Wednesday, October 9, 2024

CSOs challenging the Challenging the eligibility of President Lungu doing it in bad faith


The Authentic Advocates for Justice and Democracy has expressed sadness over sentiments coming from some civil society organisations on the eligibility of President Edgar Lungu’s candidacy in the 2021 general elections.

Organization President Josephat Changwe says his organization finds such sentiments to be in bad faith and malicious.

Mr. Changwe reminded stakeholders that the constitutional court already declared President Edgar Lungu eligible, and the judgement must be respected.

“We are also surprised that some civil society organisations are casting doubt on the integrity of the elections next year, with the full knowledge that most election disputes are formed by perception, and any doubts on the credibility of the process can have devastating effects on a young democracy,” he added.

And Organization Public Relations Director Samuel Banda questioned ‘whose interest they have at heart.

Mr. Banda stated that Our Civic Duty Association (OCIDA) chairperson Simon Zukas should watch his statements before he puts the country in frames.

“Accusations that the Patriotic Front party will rig elections are both unfounded and frivolous, and should not be entertainment by any well meaning Zambian,” he said.

“From our analysis, in view of the massive development implemented by the Patriotic Front Government under the quality and effective leadership of His Excellency Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, the Zambian people will vote for PF.”


  1. As if whether he stands or not will improve the lives of zambians. We have seen his limits or lack of. He should move over so we can see what tribalists can do to us.

  2. Just change the constitution by force so zat lungu becomes president forever. Its nauseating 2b talkig about elections all the time. U ar just cavemen existing in tribal groupings..u don’t produce anythig bt busy with elections. Medicine and clothes u wear coms from far.u cant evn make yo own shoes. Elections ar for advanced human beings not u guys.u ar not even able to rule yoselvs like normal humans in 21st century. U evn spend money on elections for no value obtained. Yo elections ar not the will of the voters.wy hold them. Just cancel them and let pf rule 4ever…wen u see govt money all zat u think of is to steal it..

  3. If the people that are saying Lungu is not eligible are popular, why can’t they wait for 2021 and beat him through elections.

    It looks like Edgar is a threat to the opposition. The oposition know they cannot beat Edgar.

    Why are these opposition parties not talking about HH who has never held a convention since he was hand picked.

  4. This is history because the competent courts already issued a decision and guidance on the matter. Those upnd sponsored excuses of CSOs are showing us how very dull and thick they and the upnd are. They have clearly failed to read the courts decision. Do you want such illiterate petty babies in power ? Vote pf

  5. CSOs are funded by shadowy individuals and groupings from western capitals and cities. Their agendas are usually hidden but pretend to care for Africans but it’s the political and economic control that drives them. It’s an extension of neo-colonialism.

  6. Ignorance at its worst. There is no court in Zambia or anywhere which pronounced the eligibility of this President to run again. Learn these things and the quicker you learn, the better for you. Was he before any court and pronounced eligible? Do you understand how the law operates? Stop misleading yourselves and other souls. And I am very much PF, for the avoidance of doubt

  7. False alarms, unsubstantiated allegations, rumor mongering, innuendos and heresy do not build the country’s democracy. This is simply cheap politicking. Why not just create a new political party? At first, it was United Federal Party. Next, it was African National Congress. Next, it was United National Independence Party. Next, it was Movement for Multi-Party Democracy. Today, it is Patriotic Front. Talking about corruption also needs evidence. Empty accusations are just hardening fraudsters and perpetrators. Use the ballot to consolidate democracy. In the eyes of God, each person is a corrupt sinner. In heaven, there is integrity. Under communists, the richer you are, the more reactionary you are. If you are a democrat, then ask what you can do for democracy, not what democracy can do…

  8. Henry

    If lungu is popular as he claims , why does he use the whole GRZ , ZP, ZAF and army to campain , extreme violence by his thugs with blacking and arresting opposition all the time ???????

