Wednesday, October 9, 2024

They want to assassinate me, cries HH as Senior Chief Mukuni dares PF to touch him.


Opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema has made an impassioned revelation that the PF government wants to arrest him over the privatisation saga and later kill him.

Responding to Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya’s statement that government is studying the matter of Mr Hichilema’s involvement in privatisation, the UPND leader says the investigation is merely a smokescreen.

He charged that Zambians should not be fooled because the issue is not about privatisation but an attempt to get his life.

“Do not be fooled. This is not about privatisation. This is not about alleged criminality. This is not about corruption. They are simply preparing your psyche using these actions as the pretext,” Mr Hichilema wrote on his Facebook page.

“The truth is they want to have access to my physical body so that they can eliminate me. Their plan is to arrest and then kill me. But do l have to die for anyone to be in power?”

He said the PF is getting extremely desperate to win the 2021 elections.

“If offering myself to serve the country that l love so much and growing increasingly popular are grave offences for which l must lose my life, so be it.”

He added, “I am not afraid. Kill me today and more HHs will rise tomorrow. I am prepared to pay the ultimate sacrifice in defence of public interest, if need be. If anything happens to me, please know that I love you as much as l love Zambia.

Meanwhile, Senior Chief Mukuni has warned that his people are ready for the PF if they touch Mr Hichilema.

Why can’t the PF concentrate on massive levels of corruption, the high cost of living and the runaway Kwacha, and an economy that is in the ICU

In a statement, Senior Chief Mukuni said he is fully aware of the PF machinations to arrest HH over the issue of Intercontinental Hotel, whose transaction was transparent and above board.
“The main purpose of wanting to arrest HH is very clear. It is to offer them an opportunity to detain him and compromise his health, by poisoning him, so that they completely eliminate him from the ballot box in 2021. We will not allow this!”

“The whole scheme is nothing more than Hon. Edith Nawakwi’s Judas style agreement to betray Hakainde Hichilema as a sacrifice for their vision less party. Hakainde Hichilema is a Zambian citizen first, but he is also my subject. Arising from the two preceding factors, his welfare, and most importantly his safety and health are my concerns should they detain him.”

“Therefore, I am sending a categorical warning to the PF that the battle lines have been drawn, and my war shofar has been sounded. We will defend Hakainde Hichilema with all our strength, and we will not allow this humiliation and this abuse of an innocent citizen go further than this. Why can’t you leave Hakainde enjoy his freedoms just like any other Zambian?”

He added, “Why can’t the PF concentrate on massive levels of corruption, the high cost of living and the runaway Kwacha, and an economy that is in the ICU, than direct their energies on one individual whose only offense is to aspire for public office? This kind of injustice must end and we will not allow it.”


  1. Can you imagine this arrogant self entitled little boy HH. Me me me me. No our people just want justice and people like you to be held accountable for benefitting largely at their expense. How can one man want all that wealth. What will you gain from it? Allegations are been drawn up as we speak and evidence gathering has commenced. Why would we want to kill a hyena who owes us? We will never get anything back if we kill you. Just answer the people

  2. The slimy image of Kaponya (HH) and Privatization makes him more dirty than the soiled pants of Mukuni when he took a bunjee jump and shat his pants.

  3. Chief Mukuni lacks wisdom as a chief and does not deserve this tiltle because he has always been ant-government and pro UPND when he is supposed to be apolitical, what kind of a chief is he? Both HH and Mukuni are the directors of Sun Hotel as a result of unethical behaviour of HH as a chairman of the negotiating team. The man never declared interest in the sun Hotel but went ahead to make a sale of Mosi-o-tunya Hotel to Sun Hotel to benefit himself and this Chief. This the right time to hold HH accountable for his unethical actions to defraud the Zambian government and its people, the lapse of time does not matter, UMULANDU TAUBOLA BANE let justice be delivered mind you thousands of people have died because of HH’s insatiable appetite for wealth. These souls will only rest when HH is…


  5. You can see the Tonga tribalism manifesting itself in this ka wicked Chief. Not sure why govt has allowed this MF*** of a foolish and St1up1d Chief to continue daring them.

