Saturday, February 1, 2025

UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee’s Petrol Bombed House in Pictures


UPND Secretary General Stephen katuka accompanied by National Women Chairlady, Namakau Kabwiku to visit the victims
UPND Secretary General Stephen katuka accompanied by National Women Chairlady, Namakau Kabwiku to visit the victims
UPND Secretary General Stephen katuka accompanied by National Women Chairlady, Namakau Kabwiku to visit the victims
UPND Secretary General Stephen katuka accompanied by National Women Chairlady, Namakau Kabwiku to visit the victims
UPND Secretary General Stephen katuka accompanied by National Women Chairlady, Namakau Kabwiku to visit the victims
UPND Secretary General Stephen katuka accompanied by National Women Chairlady, Namakau Kabwiku to visit the victims
UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata outside his Petrol Bombed House
UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata outside his Petrol Bombed House
UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata outside his Petrol Bombed House
UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata outside his Petrol Bombed House
Burnt Furniture from UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata’s petrol bombed house
UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata outside his Petrol Bombed House
UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata outside his Petrol Bombed House
UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata's petrol bombed house
UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata’s petrol bombed house
UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata's petrol bombed house
UPND Muchinga ward 24 Trustee Peter Kalyata’s petrol bombed house


  1. Only lawless countries is where you can see such incidents.

    Given the caliber of the current leadership, it’s not a surprise.

    We need to restore human dignity and fear the law of the land. We can’t have laws which only protect the PF cadres and officials.

    PF must go!

    • Zambians should take a moment of reflection and put to an end this nonsense of calling street thugs and hooligans as commanders , soldiers and America whatever, If you have never watched JOHNNY MAD DOG, about the Liberian civil war, then you have no idea what you are supporting mwankole iwe.

  2. Despicable! That’s why I always laugh when pathetic fo0ls on Lsk Times like Kaizar Zulu say PF is peaceful!

  3. We saw this with a early days Mugabe and ZANU PF , resulting in mass migration and devastation of the Zim economy with 10s of thousands of deaths ……..

    exact same patterns we are seeing with lungu and PF.

  4. This is a Crime scene, where are the police? You only see them to stop the Opposition ir the Youth from peaceful demonstrations.
    Typical symptoms of a failed state. PF and their corrupt Lungu must go! PF are Mother fckers!

  5. A upnd members house is petrol bombed it then automatically becomes pf fault? This is how childish the upnd are. They always get like this closer to election because they sense defeat. Look, we don’t what shady things that upnd member has been doing. For all we know he has annoyed the fellow criminals he deals whatever he deals in with. Why is ugly katuka there and damaging evidence at a crime scene. Wouldn’t be surprised if upnd did this deliberately to blame pf. Disgusting

  6. This man appears to have no skin on his back! He should be in an ambulance heading for hospital, not being made to pose for photographs. And why have peace loving Zambians become so violent?? Where is the Christianity and love… ? Sad.

  7. Muchinga Ward24, where’s this? Is it Lusaka? Is it Muchinga province? Is it Muchinga constituency in Serenje? LT reporting could do with a bit help in wht it means to communicate. Whatever the province, this is appalling , despicable but not surprising. Even if this violence doesn’t involve my property, my relatives or someone I know, it’s capable of spreading to my doorstep, to my neighbour and to my relatives. Zambia has began its descent into chaos.

  8. Civil unrest ahead, this is a tip of the icebeck
    Kaizar Z you are one dimwits living on this planet (earth)
    You came into the world through the anus .. grow up chipuba

  9. These cadres you calling commander, soldiers and America whatever, Unless you have never watched Johnny mad dog or other documentary films about sierra Leone and Liberia, aba Ba cadre mulelekela so they will grow wings you will fail to control them.

  10. While i commiserate with this man and his family, i find it hard to link the bombing of the house and PF involvement in it.
    Find the ugly culprits for this misdeed

  11. This is horrible…..just be human and take your political affiliation tags and reflect….and you will understand!
    This shouldn’t be happening……this is not the Zambia I knew…..
    And this i.di.ooot called KZ, even in such cases is busy defending his PF. Just condemn the whole act, whether this happened to UPND or PF member, that doesnt matter. Its this acts of violence that matters, as they should NOT be happening at ALL.

  12. I hv heard it said in the Bemba language that “nowashalimo akabamo”. Translation: even the one not involved will get involved/affected. Even Jehovah’s witnesses will also get affected.

