Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Zambia Needs to Conclusively Deal with the Privatisation Matter to Bring Closure-Nevers Mumba


Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) President Nevers Mumba has said that the intention of the current debate on privatization is meant to audit the nation and is a call to accountability on both sides of the aisle.

In a statement released to the media, the MMD President said that until we conclusively deal with the privatisation matters, Zambia will not learn from the mistakes of the past and that today God has remembered Zambia by bringing back this subject in order to bring closure and audit ourselves as a nation.

Below is the full post

By Dr Nevers Sekwila Mumba

President, MMD
4th September 2020


God has remembered Zambia. The intention of the current debate on privatization is meant to audit the nation. It is a call to accountability on both sides of the aisle.

The MMD’s intention and policy was to restructure the economy by privatizing the loss-making parastatals. This singular move created a new private driven economy and raised the economic profile of our nation. The exercise was not without difficulties. Mismanagement and corruption characterized most transactions.

Until we conclusively deal with this matter, Zambia will not learn from the mistakes of the past. Today God has remembered Zambia by bringing back this subject in order to bring closure and audit ourselves as a nation.

The issue of privatization is only a trigger to bring all leaders to account and review the strength and integrity of our institutions. If we don’t fix the problem of yesterday, we shall fail to fix the problem of tomorrow, when the PF leaves the government. Privatization revealed the weaknesses of our system. The overpriced infrastructure contracts of today can only be fairly prosecuted if we identify the problems arising from the privatization exercise. We should therefore not be shaken when any one of us seeking the trust of the people is asked to account for anything we are suspected to have done.

This is not the first time we have been accused, arrested and thrown in jail. It is the right of both the State or any individual to ask us any question. Our role is to provide answers in an honest manner. The PF in 2011 decided to accuse me of misappropriation of funds in Canada during my service as High Commissioner. My job was to clear myself. It took seven long years to clear name from the allegations. So we are not intimidated to stand in any court and prove our innocence. We now have an opportunity to get the same levels of accountability from our colleagues in government.

This is the healing moment Zambia has been waiting for. Now Zambians can demand that the same question asked to Hakainde Hichilema be asked to the current crop of leaders in the PF government. How did they get rich on a government salary? We shall finally get all the answers we have been waiting for. Who took the extra $750,000.00 from each of the 42 fire engines? What have we done with the over $15 billion debt contracted?

To clean up of our society, Zambians have to put aside the divisive political affiliations, the segmentation of society along tribal or racial lines and face this opportunity as one people. We must march to State House together and stay there for as long as it takes until we get all the answers we have been waiting for. Anything less than such an approach will be a futile exercise. This is the revolution we have been waiting for. The revolution for truth and accountability.

For this reason, we welcome the questions being asked by Hon Nawakwi or anyone else as long as they are asked in good faith and in the interest of the nation. We expect that Mr Hichilema shall answer these questions. That’s what we do as presidential candidates. We answer questions so that the voter is clear when making a decision to cast the vote. But we also must demand that the leaders in government answer questions about their source of wealth individually.
This is a great day for Zambia.

My fellow Zambians, our nation cannot survive another five year cycle without a deep cleansing of the system of governance. Whatever the intention of this debate is, God has initiated a cleansing process for the country. The responsibility on Mr Hichilema’s shoulders is to look into the camera and lay to rest the allegations as raised by Hon Edith Nawakwi. This will give an opportunity to Zambians to demand the same from the ruling PF. Going by the recent history of the PF, we expect them to refuse to account for their activities in office. It is at this point that we are calling on Zambians from all corners to march together to demand for answers from our leaders. This movement is irreversible.

2021 should give Zambia a new package of clean and accountable leadership which will take advantage of a new sanitized system of government. We must start afresh beyond 2021.

This planned march dubbed MARCH ON LUSAKA shall signal the rebirth of our country in as far as accountability is concerned.
I call on all Zambians not to lose this opportunity to correct the wrongs that have long impeded the growth of our economy.

May God bless our Republic

I thank you.


  1. JELOUSY, this is what it is.This failed political Chimpanzee never fails to soil himself. Whether it’s Auditing ourselves or not, what evidence would you expect to find after 25 years? This guy is simply stupid as much as we know that the failed clergyman is envious and jealous of HH.
    He was Vice President and never thought of a self audit to move forward; so why now?
    HH has on several occasions asked anyone to take him to court and Mumbo did nothing. Now that it is election time, he has thought of the self audit – but that audit is not about HH alone, Lungu and many others will be there.
    Why is this evil ? clergyman not saying anything about Carlington maize scandal? Mumbo, you are an idyot and we will take you on!! Evil man.

