
    3) Underlying medical conditions include HIV, diabetes, sickle cell disease, heart disease, obesity, and cancer among others.

    People like to “sensitize the stakeholders” so get busy!

  15. James you are a Margot in your mother’s feaces a son of the devil. No matter how you hate a person you don’t have to pass such comments!!! You may be well today but tomorrow may be your turn.

  16. This is strange indeed.Around 22nd July 2020 the VP along with some MPs were tested at a ceremony at Parliament. Did the VP test negative at that time and has now tested Positive ? Was she diagonised Positive last night or she was asymptomatic? Wish the VP a quick recovery.

  17. The Running mate,this thing of running mate can also put someone at risk and contribute to ones illness they must revist that clause and revert to were it used to be.I wont say too much we are already in the morning period.

  18. The current explosion of Covid cases was predicted.At the time they were announcing 4cases and 1 death in March,many epidemiologists and stasticians were warning that the test sample sizes were too small and that the disease was actually spreading exponentially in communities.Some PF sycophants would have none of it.Instead,they went about branding any bit of face mask cloth with party symbols as supposed evidence of PF”victory ” over Covid-19.Now all I hear and read are Get well soon messages without shame.

  19. So with her is special treatment at home while the rest is to suffer at designated isolation centers. Anyway I hope she survives so that she can see the downfall of her party next year.

  20. All evil thoughts and prayers are rebuked and sent back to the diasporan senders. Amen. Kz

    By the way today my very inquisitive daughter asked me why the upnd have never won a single election and yet have the same leader. Can someone help me answer her question. Ah these kids I tell you

  21. All evil thoughts and prayers are rebuked and sent back to the diasporan senders. Amen. Kaizar

    By the way today my very inquisitive daughter asked me why the upnd have never won a single election and yet have the same leader. Can someone help me answer her question. Ah these kids I tell you

  22. High profile individual….no wonder we have problems in the world…lets all consider each other as human beings…no profiling please

  23. We pray for healing for Mama Wins. God is able to do all things therefore we do not give a window of opportunity to doubt. Her advanced age is not a sentence and God is able to make all things possible. In faith and believing we pray in Christ we ask it.

    My next door neighbour is older than Mama Wina and she had COVID but is now healed. She is up and running around healthy. Let us keep faith in Christ Redeemer for his healing favour. Mama Wina will heal in Christ’s name amen!

  24. We told you foooools especially this old hen Bo Inonge …now this moron Edgar is sending doctors to do what? He is clearly ignorant about covid-19 he thinks its chlorea that you treat

  25. Hmmm Tarino, have a heart please!!! Why call her those names and why call our leader such degrading names. C’mmon, you can dislike them in a more civilised manner and not insult them. Absolutely no need!!!!!


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