Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Peter Sinkamba asks Chief Justice to set up a special court to prosecute all privatization crimes committed between 1992 to date.


Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has asked the Chief Justice to set up a special court to prosecute all privatization and other economic financial crimes committed between 1992 to date.

Mr Sinkamba has since written to the Chief Justice Ireen Mambilima and President Edgar Lungu to revoke article 133 sub 3 of the constitution to pave way for the creation of a special court.

He says he has written to President Lungu so that he can facilitate the creation of the court and put the terms of reference for the judges.

Speaking at a media briefing in Kitwe this morning, the Green Party President says the special court will give powers to the citizens and the Director of Public Prosecution -DPP to bring charges against anyone who could have committed crimes during the privatization process.

Mr Sinkamba noted that the issues being raised by various stakeholders on the country’s privatization process are serious and should not be treated as a joke.

He said the special court must be mandated by law to handle all privatization and other economic financial crimes committed between 1992 to date to maintain law and Order in the country.

Mr Sinkamba added that it is imperative to find a way of dealing with the corruption allegations regarding the privatization of national assets by some individuals.


  1. For first time I agree with mr sinkamba. I have been saying that we need an inquiry into the crimes that were committed. Hh is not a judge to judge himself and decide he did nothing wrong. Why is hh quick to defend himself via media and yet quick to run to courts to sue? Let him face his allegations in court. I have also written to the president with my recommendations. Kz

  2. I do agree with this man better it is established as quickly as possible, it is immoral to just look at the wrongs committed and continue with life as usual , this rot has to be sorted out at all costs it is a crime to allow thieves to just do what ever they want and you call it a nation no it is stinking lawlessness is evil and the same evil has brought misery amongst the Zambian people.
    If you can’t prosecute the wrong doers then forget talking about corruption and let people do what ever they want .
    If you can’t vindicate Zambians it means you are not defending the constitution of Zambia it is time to correct the wrong that reoccurs.

  3. Criminal case start in the subcourt. Those of capital nature are committed to the High Court.
    Corruption is s crime triable in subordinate court. There is no need to create a new court..
    The chief justice can not prescribe the terms of the Judges as this will be usurping the independence of the judge. In case of an appeal, it will be inconceivable to appeal to same chief Justice. Who then can preside in case of appeal? Deputy Chief Justice was a lawyer of Hh
    Here is the catch 22 situation…

  4. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    I thought Sinkamba was much smarter than then, yet he is another useful political id!ot. How he fails to see that this is just yet another gimmick by Lungu to distract us from his corruption is beyond me.

    While I do agree that privatisation was botched and the country lost, we can’t afford to embark on expensive useless escapades that will cost the country so much while benefiting few people and targeting to persecute one individual. Any review of privatisation can’t be successful without FTJ and you will have to wake him from the grave. His prosecution yielded nothing and just created the Mutembo cartel.

    We all know what happened during that program: 1) public companies were in debt and broke; 2) the IMF and World Bank ordered the Zambian govt to sell these companies for a song,…

  5. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    We all know what happened during that program: 1) public companies were in debt and broke; 2) the IMF and World Bank ordered the Zambian govt to sell these companies for a song, with conditions like tax relief for the purchaser for 10 – 20 yrs; 3) FTJ and MMD govt hired some paid consultants to negotiate on their behalf BUT ultimately made the final decision (those expensive consultants included young HH); 4) Whatever little proceed and money we got from the selling was looted and stolen by FTJ and the MMD govt (including Nawakwi and Katele Kalumba). There you have it, case solved and country spared of time and money.
    One thing is for sure: The privatisation program under the MMD govt and the process that governed it was much more transparent than the Lungu’s unilateral debt…

  6. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    One thing is for sure: The privatisation program under the MMD govt and the process that governed it was much more transparent than the Lungu’s unilateral debt accumulation and sell of public companies to the Chinese. Get real people!

  7. Ifwe fwebabemba tutila “Umulandu taubola”.

    We know that we were humiliatingly swindled in the 90s.
    What’s sad is that h² and other fellow Zambians benefited from our tear, our predicament, our vulnerability and cheaply sold our assets.
    Kleptoh² claims that in his 20s he saw the then Zambian Government sleeping. Snap! at that very moment, he sieved the moment and stole from the Zambian people. Bupompwe bwekabeka. White pompweliness. Kleptoh² is heavily corrupt.

  8. And don’t forget to set up a similar court to prosecute those who bought fire trucks at $1million instead of $200000, those who paid $4million for a toll gate instead of K4million, those who paid $2million per km of road instead of $500,000, those who sold all our mukula and many such cases.

  9. Absolute rubbish. That was 30 years ago mind you. You are simply trying to deflect attention from the real issues. Tell the nation how much PF found at BOZ and how much there is today. Tell the nation where the overcharge of USD 750 000 per fire truck went. Tell the nation how ECL has all of sudden acquired wealth way over his K45 000 /month salary and where his daughter found herself owning properties in this country. Tell us what Zambia”s debt was 10 years ago and what it is today. Explain how you sold KCM for USD 25 million instead of what it should have been…Give us answeres of today and not what happened 30 years ago. HH was in the private and not government. Nawakwi was in government. Where is the USD 65 million that disappeared in the Zamtrop account… these are the issues…

  10. Selective justice.Anyway, go ahead and set up your tribunal.
    And see if the PF,Nawakwi and Sinkamba will even have a country to lead in the future.
    People wont be docile for long.Just look at the Ivory Coast and Mali.