  2. Govt through ZPA contracted private firms and individuals with corporate finance and valuation experience to act as receiver and agent to dispose of the assets on behalf of government. They were hired as government agents to act on the Public’s behalf. It’s not privatization that’s the issue but how those tasked to execute it did it in their own self interest



  5. What will it yield? And that’s what HH is saying.
    Is PF ready to buy back all assets sold through privatization? PF won’t find any government property bought by HH.
    Zambians are bitter about rich people, and not about their poverty.

  6. No but back government can expropriate the assets, as in Nationalize them for public interest. This is provided for in international business Law. They’ve already benefited financially from the assets so no need to pay them anything more.

  7. I have never agreed with Dr Nevers Mumba in the past but on this one i agree with him HUNDRED PERCENT (100%). No one is contemplating killing mr chilema not at all. He survived the most close contact he has had with DEATH in Mongu when he decided to f00lishly race along side the Presidential motorcade. This time he is just being asked to tell us how sleepy Nawakwi and the group were for him to dribble them and become an instant tycoon without winning a lottery. Let him tell us who else in government he might have colluded with, that is ALL we are asking him.

  8. This privatisation issue and debates have not started today. Since 1992 when Privatisation Act was passed – the debates and controversy started. This led to the hiring of NM Rothschild and Clifford Chance of UK at a huge fee to help us decide how to sell assets such as ZCCM. Rothschild helped us with financial advice and Change helped with legal advice. Then we hired a German company to help us to study and recommend a mode of sale of ZCCM. Why didn’t we hire local firms – mistrust. Debates, acrimony and accusation arose even within government. This debate will never end. Many people stole from the process and have gone into graves or hiding. HH was not associated with Privatisation before he joined politics – now he is a public figure and the spotlight is on him. BUT we know that…

  9. Accusations should be substantiated with evidence in the court of law with recognized jurisdiction. The matter is clearly criminal case of fraud, negligent, corrupt and theft by servant. These issues should not be considered as jokes. Posterity will not forgive the present leadership if the present leadership collaborates with wrong-doers. It is immoral to be found on the wrong side of the law. It is expecting too much from leadership to start by first incriminating itself. The focus is technocrats who received disproportionate gratification from the privatization process. Take time to politicize the justice system. Take time to politicize the law. Take time to politicize the bench.

  10. Nawakwi and HH should participate in that match organized by the Preacher.
    BFlow, Pilato, Wezi, Maiko Zulu all should perform during the match.
    Thug Lusambo will bring his militias, and expect worse week in Lusaka.

  11. Expropriation is the act of a government claiming privately owned property to be used for the benefit of the overall public.
    Properties may be expropriated in order to build highways, railroads, airports, or other infrastructure projects.
    Property owners must be compensated fairly for property that is expropriated.

  12. We must first start with the 42 fire tenders costing 42 million dollars and unfinished roads which have cost the nation them an arm and a leg .

  13. Thank you President Nevers. Make no mistake, politics or no, people were deliberately injured during privatization even if its intentions saved the economy somewhat. There were always junctures where people’s lives would have turned out better but nay greed and pure cruelty took hold. Let’s resolve this in a way that it will never happen again. Also the last ten years has been nothing but scandalous. This should be wiped with the same sheet please. Wina asalilanso…

  14. Very well and balanced article, one is never fit to correct another or demand for accountability until he admits that he himself has once slipped and asked to account and will always avail himself for questioning in future should need arise. The authority should respectively allow Mr HH to clear his name without any hidden agenda. Yes its time for truth and accountability. Bo Mumba litumezi.

  15. The PF Govt’s tactics to divert attention from PF Govt Corruption to MDD Govt suspected Corruption is working. People are talking about Privatization done 20 to 30 years ago. Next year we are going for Elections and ECL and PF are seeking to be re-elected. So People should be discussing performance of the ECL PF Govt and their Electability in 2021. The PF Govt wants people to forget about PF Govt Corruption. The 42 Fire Tenders,48 houses,Road Contracts,Eurobonds, High Cost of Living, depreciated Kwacha etc. These are the current Campaign issues.

  16. I don’t know wht’s stopping the government from probing HH. He hides behind no such covers for wrong-doing as immunity from prosecution. But the question crying for an answer is why HH only? Why are others who participated in advising government during the privatisation programme not being talked about? There are many companies that were privatised and HH did not handle all of them. Was Hotel Intercontinental in Livingstone the most valuable company in the portfolio? Who advised on the Pamodzi Hotel? Did we get the best deal? Did we sell the hotel business together with the real estate? If so it was a mistake. The state should hv remained as the owner of the property and would hv been receiving rent from the current hotel group running the Pamodzi.

