Thursday, February 6, 2025

1,065 student at Mulungushi University awarded Study loans


The Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Board (HELSB) has awarded 1,065 student loans to first-year students at Mulungushi University for the 2020/2021 academic year.

Corporate Communications Officer Chiselwa Kawanda says 598 first-year students have been awarded 100 percent student loans while 466 have been awarded the loan at 75 percent with 1 student awarded at 50 percent.

Ms. Kawanda explains that the board received 1,218 applications of which only 1 thousand and 65 applicants were eligible for the award of student loans while 153 were ineligible.

She disclosed that out of the 1,218 applications, 796 were from male applicants while 422 were from female applicants.

Ms. Kawanda said the board has received only 2 applications from students living with disabilities.

She further noted that 950 students applied under the science category while 268 students applied under the non-science category.

Ms. Kawanda added that the loans for the awarded students will cover Tuition fees and book allowances only.

She said 669 applications were received from students from urban areas while 549 were received from students from rural areas.

Last academic year, HELSB granted 300 loans to first-year students for the 2019/ 2020 academic year at the same institution.


  1. Education has always been our priority. That’s over a thousand people at just one institution being given the opportunity to become productive members of society. Now if that is not positive development then I don’t know what is. We will now wait for the upnd superhumans to criticise and yet fail to tell us what they would have done differently.

  2. Why only one institution is benefiting.
    Consider also those colleges in rural areas why not give the students loans aswell for example we have lewanika college of nursing and midwifery,chipata school of nursing just to mention a few.but you only give those in towns just.and they are the only one’s benefiting.

  3. Education loans should be for all Zambian students needing them and not just for those in government institutions.This is very discriminatory. Students going to private Universities like UNILUS, Cavendish, ZCAS etc have a right to those gorvernment loans as well because their parents and guardians have and do pay Taxes as well. Which Government Ministry does the Private Universities fall under if any ?
    It is worth noting that even the parents and guardians of those whose children are in private Universities and colleges do vote as well as such deserve a fair share of the national cake.
    Starting January Next year Student Loans should be availed to Private University students as well who need those loans as most parents and guardians are struggling to pay and other students are…

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