Saturday, March 1, 2025

HH needs to Respond Honestly to Very Serious Questions Zambians Asking-Davies Mwila


Patriotic Front Secretary General, Hon. Davis Mwila has challenged United Party for National Development leader Hakainde Hichilema to respond honestly to some very serious questions that the Zambian people are seeking answers to such as his involvement in the sale of the Intercontinental hotel among other things.

Hon. Mwila said anyone seeking public office would naturally be subjected to an integrity test which they need to pass.

He said President Lungu is presiding over a corruption allergic government and that even his Ministers had to appear before the courts of law to prove their innocence.

He said the narrative by the opposition that PF and its leaders are corrupt is a calculated attempt by the opposition to scandalize the ruling government in order to derail the development agenda but that the PF was well aware of the cheap politics by the opposition and refused to be swayed.

He said whilst the President was busy leading, fool’s where busy politicking.

He urged the People of Lukashya to choose development over rhetoric by voting for George Chisanga tomorrow.

He was speaking at a rally at Chisanga Primary School grounds in Lukashya constituency this afternoon where he was drumming up support for George Chisanga.


  1. Muleikafye ngatamukwete ifya kubepa abantu…. Which Zambian people are talking about. First ask your boss to explain why he stole money from the widow, why he has failed to find the owner of 48 houses, who was behind the gassing, and who burnt city/ comesa market. If he as a president cant provide answer to these questions , then he is not worth to be a president of Zambia. Otherwise ni chimwankole and nimwe fimwankole!!

  2. HH is quick to accuse others of corruption and yet when is asked to give answers the coward decides to sue people for 3million dollars. He is a little cat- a p.u.s.s.ey

  3. Zambians need some serious answers to the way you have got rich beyond your means . From a general miner at the open pit in Chingola to a multi million property owner .The fire tenders you bought at a million dollars a piece to the forty eight houses without owners is the worst sin to have ever happened to Zambia .This government has brought untold suffering to a common man . Let us vote Lungu out .

    proposals. PWBM finds that over the 10-year budget window 2021 – 2030, the Biden platform would
    raise $3.375 trillion in additional tax revenue and increase spending by $5.37 trillion. Including
    macroeconomic and health effects, by 2050 the Biden platform would decrease the federal debt by 6.1
    percent and increase GDP by 0.8 percent relative to current law. Almost 80 percent of the increase in
    taxes under the Biden tax plan would fall on the top 1 percent of the income distribution.

  5. Key Points
    Over fiscal years 2021 – 2030, the Biden platform would raise $3.375 trillion in new tax revenue while
    increasing spending by $5.37 trillion.
    Under the Biden tax plan, households with adjusted gross income (AGI) of $400,000 per year or less
    would not see their taxes increase directly but would see lower investment returns and wages as a
    result of corporate tax increases. Those with AGI at or below $400,000 would see an average decrease in
    after-tax income of 0.9 percent under the Biden tax plan, compared to a decrease of 17.7 percent for
    those with AGI above $400,000 (the top 1.5 percent).
    The largest areas of new net spending are education at $1.9 trillion over ten years and infrastructure
    and R&D at $1.6 trillion over ten years.
    In total, including macroeconomic and…

  6. Ati “President Lungu is presiding over a corruption allergic government and that even his Ministers had to appear before the courts of law to prove their innocence.”
    Ba Mwila , don’t think that Zambians are stupid.
    Kwena HH namibika muchibe?

  7. Which Zambian’s are you talking about that are asking HH those questions? HH as nothing to answer for to me? PF and Davis do not speak for me and millions of other Zambians. On this one I have more ligitimacy to speak on behalf of others than Davis.

  8. These vultures are not ashamed at all even when they know things are bad they can still open their dirt mouths.

    Your time is up

    PF must go!

  9. Its a clear case of manager client relationship that brings out issues of conflict of interest and non disclosure of material beneficial ownership interest and obligation of client interest and ultimately trading on your account without disclosure there committing a felony Its against the solvency and restructuring acts including the investment s act of 1941 READ the Joe Biden and see campaigns of issue based FOR now the courts can deal with that

  10. Davies please count me out on the zambians that are seeking ‘answers’ from HH. He offered his professional services and for your own information, consultancy services are very expensive especially when u contract a fully trained person. Let us deal with 48 houses, mukula logs captured in Malaysia, procurement of fire engines and ambulances, gassing of people, burning of markets, procurement of expired drugs, taking of Seer1 to parliament in the night to curse our Parliament. Zambians must cleanse parliament. Forget about HH; let us deal with real issues. If u still have issues, sue MMD; most of MMD people bought companies including CTS Tyre Services and deliberately sabotaged Dunlop.