  17. We just need an inquiry then a trial. Non of the crooks will own up. We need legal action against traitors and thieves. We are all suffering one way or the other due to these corrupt privatisation bandits.

  18. Looking at the number of compliments I have received via email and social media messages about my new profile picture, I believe I may be the most handsome man o Lusaka times. I also updated my Facebook picture and alot of women, some are even married diaspora women, have messaged me privately saying how delicious I look. It seems women love seeing authority. On my Facebook I am sat at my office table and it seems that turns the ladies on. Imwe its Friday lelo Haha I am already drinking. Pop pop pop champaz!!!!

  19. ***
    We are only making HH popular, it is as simple as that. He had an interview today and went with documents as evidence to back his explanation while others have been going there empty handed with emotions. What is so difficult doing what he did today?
    1. He presented documents to show that he bought the house before privatisation and did not buy it from Lima Bank. Let the accusers show us documents he bought the house from Lima Bank during privatisation.
    2. He clearly stated he never privatised any mine. RAMCOZ was a private firm when ZANACO appointed a receiver. You cannot privatise a private firm. Please provide evidence to prove him wrong
    3. He openly denied being a shareholder in Sun International at the time of…

  20. Why aren’t many people asking why this debate has intensified now. Where have they been? This is all part of diverting people by conditioning them with an issue meant to demonize HH in order to try and desperately influence the result of the elections next year in their favour. It has been sporadic in the last few years but has been calculated to gather momentum as we head towards the elections – amidst PF’s further diminishing so-called popularity. This is the time when a good number of unprincipled people are ‘purchased’. Why do you think there has been the endeavour to print more money without opposition? I wish there had been equal vigour to investigate the gassing, purchase of over priced resources, mukula trees, people mentioned in financial audit reports etc.

  21. Extend the Enquiry to keeping keys for the presidential suite at intercontinental. Why was she keeping the keys? Nawakwi should explain.

  22. Arrest Nawakwi for withholding information for decades. Where was she all these years to come & report now? Withholding information is a crime. She should also answer why she was quiet for all these yrs.

  23. I urge everyone to listen to the whole hour’s interview of HH this morning – broadcast on various radio stations. There is a video as well. In fact he echoed most of what I have been saying here, with evidence. There are a lot of people who speak from without.

  24. Only a commission of inquiry can conclusively deal with this matter. Zambians won’t get justice and accountability on what happened to their resources from mere interviews. More Journalists are so inexperienced and lack knowledge of the subject they interview HH about, he manages to sway things his way

  25. Look who’s talking….yes lets also audit the Zambian Embassy in Canada….what happened to the Embassy furniture and US$98 000 for renovations…you pocketed all the money when Mwanawasa recalled you…and again Mwanawasa fired you for insubordination and you’re lucky they didn’t charge you with treason….now it looks like all the fake opposition are now trying to line up with PF bandits…brown envelop at work

  26. Good points by mumba…..

    But who can trust any enquiry under lungu and pf GRZ ????

    A man and party who oversaw the gassing of our people ????

    you must dellussional

  27. At least HH has interviews unlike Lungu who you do not see only at the air handing out face masks. The Humble one is ruthless, no one dares to interview him.

  28. Failures and losers like this party in power are going to waste their time on useless things like this. They wasted 2020 on bill 10 now they want to waste more time on a politicied issue that keeps changing from selling mines, to selling a hotel to lifetime audit. People are starving, dying, loadshedded and jobless to keep being told about HH this and that when you promised them manna and more money in their pockets. Nawakwi is being chewed up by people who are fed up with this failing ruling party.

  29. It seems it’s not HH vs Edith Nawakwi. It’s HH vs Nawakwi and others working in the shadows. Isn’t it time they applied to court to join the proceedings?

  30. Why are we not dealing with issues that are hurting us now? Like load-shedding, rampant corruption, the debt that is crippling our economy, fire trucks, ambulances, debt-clearing consultants, miracle houses, etc. This witch-hunting will waste a lot of our precious time, let us concentrate on building a better Zambia for us all. One Zambia one nation. God bless Zambia!

  31. So far no one has come forth with hard evidence to deserve the brand new , fully furnished house HH has pledged to give. Meanwhile , we want to know who gassed n killed 50 innocent Zambians not forgetting Mukula, 48 , fire truck,Inflated road works. Countrymen VOTE WISELY bane.

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