Friday, March 7, 2025

Falsified Drugs Story An Act of Sabotage, says YALI


The statement that the Government through the Ministry of Health is dispensing drugs that are substandard and falsified medical products that may harm patients and fail to treat diseases is an act of sabotage, says the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI).

In a statement issued by YALI Legal and Governance Advisor, Isaac Mwanza said the statements attributed to suspended Pharmaceutical Association of Zambia President Jerome Kanyika is not only alarming but an act of sabotage calculated to send panic into the Zambian public who are consumers of medical products.

“Those careless remarks are also aimed at creating doubts among cooperating partners who are supporting the public health service delivery in Zambia,” said Mwanza

Mr Mwanza has advised responsible media houses to avoid the temptation of being accomplices in sending panic among patients especially that Mr. Kanyika himself acknowledged that no quality tests have been done to confirm that the drugs are substandard, falsified, or toxic.

“It is irresponsible to try and portray that President Lungu is leading a government that wants to poison its own citizens with expired drugs,” said Mr. Mwanza

He said his organization is not surprised with a sustained negative campaign against President Edgar Lungu’s administration, especially one targeted at the Ministry of Health, during the COVID-19 pandemic period when health professionals are doing their level best to deliver services.

“This sabotage is a continued narrative to discredit the award of a tender to Honey Bee Zambia which has been going on as if lawfully registered entities without limited liability cannot be awarded government contracts tender,” said Mwanza

Mr. Mwanza said there was nothing legally wrong with the tender to a registered entity such as Honey Bee Zambia and has since called on the Ministry of Health to become proactive in giving Zambian assurances of the safety of medical products and conduct tests whose results must be made public.


  1. That is the work of the evil angry sadist upnd savages. Time will catch up with them. They will never rule this country. Mark my words.

  2. Unsubstantiated claims forming a smear campaign to throw mud on government.
    Jerome Kanyika only saw the faults and lapses in the supply chain when he got axed.

  3. The Ministry of Health is staffed with some of our finest technocrats. They know how to handle this. It’s the duty of every citizen to hold government to account. Glasnost or openness is all that is required to establish if the story is baseless. News Diggers has no Ministry of Health correspondent. So who gave them the picture? Reading the report, reveals that they spoke to a HoneyBee official. The issue of damaged goods or substandard goods is a common problem in commercial relationships and that’s why and how guarantees or warrants exist in new motor vehicle sales for example.

  4. Its very unprofessional for someone who should have been profession to scare the public with such sentiments. The Kanyika guy must be retired from public service in national interest.

    • Yes, retire the guy so he can join opposition politics. All drugs are toxic but this guy is simply trying to say it clear: govt is killing people with expired drugs.

  5. I do criticise this clueless Government but this Kanyika guy has gone way out of his lane as Pharmacist. I agree he needs to be retired from public service. He isn’t giving public confidence

  6. LT has removed the numbering unfortunately. The second Nemwine comment is an impostor. I don’t know pharmacologist Kanyika and I don’t know wht has happened to him. I hv no reason to express an opinion on whether he should be retired or retained in the public service. That’s a matter for those who know the issue.

  7. By the way, I read NewsDiggers every weekday since they only publish during the working week. I think NewsDiggers is a great newspaper with a bright future and a brave staff.

  8. kaka kamuntu kapuba..whoever tells him to speak out..even when something is clear..surely..a brown tablet which should be white ati negative statemenets..ka isaac ubututu

  9. News Diggers are working hard to propel HH to State House. This is about the Post closure. They guys are bitter

  10. You are right YALI but stop mentioning the head of state every time you speak. An NGO is supposed to be always objective without showing inclination to a political party or against

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