Saturday, March 1, 2025

Bill number 10 of 2019 will be brought back to parliament-Given Lubinda


Justice Minister Given Lubinda has said that Constitution Amendment Bill number 10 of 2019 will be brought back to parliament during the fifth session of the Twelfth National Assembly.

Mr. Lubinda said that it will be unfortunate if opposition Members of Parliament do not sit in parliament to debate the Bill, adding that walking out of parliament only disadvantages citizens who want a Constitution.

Mr. Lubinda was speaking when he appeared on a program on Kasama radio to drum up support for PF candidate George Chisanga in the upcoming Lukashya parliamentary by-election.

And Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo reiterated that the government is observing the privatization debate in which some people are accused of having exploited the process to their benefit.

Meanwhile, Commerce Trade and Industry Minister Christopher Yaluma said development being rolled out to all parts of the country is visible to everyone.


  1. If they walk out again it means there is no two thirds majority and the Bill is dead, again! Besides, it will be illegal to bring Bill 10 back to parliament during this sitting, if Lubinda does the PF will be chammenged in court. As Zambians we must stop condoning such foolish ignorance of the law by those in power.

  2. Great stuff comrade Lubinda. No one is saying everything about bill 10 is good. This is why we have a forum called parliament where MPs who represent people can then debate those provisions which they feel will be detrimental to society. The MPs then have an opportunity to vote on those issues and as we are in a democracy, the majority’s wishes prevail.

    Unfortunately we have an opposition party called upnd who are cowards that would rather walk out of parliament but still get paid at end of month. They are a disappointment to all those they represent. And They wonder why their demigod loses elections….

  3. Bwana Lubinda,you can not force a bill on people,what’s wrong with and this useless bill???? Go away as this bill will not keep you alive in the next 20 years or let’s say 10 years…you maybe out of this world by natural causes…. Let the young lead we are tired of you old madalas with lots of greed in your sleeves

  4. Woof! woof!…sichalo chanyoko! Woof! Woof! I am resorting to speak ati kapena zingamvwe izi galu ziliye michila sha! Kuti Bill 10 bill 10, nichalo chanyoko? Go to hell!!

  5. What’s wrong with this man…Bill 10 was dead on arrival…kindly move on with your fake life…you are losing next year. Now you are looking for anything to help you.

    The game is over BABA…

    PF must Go

  6. Zambia is not America were bills are passed through the senate or congress you fools are looking for any loop holes to get your dream land bill passed.

    Why are you so determined to have it passed.
    We are tired of your tricks and everyone is now aware of your moves….Sorry the time has come for you to go.

  7. What should a normal human being do when he sees that the tide is against him. Do u force matters or u look for plan b.

  8. UPND please walk out, there is nothing to debate here. We know it is their survival to remain in power after clear failure and if you stay in parliament you will help give credence to process flawed constitutional making, We the people who elected you willing and collectively ask you to leave the house immediately this bill is pronounced and go and do productive things outside the house

  9. Awe koma a PF musabaila. Mu cizungu timati “you are trying too hard for too little”. Even mulungu aona kuti your time to shine is now gone mwe. All this time you have been lying to us and acquitting each other shuwa you still want kusogolela!??? Awe guys!

  10. Iyo kwena ka Lubinda kalasabaila nga bakalisha tu PUSHI ama Chinese. This matter has become such joke that one cant even tell whether its BILL 10 or BEN 10

  11. This unhealthy obsession with BILL 10 by this crooked guy, Lubinda, should ring alarm bells of danger. Why is this guy so obsessed with passing this worthless, poisonous bill, when the majority of the Zambians have rejected it? This energy he wastes trying to ram this bill down the Zambians throats, should’ve been put into something worthwhile such as fighting corruption in his PF party. But we all know that corrupt PF are running scared, knowing that their time is up, as the time draws near to their oblivion, come 2021. They’re not only scared of losing the election, but they’re also terrified knowing that we the Zambian people will throw their corrupt behinds in prison, for all the corruption they’ve perpetrated on the innocent Zambian people. Thus BILL 10 seems to be their only…

  12. … card left to play. Now they’ve added Nawakwi to the mix, as she tries to distract the Zambians by throwing mud at HH, while they try to push through the evil BILL 10. Shame on these PF crooks. You’re all going to prison next year.

  13. It’s not possible for the PF alone to pass such a Bill in the current setup of Parliament. Therefore the tactic of walking out of Parliament by some members is now stale. We would like them to debate and air their views on the floor of the House. Let them tell us why they’re saying NO to the Bill. We also want to here the proponents respond. This might be the second last sitting of this Parliament and some members will complete their term without saying anything in that house except the usual maiden speech. Just a reminder that you guys are paid to speak

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