Wednesday, October 9, 2024

HH is probably guilty as charged on the sale of Intercontinental Hotel Livingstone


By Sean Tembo – PeP President

  1. It was with great interest that l read the demand letter which was purportedly written by the lawyers for the UPND President Mr Hakainde Hichilema and directed to the FDD President and former Finance Minister Honorable Edith Nawakwi, regarding the allegations of misconduct in the privatization process leveled against Mr Hichilema. As severally indicated in the past, our interest has been to get to the bottom of this issue and that if anyone is found culpable, then they need to atone for their misconduct. It was for this reason that we initially requested that Mr Hichilema provides a detailed rebuttal of the allegations that had been leveled against him and not just respond through Facebook and Twitter memes. Although many of his supporters saw our request for a detailed rebuttal as an attack by ourselves against Mr Hichilema, to the contrary it has always been in Mr Hichilema’s best interests to explain himself in detail and not just issue counter-accusations or indeed seek to side-step the issue altogether.
  2. I must say that l am happy that Mr Hichilema has, through his lawyers, substantively responded to the three key allegations leveled against him by Honorable Edith Nawakwi regarding the privatization process. Allow me to now give my opinion about each of the three allegations as well as the respective rebuttals by Mr Hichilema.
  3. The first allegation was that Mr Hichilema as liquidator of Lima Bank, decided to sale himself one of the Lima Bank assets, being the house along Serval Road in Kabulonga. Such conduct, if true would obviously amount to a conflict of interest. Mr Hichilema’s response is that he bought the Kabulonga house in 1995 and the seller was not Lima Bank, and he goes on to state that Lima Bank was only placed under liquidation in 1997. My view is that that is a fair and reasonable explanation from Mr Hichilema. We shall now await Honorable Edith Nawakwi’s reply to Mr Hichilema’s explanation so that we can subsequently form a conclusion on this particular matter.
  4. The second particular allegation was that Mr Hichilema abused his position as an advisor to Government regarding the privatization of Roan Antelope Mining Corporation of Zambia or RAMCOZ in short. Mr Hichilema’s explanation is that he was never involved in the privatization process of RAMCOZ. He further indicates that when RAMCOZ was subsequently placed under receivership, the Receiver Manager was a Mr Christopher Mulenga and not himself. Our view is that, again, this is a fair and reasonable explanation that has been provided on the matter by Mr Hichilema. We now await the reply on this explanation by Honorable Edith Nawakwi. After we get that reply, we can then form our opinion on the culpability or otherwise of Mr Hichilema regarding this particular allegation.
  5. The third allegation was that Mr Hichilema as Negotiating Chairman of Intercontinental Hotel in Livingstone abused his position in two ways. Firstly he sold the hotel to Sun International who had put up a much lower bid of $6.5 million, as opposed to selling to higher bidders which included a bid for $26 million, $20 million and $10 million. Sun International was a predominately South African Outfit, although they had registered a subsidiary in Zambia called Sun International Zambia, which is said to have been registered at PACRA in November 1997 and were Mr Hichilema and Senior Chief Mukuni were alleged to be Directors. As Negotiating Chairman, Mr Hichilema is said to have sold the intercontinental hotel to Sun International Zambia around February 1998, almost 3 months after the company was incorporated. Honorable Edith Nawakwi’s allegation in this matter is that Mr Hichilema effectively sold the hotel to himself, which explains why he decided to pick the lower bid of $6.5 million and not higher bids. In his explanation through his lawyers, Mr Hichilema does not deny that he was the Negotiating Chairman in the sale of Intercontinental Hotel Livingstone. He also does not categorically deny that he was a Director of Sun International Zambia at the time that he sold it Intercontinental Hotel. He also does not deny that he decided to sale the hotel at a lower bid price of $6.5 million when higher bids including $26 million were available. Instead, Mr Hichilema’s main defense regarding this particular allegation is that it was done within the law. My take is that unlike the two allegations above, Mr Hichilema has dismally failed to dispel this particular allegation. Even without any reply to his explanation by Honorable Edith Nawakwi, solely based on the allegations themselves and his reply, he is probably guilty as charged.
  6. Given the fact that this is a developing matter, and new evidence will continue to unveil to the public domain, both to reassert the allegations and to rebut the allegations, we shall continue to play our role of reviewing such additional information and evidence and give our opinion on where the balance of probabilities is leaning towards. It must be noted that this is not a private matter between Mr Hakainde Hichilema and Honorable Edith Nawakwi. To the contrary, it is a public matter because it involves public assets that were sold during the privatization process. Therefore, we have every right to talk about it and give our opinion on the unveiling developments. We have received plenty of insults from the supporters of Mr Hichilema who feel that we have no right to comment on this matter. However, we wish to assure these supporters that we are not a kind that get intimidated or that jumps to an individual’s defense simply because the allegations might taint an individuals political standing, no. We have only one interest at heart, and that is the national interest. If Mr Hichilema is culpable, then he must be held to account, if he is not, then he must be cleared accordingly. So far, if l was a court, l would acquit him on the first and second count but would convict him on the third count regarding the sell of Intercontinental Hotel in Livingstone.


