Thursday, October 10, 2024

Chirundu District Border Hospital declared fit to Conduct COVID-19 Tests


Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya on Monday conducted a tour of Mtendere level 2 mission hospital in Chirundu District and declared fit to conduct COVID-19 tests.

Dr. Chilufya said Mtendere hospital was the anchor of health services on Chirundu one-stop border post because it accommodated locals as well as those in transit from various destinations.

“Chirundu is a busy transit point, the anchor of health services here is Mtendere mission hospital so that collaborative effort again has been seen and it will be enhanced because now Mtendere will have its own testing facilities, and now that it has been upgraded to a second-level hospital it will even have enhanced human capital and the scope of service that will be provided will be enhanced,” Dr. Chilufya said.

He further assured the hospital management of a beefed-up team of surgical specialists in a few weeks’ time. The Minister proceeded to Chirundu one stop border post where he interacted with a coordinated COVID-19 response team, and assured locals that President Edgar Lungu struck a balance on steering the wheels of the economy while abetting a public health crisis during COVID-19.

He said soon COVID-19 testing labs will be intensified at all ports of entry.

“The multisectoral response that you are seeing here is in line with President Lungu’s guidance in the CIVID-19 response enhance surveillance, early detection, easy management of the pandemic, and any health issues,” said the Minister who is also Mansa central member of parliament.

He said President Lungu encouraged a delicate balance between trade and abating a public health catastrophe.

“Cross Border collaboration is a very critical component in pandemic control, In his aspiration for a good driving economy his Excellency President Lungu has encouraged that balance between trade and abating a public health catastrophe, so what we are seeing at the border is enhanced surveillance to ensure that lives are protected in Zambia, to ensure that we are able to spot cases early isolate and manage them to avoid transmission or escalation of COVID-19.” The Minister emphasized.

He said he was delighted to see coordinated efforts in dealing with the pandemic at the port of entry.

“Am very impressed with the work that is happening here and all we are doing is to urge them all and give them further support in enhancing surveillance, people movements will always fuel an epidemic so we need to manage people movements to support that balance between enhancing trade and commerce and also abate a health crisis .” Added Dr. Chilufya.

Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya and his team visiting Mtendere level 2 mission hospital in Chirundu District
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya
and his team visiting Mtendere level 2 mission hospital in Chirundu District
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya and his team visiting Mtendere level 2 mission hospital in Chirundu District
Health Minister Dr. Chitalu Chilufya
and his team visiting Mtendere level 2 mission hospital in Chirundu District


  1. Zambian women get so sexual abused even in public, what was Chilufya doing in maternity ward? Look in picture, that woman was not even dressed.
    Chilufya can’t touch my baby like that, I can sue him or even ukumupponona fye.

  2. My hard working minister. You have done great job once again. The western world needs to contact you for advice because there they died like chickens.

  3. camera, lights , action.
    until zambians realize that they have rights to saw NO to been paraded like that by anybody on camera.


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