  13. PF thuggery and lawlessness. I cannot imagine continuing with this behaviour for another 5 years, God forbid. Thank God they will see their exit in 2021
    We need sanity in Zambia. Just the way they behave in town, on the road etc puts me off. We need normal people to run this country.
    Every Zambian knows that UPND does not engage in violent acts. If they do, why not arrest them. You can imagine no PF cadre will be arrested.

  14. This is heart breaking!! Totally appalling. However, let us not be quick to accuse each other as to which political party did this because there’s no evidence pointing at that. Although I honestly hope the Police conduct thorough investigation into the matter and bring the perpetrators to book. Sad that this family has been left homeless.

  15. Diaspora lady, my exact thoughts too. What is even more worrying and disturbing is the fact that victim belongs to a party run by a self proclaimed billionare and yet when you see the state of the house he lives in, it leaves a lot to be desired. How can a rich man allow his party officials to be living in such housing. a sign of greed. That money we have come to learn actually belongs to us the zambian people as it was stolen during privatization

  16. Guys these are innocent people. And where is the minister of interior… quite totally quit…instead of putting a stop to such behavior.

    Enough is enough.

  17. Imwe is this the Kaizer Zulu who was an adviser to the president? If he is, then no wonder we have a problem in this government.

  18. Better to have police investigate before pointing accusing fingers at others. We should not be too quick to apportion blame. However, I feel sorry for this family. Whoever is behind this should be found and brought to book. As of now, no one knows who the culprits are and what the real motive for this cowardly act is.

  19. Not surprised at all by this. PF is a crime syndicate led by a gangster, Edgar Al Capone Lungu. Fellow peace loving Zambians, let us not get sidetracked by these PF criminals. There’s only one way to take our country back from these thugs. VOTE PF OUT IN 2021. Begin the campaign now! Go to the remotest parts of Zambia and tell the people how PF criminals must be voted out next year. They need to lose in a landslide. That way they can’t easily rig the election. Once they lose the election next year, we’ll not let even one of them escape justice, from the chief criminal currently occupying the State house to his minister of propaganda, Kaizar Joseph Goebbels Zulu. Seal the borders and confiscate their passports, so they can’t escape. They’re all going to prison next for a 150…

  20. Kaizar Zulu you know what your doing the time for pretending is over.
    In case you have memory lapses “State House Aide Kaizer Zulu his counterpart Amos Chanda, Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and Minister in-charge of National Development Planning Lucky Mulusa on Tuesday night celebrated the arrest of UPND President Hakainde Hichilema in style at a pub on 8 Reedbuck road in Kabulonga.
    The four senior PF officials took turns boasting how they had made sure they had fixed the opposition leader and how they were controlling state institution”.
    You are still not ashamed of your evil activities, what?

  21. Kaizer, PF is the government of the day. Your comment should be directed at government officials lying that they have brought development to Zambia. No 1 is on record saying Zambia is better than he found it. Crazy officials not so? KZ agrees and sees his mistake thanks.

  22. @PETER, no this is kaizar the advisor to your mother. Honestly what do you think? The government can not do everything for you. This is not a nanny state. The government is not your father and mother. If you have failed in life better to reevaluate yourself and ask yourself why you are a failure. If you are honest with yourself you will find the answer to that and I hope you can work on yourself. It has become a horrible habit to have dependency syndrome in Zambia. Learn to stand up for yourself. The government is only there to facilitate and provide the minimum foundation to help you. We have done that in all sectors. Infrastructure development at rates never seen. If you are unable to exploit and take advantage then you are just a lazy cow. The majority will decide again in 2021 who…

  23. …..who leads them. The failures will continue running to courts like headless chickens. Simply grow up ba opposition and stop acting as if your testicles have not dropped yet

  24. Have the police told us who did this, or are we just speculating? HH is being grilled for selling Zambia’s assets and this mysteriously happens. Open your eyes Zambians no crooks shall hide what they did anymore. All should come clean now, MMD too.

  25. One of the photos shows a man whose back was burned with a shirt in his hand. If the burns are current why he is he not in bandages?

  26. @KZ and Diaspora lady are clearly ‘meant for each other’ – on another planet! Neither has any aorta of humanity in them, as evidenced by their contributions on this forum.

  27. Ka KZ wila yumfya because your background as a Lab assistant speaks volumes about you .Analyse yourself and then seriously ask yourself the following question ; Could you have managed to lead this life of leisure you are enjoying had it not been because of the PF which has run down the national wallet ?

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