    • Sean talking without records or receipts, next time sean talks let him back it up with documents, enough of nkani ya chibuku.

  1. This ka thieving kankubala has no brains. Tell us about the money you stole from the Govt of Botswana. You can’t even go to Botswana because you committed a financial fraud you crook. Are you not even ashamed of yourself? Anyway, thieves have no shame so not surprised.
    Jealous will kill you bas.tard!

  2. please, Zambians work hard to develop your country. This practice of framing someone is very primitive. It only shows the level of intellect of Zambian people. You have been singing this song for a long time, but you have no evidence to present in the court of law. This is very very shameful indeed. If you have evidence, why don’t you come forward and sue HH?

  3. Check your facts! And report correctly, from the acuser’s explanation 20 million and 26 million where for both Lusaka and Livingstone intercontinental !! Livingstone alone was 5.5 million but sold for 6.5 million!! Please enlight the Zambians instead of twisting fact!!

  4. Why are Zambians so petty? We know that Nawakwi is not honest at all. Isn’t she the one who proclaimed that MMD leaders would not go out poor like UNIP leaders? It is a pity that a section of Zambians have tried very hard to frame HH, but to no avail. Please, work hard to develop the country, not this endless silly story. It has been going on for long time. If you have evidence, why haven’t presented it it in the court of law?

  5. I didnt know that Sean Tembo is this dull, I thought he is better than Kiezer Zulu…… Bushe mwena chipata mwapangwa shani?

  6. I didnt know that Sean Tembo is this dull, I thought he is better than K Zulu…… Bushe mwebena chipata mwapangwa shani?

  7. The court will decide this case based on the records filed before it. Social media comment should not influence any court worthy of the public’s respect.

  8. Sean Tembo, do you have brains? Are you sure HH was negeotiating on behalf of the government? When did he obtain that duty and job of negotiating for the government? The government had their own team of negotiators. HH’s job was to evaluate the value of the assets, not to selling to customers as you put it. HH was working for a company, he was not contracted as an individual to carry out any evaluations.

  9. Instead of advising lungu on how to fix a dying economy , the ticks and rats are out to get at intercontinental livingstone.

    Just by the envy , I can tell this hotel must be doing very well. That’s Africans for you. Run down every other company then start envious sniping at a sucssrsfull one.

  10. This is boy can not talk of 48 houses, gassing, fire tenders, ambulances, mukula logs, burning of markets and yet he wants to talk about things that happened long time ago when he was still wearing diapers!

  11. Totally in agreement with you. This case is now in the Zambian courts of law and Sean has committed a crime by his publication.

  12. This guy thinks he can cheap off some points.
    Please listen to this https : //www(dot) youtube(dot)com/watch?v=A3U3MHklHyU
    HH has done a good job to clarify his position

  13. Ba Sean Tembo, trying to be relevant
    Please listen to this https : //www(dot) youtube(dot)com/watch?v=A3U3MHklHyU
    HH has done a good job to clarify his positioThis guy thinks he can cheap off some points.

  14. Sean Tembo is not to be taken seriously, he’s a joker!!!! Let’s wait for the justice system to validate the claims made. That’s why we have Courts of Law to prove to us, not us listening to this joker called Sean Tembo.

  15. The man is a thief and crooked. His bought interview today was a farce. Zambian are not slow to fall for such silly propaganda. Hh is very predictable. The chap is so calculated but we have a lot of evidence against him. Watch the next few months. Soon an inquiry will be commissioned and we hope he will be able to face these serious allegations. I am drunk right now but I can tell you this man is guilty. Takatekepo

  16. Who gassed n killed 50 innocent Zambians ? I can’t believe it a massive murderous case like this has gone cold so quick but be rest assured , We’re not going to stop asking questions.

  17. Based on the information available, this is a fair analysis. Mwene Mutapa Cayman islands man has always dodged that question, the first thing criminals avoid are straight records so it’ll be difficult to track his criminal activities

  18. There are many voices that want to express an opinion on this matter. Company valuation is not an exact science like all of social science. It’s assumption-driven and therefore can only give u a range of probable values. Since no one can predict the future with precision, there’s no “right or wrong value”, only a reasonable value depending on assumptions. That’s how it works. Hotel Intercontinental in Lusaka was a separate company from the one in Livingstone. Edith Nawakwi is coming to this case with HH carrying baggage from Sikanyika vs Nawakwi, a civil matter decided by the Supreme Court.