  6. Let Chief Mukuni defend HH and we shall defend the Zambian people against like HH disguising as a saviour to Zambian people. We know HH is your subject but this does not mean that HH should not be questioned or touched when he commits a crime, this is pure warped thinking on the part of this chief. For your own information no Zambian in his/her right frame of mind can sucrifice his or her life for HH and yourself. You will fight it out alone with HH and your misguided tribesmen. Who is HH to die for by the way. What well meaning Zambians need is just accountbility for HH”s unethical behaviour as all the transactions he was involved in appear not to have been above board. HH and Mukuni must read Proverbs 22:1

  7. HH stop lying you have exposed.just apologise to the Zambian people and step down trust me anyone who takes over from you will remove PF but obviously not you bwana


  9. This chief was on record asking Chilufya to exculpate. CC appeared before the courts, let HH also do the same. To Chief Mukuni’s logical as long as your UPND it is okay to kill or to steal. By the way, HH promise to build a house for anyone with the evidence. We are waiting to see if he is going to fulfill his promise by building Edith a house.

  10. The way this man keeps crying about someone attempting to assassinate him just shows to me that this is what is at the back of his mind if he becomes president, assassinating people. Watch out if he becomes president how people shall start disappearing mysteriously. His mind is entrenched into thinking about assassinations when you are a leader. I really don’t like the way he keeps on soliciting for sympathy from Zambians.

  11. That would be the most awkward way to assassinate anybody, if the PF wanted to eliminate you they could’ve done that long ago. They had you in custody for 3 months but released you healthy because you aren’t a factor. It’s only in Southern province where they display your portrait in shops and tuntemba instead of that of the President. However, I understand that you overrate yourself and are full of alarmist statements. Just answer the questions, how did you become so rich after privatization? kwamana mambala ono

  12. Accusing others of being corrupt and yet you are more corrupt than them. When want to question you at they want kill me..kikikiki

  13. I am wondering if Edith Nawakwi’s revelations are true or false which thing our senior chief should respond to. The government has just stated its position on those revelation. I hope our senior chief would have loved the government not to comment. And i hope the senior one has found a replacement for HH if he cleared him…………. you never know….the he too can bite that finger considering the number of losses UPND has suffered with HH at the helm of the party.

  14. The ghosts of the liquidation and privatization victims are awake. But these ghosts are seeking ALL who participated to be brought to account, not a select few. Be careful with the ghosts of liquidation and privatization because we warned you they would stir … now is.

  15. No Zambians are not interested in your life but the wealth you distorted from them, no one would like you to die that is not the issue : but to take back what you stole from poor Zambians during the time in question, it is a good thing that facts are unfolding just before our eyes.
    Things we had no knowledge about are just coming out without pressure, in the first instance you said those in government were sleeping as you plundered the Zambian wealth this came straight from your mouth.
    You told us that you were a small boy without nothing and all of a sudden you became the richest man that had ever lived in Zambia.

  16. Nazi Hitler and Goebbels propaganda tactics playing out on HH here!
    “When a lie is repeateds several times it matures to be truth”
    Or the old adage “Give a dog a bad name and hang it”
    Falsely accuse HH of being a privatisation thief and society will buy the lie as gospel thruth!

  17. You must continue counting your stars that you were not gunned down when you went for a show down with the Presidential motorcade in Mongu. That was the day your death was ever near. If ECL was ruthless like you keep on wrongly accusing him, he would have simply ordered his security to clear you by one shot to your head but he spared you because he is a God fearing man. Other Presidents would have simply ordered for your killing/disabling you if you were lucky.

  18. The issue has become a traditional ceremony that only resurfaces whenever general elections are around the corner.

  19. HH is no longer talking about privatization…HH has been exposed as a corrupt and selfish individual never to be trusted with National assets.

  20. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Instead of directing their energies on those responsible for running the country, those who hold the keys to the treasury and are busy looting it everyday, they are busy going for an individual. Are you really meant to tell me HH was running the entire country and was stealing while those supposedly in charge of the country went to sleep? Lungu has nothing on HH and he is busy trying to divert low IQ Zambians to focus their attention on HH while he strolls illegally and unopposed into a 3rd term.
    Touch HH and the entire country is on fire… the country gets cut in half. Bembas and Nyanjas are too corrupt to fight any war.

  21. HH IS A LAZO ..A THIEF just like others who plundered national riches. HH must not be entrusted with our national riches coz he will again steal from us.

  22. Chief Mukuni, there will be no blood that will be shed by anyone. It is purely a legal battle that does not involve witchcraft nor spears. Just prepare your best lawyers to defend you and your subject. We understand your concern and the need to use witchcraft! You have the most useless lawyers and you are scared they may just get your subject and probably yourself to JAIL.