  11. THE AGIP Case a murky affair, but it sheds a good deal of light on the involvement of accountancy firms in money laundering Judgement by Mr. Justice Millett in the case of AGIP (Africa) Limited v Jackson & Others (1990) 1 Ch. 275 There is a recent case also by sec on similar public asset privatization The AGIP case shows you something The new will send him quickly panting Be issue based

  12. PF fails to answer examples. Full of dullards. Didn’t the guy give you documented instances? You go and produce what you are accusing him of mwe finangwa mwe! Unfortunately even rural folk know how useless you are.

  13. Who in MMD government were signatories to this Agreement with Canadian Mining firms that condemned Zambia to Royalty taxes of 0.6%? Listen to FQM’s 2011 threats when ABC announced tax changes:

    First Quantum said it would have “no choice” but to take legal action if a new tax regime breached the agreement it signed during the privatization process.

    Leave HH alone! Was he MMD president? Thou Shalt not bear false witness against anyone!

  14. Who in MMD government were signatories to this Agreement with Canadian Mining firms that condemned Zambia to Royalty taxes of 0.6%? Listen to FQM’s 2011 threats when ABC announced tax changes:

    First Quantum said it would have “no choice” but to take legal action if a new tax regime breached the agreement it signed during the privatization process.

    Leave HH alone! Was he MMD president? Thou Shalt not bear false witness against anyone!!!

  15. In the first place Halusa Hagain is not fit for presidency. He has so many un answered question hanging on top of his head. The people of Zambia need to have answers for those questions.

  16. If I had a way to advise the PF, I would advise them to stop wealth accumulation as a tool for campaigns for obvious reasons. It’s like a polygamous man fighting to dis fellow another polygamous man. Upnd could have easily be disbanded now by simply targeting Katuka and the lady. Remember how mwanawasa managed to target tentamashimba and Patrick chisanga among others. Just three by elections in western and north western were enough to increase the gap from 35000 to 750000. Pf are doing exactly chanda chimba style which failed mmd. Maybe its because of mmd influx in the party

  17. What agenda naimwe ba Mwila?
    Which government would never build roads and other infrastucture? What else would it build?
    In terms of the PF manifesto laid out by Mr Sata, you are shamelessly quiet: more money in your pockets? More jobs? etc.
    Maybe more money is the weekly donations of cash by ministers that we are seeing? But that just reveals that PF is not really pro poor by making those ministers filthy rich to donate crumbs to filthy poor citizens.

  18. When u live in a glass house, don’t throw stones as people will be angry one day and stone your house!!

    Umelembwe wa chipuba, upwila muli tumfwe. PF are equivalent to IFIPUBA. They make statements to test the Zambian people!! If HH has to account, what about you alleged thieves serving as President & Ministers?

    Zambians are quiet people but are not stupid & PF has taken them for granted for far too long!

    President Lungu says he will institute investigations on what transpired during privatization.

    Zambians now shall demand a level playing field by having all CANDIDATES investigated. Zambians & the international community want to know the PF’s alleged public theft of their resources as opposed to targeting one opponent and eliminating him from the race.

    Zambians must…

  19. When Nawakwi was demoted from as Finance Minister she was sent to Ministry of Labour she never yapped about privatization wrongs
    MMD under Chiluba 1998 – 2001. There was no rubbish talk about HH having done wrong with privatization consultancy services
    MMD under Mwanawasa 2001- 2008. There was no rubbish accusations for any wrong doing in the privatization process.
    MMD under Rupiah Banda – 2008 – 2011. There was no rubbish allegations about the privatization process.
    During all that time above it was MMD administration.So if there was any misdeeds why was it not raised that time?

    This whole strategy is a Pf made gimmick to illiminate there Political opponent.

  20. The man has categorically stated that he has never worked in Government before and cannot be questioned over the privatization saga. Privatization was the policy for the MMD government. He was merely hired as a consultant who executed his duties diligently while others were busy snoring. A consultant just makes recommendations based on his findings and its up to the client to make a decision.

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