  19. Sean Tembo is another dull person, just like the intelligent Edith Nawakwi became dull during the selling of state companies. The advisor or consultant presented 3 companies which were interested in buying 2 Intercontinental hotels. Edith knew what each bidder was offering to buy the hotels. This information was not hidden from her. From the consultant point of view, HH was not only looking for a top bidder in terms of money, but others things associated with buying of the property. It was in the court of Edith and the team to have chosen the best bidder in terms of total package. A consultant just gives an opinion (advice), you can accept an advise or reject it based upon the information given. HH did not force the government to sell the hotels to Sun International hotels. It is almost…

  20. One man’s opinion (Mr Tembo ) does not amount to facts.This author is dealing with probabilities and innuendo .

  21. Former alliance partner same WhatsApp group na Under 5. Bonse kubwabwata fye nga Kambwili. Ba opposition you will cry again in 2021.

  22. In conclusion
    We have devious kleptoh² where we wanted him.
    He can yap in public but he can’t outsmart Zambians, when our Courts adjudicate, those dates will be put to check and thorough scrutiny. A crook like kleptoh² can not fail to forge documents.
    On all counts kleptoh² is guilty as charged, I assure you plainly.
    But wait until the !d!0+ starts discrediting our court; out courts should consider contempt if he chooses that route.
    No one is above the law in Zambia Christian or Evil.
    May he account for his evils this turd.

  23. Tembo does not mention the fact that the sun international bid included knocking down the old building and build a new hotel. I had respect for you now I doubt

  24. Thank you PF for your campaign against Bally. I was previously uncertain but I now know the whole truth about privatisation of Lima bank, intercontinental Livingstone, mines etc. It has really helped me decide: 2021 Bally for me.

  25. I can’t stop laughing, HH has gone to the Zambian courts that he does not trust. If they rule in favour of EN hope he won’t say the courts have been bought by PF. The mistake that HH has done is giving all his defense on social media instead of the courts that is exactly what EN wanted to hear, he has fallen for the trap. she will attract him from that angle because she now knows his defense.

  26. “but would convict him on the third count regarding the sell of Intercontinental Hotel in Livingstone.”

    If he says it was within the law have you reviewed that law for you to come to the conclusion to convict him or is it just because you feel the response is unsatisfactory ?

  27. Sean Tembo is not dull. He has just disagreed. The decision as to which bidder to sell to was always the ZPA’s not HH’s. In bid valuations, HH pointed out the advantages and disadvantages but the last word on who to sell to was not his. Whn they chose to sell to Sun Hotels, surely the ZPA team found out who the natural persons behind Sun Hotel were. If they didn’t, then ZPA were negligent.

  28. Who stole P100,000 from the Government of Botswana and ran away to Zambia upon conviction by the Botswana Court? It’s no other than Sean Tembo the Tif! Why is it that thieves are always the first to point fingers of accusation?
    The matter is now before the courts. If Sean Tembo has evidence, let him attach himself to the case in court than issuing pre-judicial statements in public or he risks being cited for contempt of Court. Teka amatako panshi kabolala iwe!

  29. The reason this song about privatisation is only on radio stations & tv stations and not in court is because it is a political strategy to just try and dirt someone’s name. Why come to sing on broadcasting stations 2 decades later, if this was real & that this lady wiwikwi had evidence she would hv sued HH & provided evidence to her allegations not showing useless emotional courage for publicity purposes. She should just retire from politics she is a total failure. Someone like that cant be a leader. We need leaders who stand their grounds with facts & evidence. Not building mansions with a mouth.

  30. This matter is now in Court so Sean Tembo should just shut up. We don’t need his biased analysis. Since Sean Tembo is so consumed with this issue he should assist Edith Nawakwi gather evidence to prove in Court that HH committed a Crime during the Privatization Process. Sean Tembo is concerning himself with HH affairs.Wouldn’t it be in his interest to go back to Botswana where he was convicted for committing fraud? Why should convicted fraudsters poke their noses in other Peoples Affairs. Sean Tembo should go back to Botswana and clear his Name. Period.

  31. If he’s guilty then prove it, mwayamba vama probably guilty manje Prove it n you get to own a fully furnished house ku ma Yard.

  32. Iam shocked that Mr Hichilema’s supporters including the three church mother bodies, GEARS initiative NGOCC, TIZ , Zitukule Consortium and other certified critics of PF governance have declared him immuned from accountability and good governance even before he ascends to Zambian Presidency. Is Zambia’s resources safe under HH?

    The cost of liquidating Lima Bank, the money which liquidators paid themselves was higher that the liquidators led by HH paid to workers some of who have died without receiving any ngwee. Lima Bank had more assets than liabilities at the time of liquidation by Hon Nawakwi.
    So those of you who are just defending HH with political bias and attacking Sean Tembo will die of heart attack when the truth about your ‘hero’ and ‘saviour’ is laid bare. This issue…

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