  23. HH is spot on. ECL and PF don’t want HH on the 2021 Ballot Paper. ECL and PF are desperate to eliminate HH from the 2021 Elections by Hook or Crook. ECL and PF know very well that they cannot win 2021 thru a Popular free,fair and credible Election. There’s no way ECL can get the 50%+1 vote threshold so Election Rigging is inevitable. There is no way ECL can win the Presidential Election Re-run against HH. The writing is on the Wall.

  24. So this is what poverty does to a nation,Who are you trying to fool? do yo really think anybody believes you when you say nobody wants to kill HH.
    That is the very nature of african politics. Just learn to work hard yourselves make your own stories instead of wasting time while zambians die of poverty everyday. The very nature of christians makes me sick. Hypocrites refined!

  25. Touch HH, PF thieves and you are going to see. Can you PF cadres also tell us the source of Lungu, Bowman, Chilufya and Tasila’s wealth. Don’t think you are going to get away with questioning a private citizen’s wealth when you are stealing public funds. PF thieves cannot even tell us how much HH stole except just accuse him when the man worked for someone. He wasn’t the only one in the room

  26. You see HH owes his sponsors lots of money and there is pressure on him to deliver the presidency or they will sort him out. He is a dead man walking if he loses the elections. The people sponsoring him want payback, so HH is a very desperate man indeed. This is what you get when you join a cult.

  27. Some Zambians are so naive, never heard of Ronald Penza, Paul Tembo, Christon Tembo all died in unknown circumstances. However, these were formidable potential Zambians who could have made better presidents than ‘Ba some of these’ failures. Yes, elimination of a formidable potential president to be in Zambia is possible because others were eliminated.

  28. Iwe hh, you were going to be dead if it was during the Kaunda era. So that self confessed wizard mukuni can defend hh and it is okay, but Ms. Nawakwi is called names and that she has been bought by pf. Any chief who supports government is called a cadre. Hh should just tell us how much he was wealthy before privatisation, not incite his cadres ati they want to kill me. Let hh and Edith go on radio and fire questions at each other. As for the pf, you also need to tell us about the fire tenders, 53 houses, mukula, just to mention a few. This time, peoples eyes are open, they are not sleeping.

  29. Lusaka times you should be ashamed for blocking all those who don’t support PF i don’t even know if my comment will be allowed but don’t worry my website is coming out soon LT is now useless very few people ready it only KZ and his followers are remaining there.

  30. Let the law take it’s course…HH must answer, besides is he not the one who said anyone with evidence should go to court. Whether upnd likes it or not HH must explain to the nation, How he became a billionaire overnight. We want our money …bring but our money…

  31. Pwahahahahahahahahahahaha! Kikikikikikijukija!

    “Physical body so that they can eliminate me. Their plan is to arrest and then kill me. But do l have to die for anyone to be in power.”

    Government could have eliminated you wuietly and smartly. Its just that you’re lucky that it’s not kafupi in power. Hehehe!

    Umulandu taubola kapanga iwe.
    This is the silliest thing I have heard in 2020.

    Kikikikikikijukija, the privatization ordeal killed many lives – miners, who gives a damn about one lousy selfish goon, yaba.
    Hehehehehe chief’ee Mukuni is hilariously delirious.

    Damn it. Suntwe wa munyama uyu.

  32. Look at the PF theiving rats above using multiple accounts ……..

    Just sort the economy makawalala imwe………

    Deal with HH after you have Ofsted the economy , Zambians are in desperate hardships

  33. Mr Kaizer sir….when you are privileged to be in political position its wise to understand you are there to serve the people…the people are your masters…that said as a leader treat your bosses with the respect they deserve because they employ you…pay you to live a great life than they do. Instead exude humility and educate us as to why you need another mandate. Name calling is retrogressive and while you point at HH engagement in privitasation
    30 years ago…talk to me about fire fighters cost…..tell me about Ambulances…48 houses with people paying rent to an unknown owner? Tell me about how many ministers paid back salaries they weren’t entitled to as rule by courts??? Baskokwe bakasekana makolyo