  9. Use the ballot to consolidate democracy. In the eyes of God, each person is a corrupt sinner. In heaven, there is integrity. Under communists, the richer you are, the more reactionary you are. If you are a democrat, then ask what you can do for democracy, not what democracy can do for you. If you are a patriot, then ask what you can do the Fatherland, not what the Fatherland can do for you. When hungry lions are roaring, then the possibility of attacking livestock is nil. Take time to enjoy freedom of expression. Take time to uphold civil and political rights. Take time to strengthen good governance and the rule of law.

  10. Antonio mwanza = Zambian citizen

    What economic control ?????


    Zambia is junk status , even the Chinese and Indians won’t touch you

  11. The difference between PF and UPND, PF is busy mobilizing while UPND is busy wasting time on none issues just like during their petition. Come 2021 PF will be celebrating while UPND will running around court rooms again. Votes are not in court, they in Muchinga, Dundumwezi, Shangombo etc.

  12. @Spaka, Lungu uses those because he is the Head of State. The President of the Republic of Zambia. The same thing HH is fighting for.

  13. kci August 27, 2020 At 11:20 am

    “..The difference between PF and UPND, PF is busy mobilizing while UPND is busy wasting time…”

    UPND are not allowed to mobilize because covid is used to block them…..

  14. kci August 27, 2020 At 11:22 am

    “..@Spaka, Lungu uses those because he is the Head of State. The President of the Republic of Zambia. The same thing HH is fighting for….”

    That shows your PF thuggery , that is tax payers money he uses for campains……

    You see , without tax payers money and violence , lungu can never win any election , even having just spend billions and the PF rats claim he is popular ????

    Pathetic really.


    Just beat Edgar through the ballot box. The opposition will be respected when it beats ECL through the ballot.

    The allegations and lies being peddled against Edgar will not take you anywhere. Remember that Zambians have stopped listening to lies because you have never provided single evidence.

  16. This is an attempt to demean the judiciary of Zambia. Many Civil Society Organisations are behaving like pawns playing at the hands of anti-Zambia forces within and outside the country. What is the locus standi of these organisation to deny the judgement given by our courts? #AntiZambia #AntiNational

  17. The intentions of such organisations have always been dubious. Their conduct, globally, is under big question mark. Such organisations have done more harm than helping the societies they operate in and claim to be representatives of. Their main goal is to create confusion among common people about the ruling dispensation. Has anyone noticed, that they suddenly become active before elections and go into hibernation as soon as the elections are over! Most of the CSOs are #Traitors.

  18. The Court has ruled that President Edgar C Lungu is in his first term as Elected President and he can stand for second term in 2021. Then who are these self-proclaimed reformists to talk against it? Are they against the judiciary of our country? This is really serious.

  19. The sentiments propagated by CSOs are against the very fundamentals of faith and social harmony. If this type of thinking is allowed, it will rupture the social fabric of Zambia and ruin the country.

  20. Who are these people to demean judiciary of Zambia? What were they doing all the while Constitutional Court was hearing the matter? Why didn’t they intervene and present their side? Taking this stand now is clearly out of malicious intentions.

  21. Who are these CSOs serving to? Who’s agenda are they pushing? Definitely not of those who love Zambia or who are patriots.

  22. These organisations appear to be living in some kind of wonderland or fool’s paradise, I should say. The claim that PF planned rigging of 2021 elections are nothing but laughable.

  23. This is classical example of how to create obstacles in smoothly running machinery. It is completely unacceptable that a handful of people are trying to create confusion in the society on baseless allegations.

  24. Dear CSOs, what’s the point in wrecking up the issue now? The Constitutional Court has already decided it. You are not the Court or Judge. By the way, at who’s hands are you playing? Where is your handler sitting?

  25. The Zambian Constitutional Court (ConCourt) is comprised of appointees none of whom held qualifications sought for! However like the Zambians that we are, always settling for less making one wonder why in the first place we set our sights and aspirations at high levels when we seek mediocrity! I submit therefore that the composition on the ConCourt is substandard in experience and a compromise favored by the Executive wing to provide club jazz as PF dines.

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