  11. Thats why i don’t envy all those mansions in Zambia….i know thats all stolen wealth…greedy at its worst….just how do you go about claiming you’re rich and yet all the money is via theft and deception…prosecution should now follow not just blah blah blah blah

  12. True. White collar crime is too sophisticated for most people to grasp – it needs specialist departments, with specially trained people who understand the intricacies of it’s many facets.

    The difficulty of where to start, and proving a crime was committed, is perhaps the reason successive governments have struggled to unravel the Hichilema wealth issue. There could be something there, or nothing, but people need answers either way. A public enquiry should help all to move on.

  13. Sinkamba have you started harvesting your weed you are growing already ????

    Lungu and pf gassed their own citizens , 50 innocent civilians were killed , what fair inquiry can lungu agree to ????

  14. Chikambwa has always been one weired typical tribal arse of a politician if at all he ever was a politician.
    This fool has been in petty politics for all these years but starts barking now because the other female dog ? wawakwi is howling!
    The idyot will take his envy and jealous of HH to his grave. Like it or not, this country is ours, all of us. We are nit second class citizens. We will go the civil war way to sort out the mess. This is what PF wants and we should all take positions.

  15. Sinkamba ,

    you are asking lungu for an inquiry , the same lungu who oversaw the gassing of his own people to try to have HH banned from politics and jailed, you are now asking lungu for an inquiry to investigate the same HH ????

    Who would trust that inquiry ???

  16. We can start now and go backwards while our short memories are still fresh and when all involved are still alive. Paul Tembo and Penza wanted to tell the nation something but before they could, they were eliminated in cold blood! Chiluba is also gone. So much evidence lost. We are not suggesting that we shouldn’t go back to 1992. It would make more sense to start with the period 2011 to 2020 to investigate the huge disparity between what has been borrowed and the little impact it has had on infrastructure transformation. We can then go to 2001 to 2010 and finally 1992 to 2000 Privatization! But first, we need to address the current pain! We need to know how someone jumped from k2m to k23m in a year without engaging in any business!

  17. We can start now and go backwards while our short memories are still fresh and when all involved are still alive. Paul Tembo and Penza wanted to tell the nation something but before they could, they were eliminated in cold blood! Chiluba is also gone. So much evidence lost. We are not suggesting that we shouldn’t go back to 1992. It would make more sense to start with the period 2011 to 2020 to investigate the huge disparity between what has been borrowed and the little impact it has had on infrastructure transformation. We can then go to 2001 to 2010 and finally 1992 to 2000 Privatization! But first, we need to address the current pain! We need to know how someone jumped from k2m to k23m in a year without engaging in any business!!!

  18. Just like the Concourt..and who will pick the judges? let me guess! Lungu him self right?
    All these feed the family first politicians are making me sick.
    Please do me a favor just shut up please…you are all useless how can you really not see that this is yet another PF’s creation…ask your selves a very simple question…why now. HH is giving them sleepless nights that’s why they are coming up with these shanty compound ideas.
    PF must go…

  19. Does the Chief Justice hv such power? It’s Edgar Lungu himself who has such power unless my knowledge of the law is out of date.

  20. We hv people who probably can’t read a company balance sheet and an income statement weighing in with a viewpoint and apportioning blame without restraint. To them so long a company had existed, then it was viable and doing wht it was supposed to be doing. The problem is big.

  21. Start with Fire Tenders First! We want to know who chewed $750,000 on each of the 42 Wheelbarrows worth $250,000 each but bought for $1m! If this is not serious to Sinkamba, I don’t know how he expects thieves to investigate fellow thieves! ECL would equally be the wrong chap to appoint such a court because he is already conflicted – First, he was part of the Privatization mess and second, his personal hatred for HH where he wants to scheme evil against his arch rival disqualifies him from making an objective and broadbased inquiry on allegations of Privatization wrongs. The PF wrongs are more serious than the Privatization mess because they have not only banckrupted Zambia but have also killed our multiparty democracy and curtailed Freedoms! Whatever Sinkamba is smoking these days is…

  22. Ba Sinkamba, there times when you have had some brilliant moments. This one is not one of them. Rightly so, because there’s is no provision in the constitution for that. Secondly, while sometimes I find some sense on positions. It is fair to say that you like Tayali are a one man party that are PF surrogates and are just there on paper to muddle the waters and be counted as PF aligned parties on any agenda at anytime. Perhaps PF also pays for your party registration. The difference with Tayali however is that you are able to take care of yourself. Since the stakes are so high we can’t rule out that you have not been paid. There are big questions that Lungu need to answer which are really urgent. The gassing of people, 48 houses (which by the way where built under Lungu’s regn), fire…

  23. Thats a clear sign we have useless leadership.if sinkamba can think so dull that ireen mambilima can form up a court,then you know how rotten in the head that leader is.

  24. Peter Sinkamba is misleading HIMSELF, his children and some Zambians who may have come across what he has written to the Chief Justice and President Edgar Lungu thinking that he’s intelligent at law. The Constitution of Zambia does not confer such powers on President Lungu.
    ARTICLE 133 Sub-article (3) provides that: “The Chief Justice may constitute, by statutory instrument, specialised courts of the High Court to hear specific matters.”

  25. Mwiya Songolo: But it is not the Chief Justice who appoints judges, but the President. And it is not the Chief Justice who finances the judiciary but the Executive headed by the President, and budget approved by Parliament chaired by the Speaker appointed by the President. Therefore, every way you look at this issue, the President features in one way or the other. So, Sinkamba has done the right thing to loop in the President in the proposal.

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