Saturday, March 1, 2025

News Diggers Newspaper misrepresented President Edgars Lungu’s Statement-Antonio Mwanza


Patriotic Front (PF) Deputy Media Director Antonio Mwanza has condemned the News Diggers Newspaper misrepresenting President Edgars Lungu’s Statement when he addressed the people of Lukashya as he drummed up support for the PF candidate.

Mr. Mwanza said instead of being factual and accurate in their reporting, News Diggers in their calculated scheme to tarnish the image of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu and the Patriotic Front, use eye-catching and misleading headlines and biased and inaccurate editorials.

He said the case in point is Thursday’s Headline titled “I’LL REMAIN PRESIDENT whether Zambians like it or not – Lungu.”

Mr. Mwanza said the headline is not only misleading but it is highly offensive and has the potential to breed civil disharmony as it attempts to paint President Edgar Lungu as a tinpot dictator who has no regard for the Republican Constitution and the people of Zambia.

“We wish to register our profound dismay at the gutter journalism being practiced by the News Diggers Newspaper. The headline is deliberately crafted in a misleading manner to portray the President as someone who has no regard for the law and the people of Zambia when in fact, the opposite is true,” He said.

“For removal of doubt, this is the verbatim statement of what President Edgar Lungu said and I quote: “Nangu chibe shani namailo litali, na 2021 litali, lelo kufika next election mu August pa 12 mu 2021, President ninebo! Nangu ulefwaya, olo taulefwaya, President ninebo! Nowo mukasala, afwile abomba naine. Nga chakutila nafwa lelo, ba President niba Inonge Wina, chapwa!” He said.

The PF Deputy Media Director said contrary to the picture News Diggers is trying to portray that President Lungu will impose himself on the people or use force and or any other unconstitutional means to remain President, President Lungu was clearly and categorically stating a known fact that he will remain President till 2021 as provided for by the constitution of the Republic of Zambia.

“This is a fact and the President is on firm ground. While we appreciate the right by News Diggers to be critical of President Edgar Lungu and the PF, we demand that they do so within the professional ethics of journalism. It is never too late to do the right thing and we hope News Diggers will reflect on their unethical reporting as it is a danger to society and themselves as a media institution,” said Mr.Mwanza.

He adds that PF strongly believes in freedom of the Press and Press Freedom and will always stand in defense of the media but will also demand that the media report responsibly and professionally in line with media ethics.


  1. Ok I had to read it twice to understand and yes he does mean like it or not uptill election in 2021 I am president unless otherwise and the next option if not is madam Wina … so pick someone who is one of us in short for this election. But media houses have to sell papers i guess you have to read there whole article.

  2. Antonio mwanza AKA Zambian citizen

    Diggers are about right on lungu wanting to force himself onto Zambias considering the violence he is using including gassing of our people……

    No one trusts lungu….

  3. Antonio, why did you allow your boss to go on this working visit to decampaign himself and make the Kwacha more sick?
    He spent One hour talking I’ll about HH. If HH is not a factor, why spending One hour talking about and getting too personal with a citizen? That was very unPresidential! News Diggers did not misquote your man. They were spot on! In Bemba we say “Chimbwi Pakulila ninshi kuli app ashintile!” If the Chinese funding PF are misleading him that they will help keep him on the Throne against the wishes of the people, let him think again. Is this the scheme going on to install spying equipment on all corners of our country? Do the right thing and be fair!

  4. Where is the Apology from News Diggers Zambia? Better to publish the full Apology instead of giving us incomplete commentary. Elsewhere ECL has been quoted as saying even if he loses the 2021 Elections he is not going anywhere.

  5. Now what is Diggers mission by deliberately misquoting the Chosen One? Don’t they know that such careless misstatements can fuel untold violence across the nation? And if they close you today you start complaining that they are killing the Zambian Independent Press in order to orchestrate a one party state.. Let’s be factual..

  6. The president should trust his interpreters and speak in English as English is an official language in Zambia. The way he speaks Bemba is not so pleasing to the ear. it is boringly monotonous, lacking excitement or variety. No wonder he sends his audience to sleep during his humdrum speech.

  7. There was no misrepresentation. Words were very clear in the video.

    We are not fools.

    Treason is unbailable. If convicted it is death sentence.

  8. Going by the violence commanded by lungu against Zambians, including gassing his own people , one can conclude lungu will not leave even if votes out

  9. The upnd psychos are out in full force using all sorts of tactics to try and win. This is all after damaging their own car and wanting people to believe it was pf who did it. Meanwhile the results from by elections are coming in and they have gone quiet. Useless losers

  10. This News Diggers publication has a regularly anti ruling party stance in every political story they cover, just like many other publications in Zed. They all think this is what sells. Unlike us social media activists, Newspapers have a responsibility to supply audiences with impartial news. If you are going to criticise do it on all parties and dont include criticisms in your news articles. Journalists must be professional. They shouldnt be biased activists.

  11. Antonio-it seems like you have so much time on your hands to fix Lungu’s image.

    Here is what we think about him, We Don’t Want Him Any More!

    stick that to your brain…You are focusing on the wrong topic…you should be worrying about the economy.

    PF must Go


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