Friday, March 7, 2025

When you outshine the Boss



  1. Danny refused for lungu to deplete the foreign reserves, lungu found $3 billion and has been chewing into that from day one….

    I told you , the PF wage bill for the unemployed cader thugs is massive , running into millions per month and keeps growing because each time lungu or PF needs a gathering more unemployed are added to that bill, in line for cash handouts ……..

  2. Someone needs to check Lazy Lungu’s papers or Adada’s papers…the man is no different this chap Amin. He doesn’t want to be told the truth instead wants fooools like Bowman to sing praises and also seeking advice from RB on who to appoint as if RB would risk drunkard chaps like Mvunga near the role of a full cabinet minister.

  3. Edgar Lungu wants to be surrounded by praise singers like Bowman Lusambo, Kampyongo, Tutwa Ngulube, Chitalu Chilufya etc.
    And former BOZ Governor was correct during the Sunday interview program. Zambia’s economic decline in the last 7 years is unprecedented. The economy was struggling even before covid-19 came on the scene.

  4. I just wonder Where ECL gets all the GUTS from…. What is motivating this President of ours… in 2016 PF had some support in the Country but they had to use underhand tactics… W e all saw what they did…. Now 2021 looks bleak…one can smell it on the ground and yet the man is unshaken and even GOD forbid attempting to go for a THIRD TERM through questionable CON-COURT judgement and Bill 10 bribes…. and he thinks the majority of peace loving Zambians will just sit and watch the repeat of the 2016 election nonsense…. ECL , You are pushing your LUCK TOO FAR…..Relax SIT DOWN and THINK AGAIN….You still have time to redeem whatever is left of your legacy

  5. I just wonder Where ECL gets all the GUTS from…. What is motivating this President of ours… in 2016 PF had some support in the Country but they had to use underhand tactics… W e all saw what they did…. Now 2021 looks bleak…one can smell it on the ground and yet the man is unshaken and even GOD forbid attempting to go for a THIRD TERM through questionable CON-COURT judgement and Bill 10 bribes…. and he thinks the majority of peace loving Zambians will just sit and watch the repeat of the 2016 election nonsense…. ECL , You are pushing your LUCK TOO FAR…..Relax SIT DOWN and THINK AGAIN….You still have time to redeem whatever is left of your legacy

  6. This is the folly of voting for a song called Dununa Reverse! Don’t say you were not warned Zambians! Don’t even blame ECL because he is a very honest person. He is on record telling you he has no vision but you didn’t want to believe him. We’ll be printing money now whether you like it or not. To punish Zambians for their folly, I’ll vote ECL so that he continues teaching Zambians good manners! These are what we call self-inflicted wounds! Mwachuleni!

  7. Iwe Lungu You just cant wake up and fire the Bank Governor. He is not Lungu’s employee. Was this from Minister of Finance’s advice? Do you want him to print more money?

  8. Poly Trix – You think the Minister of Finance can request that his former boss gets sacked so as a drunkard with accounting background who is his junior takes over as Bank Governor…I doubt he can be that careless!

  9. adviser- do you not remember appointment of Aunty Dizzy…what did we tell you then? What happened…you can’t change anything with this chaps as their thieving mindset is rotten and retrogressive…

  10. Mvunga has no clue about how to put the economy back on track. His only clue is to please the pay masters by doing what they wish. Pf wanted an yes bwana boy to be that position as a stamp of approval for their schemes.

  11. Every time you think Zambia has struck the rock bottom, another low is reached. This PF charade will end horribly, some people will be excuted for exposing the country to such a massive kleptocracy. Chipatas like Ngulube, Siliya and Zulu too must be careful, capital punishment awaits them, soon!

  12. The replacement of Kayaya with Mvunga is definitely not up to the mark. Insufficient economics theory for this sensitive position. 3 out 10.

  13. Hold your guns people. This is the middle of dununa reverse wait until Dr Humble one finishes you will see unprecedented developments

  14. Useless posts without any significance to our country. Kalyalya did not perform to expectations and was fired. He is not special person who cannot be fired. The president is not there to please individuals but rather to ensure the country is moving in the right direction.

  15. Ati moving in the right direction, damn, how can going down be deemed going in the right direction iwe Kainyokolola Zulu? Our economic indications are all horrific & that’s when you ***** replaces Kalyalya with an ill qualified alcoholic! Something is amiss with these koswes, Margaret was also alcoholic, what’s happening Chipatans?

  16. We have always argued that a Presidential candidate must have basic understanding of how the Economy works. At a time government is talking about the need for IMF bailout and debt relief, we can’t afford to send deal breaking mixed messages. You don’t replace an experienced and Well respected Cardiac Surgeon with a Mechanic in the middle of such a high risk operation! It’s such decisions that give Alcohol a bad name! These look like “Kachasu” decisions arrived at during a drinking session. Remember that Kalyalya left his well-paying job at the World Bank to help his country. Don’t think he is stuck for jobs! Zambians are the biggest losers. Pay attention to what happens to your Kwacha starting this Monday!

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