Friday, March 7, 2025

Garry Nkombo alleges that National Registration Cards are being issued to foreign nationals


UNITED Party for National Development (UPND) chairperson for elections Garry Nkombo has disclosed that Zambia’s sovereignty is slowly eroding owing to National Registration Cards (NRCs) being issued to foreign nationals.

Mr Nkombo who stopped by Mwense on his way to Mwansabombwe said he was shocked to find NRCs being given to Congolese national and aided by known Patriotic Front (PF) officials and the District Commissioner.

Mr Nkombo who is also Mazabuka Member of Parliament said a Congolese national in the ages of 60 was apprehended by alert Zambians and that he is currently detained and records are there to show.

“We demand an explanation from the Home Affairs Minister Steven Kampyongo and Directors of Immigration as well as National Registration office on the current happenings,” he said.

“It, therefore, goes without saying that these documents are true of security nature and must never be trivialized and must be issued with due diligence and without discrimination of bonafide citizens,” He added.

Hon Nkombo explained that the converse side was that such documents must never be issued out to undeserving people that were over age and most importantly foreigners.


  1. How to subdue the masses through abductions the Zimbabwean style
    Watch “CCTV footage has emerged which is believed to reveal Tawanda Muchehiwa’s abduction: Edmund Kudzayi” on YouTube

  2. PF and lungu font care about things like that , clinging to power over rides everything.

    Go to the Congolese refugee camps , they all have NRCs ……

  3. This issue of giving NRCs to foreigners must be brought to an end and the major culprits are politicians. It started with UNIP, MMD continued it and now the PF has embraced it. I also share mine with an 84yr old but how did he manage to get an NRC at that age? Most of my peers are alive and we know when we obtained our NRCs. UNIP gave so many Malawians, Mwachusa, Zimbabweans, etc such that some Malawians even held senior positions in Government. Can you stop this practice of looking at every national matter in terms of winning and losing elections? You’re destroying our country, ba mambala

  4. We need to look at issues from all angels unlike focusing on one particular incident. This happened, not because of on coming elections but because of porous systems that have existed for ages from the time we gained political independence. Who is to blame? Off course, no one likes blame and it will always be shifted from one to the other.
    There is an institution charged with responsibility to issue NR Cs everyday to people who have qualified to get it whether from Zambia,Uganda, India, or any other country where human beings live. How easy or difficulty is it to get an NRC, Passport, Driving licence,work permit, plots from councils and many other documents or services form the responsible institutions. Are people aware of procedures to follow to get these services or are…

  5. As long as you’re African you should be free to settle anywhere in Africa,Infact we should have one currency.

  6. They are started crying even before elections. Deep down they know that they are losing. I am an expert in political strategizing and winning elections. I can tell you that hh will never win. I don’t get why people like Garry are not brave to take over upnd. Better still get someone from another neutral tribe to stand as leader of upnd in order to prove that you are not a tribal grouping. Until you do that you will continue losing

    • Absolute nonsense I don’t know where you draw strength to talk like this. You enjoyed being at state house because of tribalism and a sensible person cannot dispute that. Remember some one you were with at state house said that there was witchcraft at state house where you and your colleague were mentioned. You are not God.You are used rigging elections. Dirty wizard.

  7. Typical UPND always claiming without tangible evidence. We are still waiting for Maureen Mwanawasa’s ballot papers of 2016. Sorry I forgot, she is no-longer in UPND because she is not tonga.

  8. Garry don’t get surprised, we are not in a democracy. If this was a democracy you were going to be featured on ZNBC to air your concerns, HH was going to be the next guest on Sunday Interview on ZNBC, opposition parties were going to be allowed to mobilize just the way the ruling party is in serious campaign mode for Presidential elections. The level of primitivity is beyond comprehension, there is only one set of defection on ZNBC TV and that is to the ruling party, very shameless ZNBC cadre management. Stone age tactics. One non partisan and respected archbishop asked a very pertinent question, if we are not in a dictatorship it means we are almost there.

  9. The NRC is just but one. Remember disaster management is already on the ground giving mealie meal, the civilian guy being saluted by chaps will also move in with illegal presidential empowerment fund, the K1600 is flowing smoothly strangely, GRZ fuel is at work with some ministers kneeling for votes clearly in violation of the electoral code, toothless ECZ is a spectator like all of us. instead of saving the exchange rate they are all in Mwansabombwe and Lukashya campaigning, please people get the money but vote with your heart, this decline of the country called Zambia cant continue.

  10. Very sad, this country was a democracy. PF was mobilizing last week on the Copperbelt and the opposition cant even be allowed by the Police to step food outside. What type of democracy is this? And you even tell the opposition that don’t walk out of parliament we debate bill 10 as a democracy. Which democracy? Public media which uses tax payers money to run is yours only as a ruling party. And when it comes to bill 10 you want the opposition to sit with you in parliament and cooperate. Shaa

  11. @Kaizer Zulu, “I am an expert in political strategizing and winning elections.” Share your CV. Also, “.. better still get someone from another neutral tribe…” Tell us what a “neutral tribe” is and what disqualifies Tongas? You’re painting the entire country with one stroke of your illterate tribal brush. WE will prove you wrong. WE will not allow you to continue.

    As you go about your business insulting and name calling keep the following in mind: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. if you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer a defeat. if you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle” – Sun Tzu.
    WE know who you are, what you look like, where you live,…

  12. @Kaizre Zulu, WE know who you are, what you look like, where you live, schools your children attend, where your wife gets her hair done etc.. You can not say the same for us. WE are words on your screen. Don’t ever think you’re untouchable. Way bigger political fish than yourself have been silenced in their comfort zones in Zambia. You can not insult everyone all the time. There will be consequences to be paid. Govern yourself accordingly.

    You have been warned. WE will touch you were it hurts the most. Be respectful of others.

  13. Without even bothering to go to Mwansabombwe to sniff out foreigners, I think you will find that there are quite a few foreigners residing in Zambia illegally – right in Lusaka’s shanties.

    The problem lies with the country’s extensive borders which are porous; and lax immigration controls. It’s free for all.

  14. @Kaizer Zulu… schools your children attend, where your wife gets her hair done etc.. You can not say the same for us. WE are words on your screen. Don’t ever think you’re untouchable. Way bigger political fish than yourself have been silenced in their comfort zones in Zambia. You can not insult everyone all the time. There are always consequences to be paid. Zambia is bigger than you. Govern yourself accordingly.

    You have been warned. WE will touch you were it hurts the most. Be respectful of others.

  15. Its nothing new. Us who have lived & worked in South Africa & Botswana have been introduced to “fellow Zambians” in our neighbourhood only to find they are Congolese with Zambian passports & NRCs. From the 1990s to today. Zambians in the UK will tell you same thing. Winter told you when they defeated RB that pf had brought tanzanians & kenyas to vote for them. We know upnd brings zimbabweans & angolans to register as zambians near southern & western province boarders to straighten their stronghoods. So whats the news here?

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