  34. Please do not block my comments.
    I pray for healing for our country Zambia. As I read the comments, I feel so sorry for mother Zambia. People are so used to poverty, that they can not believe a person can be so rich without stealing. You look at the names of most bloggers, and what they write, they are so empty, so shallow that you see their emptiness. Then how do you expect such people to have an idea of making wealthy? They are so full of hate, malice and envy. So dull that even if things are written as to who did what, they too hungry and dull to understand. Secondly, people are so biased and jealous to talk about the real thieves. The ones who were gassing us. the ones whose 48 houses belong. they know them, only those are from a certain region, but for the one who does not hail from…

  35. Some Zambians are very sick in the heads. Seriously people were gassed, markets were burnt, magic 48 houses, abnormal corruption *****s are silent then a simple past matter arising frm jealous *****s that someone is richer than thieves pipo come here and act stupid. The question u fools shld ask yourselves is did mmd govt accept the offer & privatize? If they did it means they were okay with what they received, is it really supposed to be a big crime for someone not to declare interest? Accept the truth *****s, u are just jealous the guy is successful. Stealing is when pf receive covid donations to use for campaign not when one pays GRZ & GRz accepts. HH didnt decide, he negotiated GRZ decided. Who is to blame? And if he bought did he use stolen money? Declaration of interest can’t be…

  36. Mukula scandal, FIC report, gassing n murdering 50 innocent Zambians in cold blood, inflated budget on road construction works, 48 houses that built themselves, Sort out the economy please twachula n Covid -19 ain’t playing either.

  37. There is a lot jealousy towards HH. This is typical of Zambian pull him down mentality. Granted HH made some deals in his own self interest. Nawakwi are you innocent yourself? He/she that lives in a glass house should never throw stones. PF is littered with corrupt rats who were nothing before joining politics now they buy boats from Saudi Arabia. Intelligent people will not respond to this fracas. We will wait for and analyse facts. This is character assasination of the highest order. The law say one is innocent until proven guilty. Edgar Lungu should also release his bank statements for public scrutnity before 2021.

  38. HH for President come 2021. How relevant is Edith Nawakwi to the Zambian economy. How come HH at the time of privatization was more powerful than the Finance Minister (Edith Nawakwi) who apparently presided over the sale of mines and other parastatals. Why would this lie be brought up each time a general election is looming. Why not start to prosecute the ones in the present government for having enriched themselves so fast at the expense of majority Zambians,… ba PF you know you are doomed and so is lady Nawakwi.

    HH mukali and they are shaking big times.

  39. HH for President come 2021. How relevant is Edith Nawakwi to the Zambian economy. How come HH at the time of privatization was more powerful than the Finance Minister (Edith Nawakwi) who apparently presided over the sale of mines and other parastatals. Why would this lie be brought up each time a general election is looming. Why not start to prosecute the ones in the present government for having enriched themselves so fast at the expense of majority Zambians,… ba PF you know you are doomed and so is lady Nawakwi.

    HH mukali and ba PF are shaking big times.

  40. Most of the comments here show that we have a lot of disgruntled PF cadres full of vengeance and cold blood running in their veins, used to insults not civility and total failure of a failed minds of the cadres and thieves therein ask this so called lab technician….and the list goes on

  41. Just exculpate yourself and stop yapping like a baby and this so called Mukuni, he is not even ashamed big head with small nzelu.

  42. Hh is running away from answering simple questions, how much did he have before privatisation, was there a conflict of interest in the Muso Tunya deal, etc.

  43. HH should tell the nation why he did not award mosi o tunya hotel to Victoria falls Travel Bureau, whose bid was $20 million instead sold it to Sun hotels who bid $5.65 million, where his shares where acquired for him by a proxy, chief mukuni.
    He should also tell the Nation about the pension scheme called REGNA SATURNIA. Why where the contributions banked out side Zambia? Pension contributions are used to develop the nation like what NAPSA money is being used for. It should not be put in offshore banks to earn personal profits at the expense of contributors. This is plunder at at it highest.

  44. I don’t see any tribalism at all. Any chief like any parent, must stand up to fight for his subject or child. The people who stole and are still stealing want to pretend they are not criminals. If HH stole, Katele and Nawakwi as ministers in the MMD government must be witnesses and testify to what they saw, not what they think.
    We know every PF official and minister and Tasila are now millionaires. Why is this not the discussion? To honest, if they kill HH they will have to kill more than HH. Zambia will turn into another Congo. Any governable. Lungu is no a king and cannot use such tactics and think Zambians are brainless. Sorry, It won’t end at HH.

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