Saturday, March 1, 2025

UPND bemoans high levels of political intolerance exhibited by PF government


United Party For National Development (UPND) National Youth Secretary-General Mr. Trevor Mwiinde has bemoaned the high levels of political intolerance that the PF government has exhibited during the Mwansabombwe and Lukashya bye-election campaign.

Speaking when he featured on Muvi TV’s Morning Breakfast Show, Mr. Mwiinde said that there has never been a bye-election with a lot of police officers compared to the people voting in the whole of Zambian history. Responding to the arrest of Deputy Secretary-General Mr. Patrick Mucheleka, Former National Youth IPS Mr. Samuel Ngwira, Campaign Manager for Lukashya Parliamentary bye-elections Mr. Elias Mubanga, and other party officials, Mr. Mwiinde challenged the police to remove cadres’s mentality when dealing with the law.

He further expressed his disappointment in the PF government that has failed to bring development to the people of Mwansabombwe Constituency through providing clean but have chosen to prioritize paying cadres who are working overtime to issue NRCs on Sundays.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Mwiinde said that youths in Zambia are not looking for a government that arrests opposition leaders but one that can create sustained jobs for them.


  1. The Mucheleka story is really depressing. Where is Ba Edgar’s wife, I forgot her name. Does she sleep in same bedroom her so-called President? How can sleep with a man who put other people’s fathers in jail over kicking a type-writter?

  2. Cause for violence is politics of the belly. If we had issue based campaigns, there would be no violence. All politicians are thugs in the end. How do you take 3/4 of your time on the platform talking about your opponent and not on what you will do for people? Getting personal is the root cause of violence .

  3. Mdyelekezi at work. He wanted to cause destruction in the area. The presence of the Police was to his disadvantage. Still crying young man.

  4. Always blaming others while you go around perpetrating violence. The only way violence will stop is when everyone takes responsibility. Why is the Socialist Party not involved in any violence?? Because they are responsible and don’t perpetrate it. Both PF and upnd need to take responsibility.

  5. Lawlessness is destroying our Country. The President recently announced that Bars will be opening from Fridays to Sunday from 17.00 to 23.00. Unfortunately, this decree is not being respected at all. This is just one of the many examples of people refusing to comply and relevant authorities failing to ensure that rules and laws are obeyed. What is the Council and Police doing? Is the President in control of Zambia if Police are not acting on his decrees?

  6. after watching that video of those thuggish hoodlums, then we are told they have been arrested and you also have upnd members arrested too, suddenly the idea of prisoners voting comes to my mind, imagine these guys been placed in the prison and they are canvassing for votes from prisoners, what are we trying to create as a country? have watched and read so much prison stories in south american prisons.

  7. @zambian citizen when did you hear that socialist party is participating in any bye election? they have no responsility because they are not active participants in elections.

  8. They know they are losing- so setup their own vehicle and wear pf regalia whilst damaging an old vehicle of theirs. Why was it not a GX they did this to? After all they are in rural area so why would they be driving around in such a car for campaigning in rural Zambia.

    Upnd now want to use this as an excuse for losing. You were very confident of winning such that your f00lish hh even insulted people of kasama . Now reality has hit you ati ny0 ny0 ny0

  9. @Aristotle: it’s not about participating in elections, it’s about responsibility, civic duty and social responsibility. If PF leaders are heard everyday condemning violence and putting their erring members to task, Zambians will percieve them as not being violent. If upnd leaders do the same and stop insults against their rivals, the violence will stop. Even citizens will have the power to admonish these violent cadres. PF also need to stop their cadres bulldozing their way on public spaces like roads and GRZ institutions-ALL THIS WILL PUT AN END TO THE VIOLENCE!!!! Because what Mucheleka and his friends shows you that once upnd is in power, they will equally behave like PF.

  10. HH should hire retired Commandos to protect him. He is up against an evil gang whose agenda is to steal, kill and destroy. UPND should not count on State Police to protect them! What they did to that defenseless vehicle in full view of police is what they are capable of doing to a human being. Which investor would want to invest in a violent country?
    The only way to restore sanity is to send PF packing whether they like it or not, just to borrow their language. Twanaka pafula! Enough is enough!

  11. What did you police to do when the owner decided to redesign his vehicle. It was his vehicle . He had the right to do what ever he wanted to it.

  12. Mwenya Kay >> UPND is too sleepy, naive and funny, even in sports competitors study each other and address the weaknesses and strengths. How UPND was caught unawares concerning the unauthorized man in the computer room, missing/ unsigned forms, violence during vote tallying etc shows that they don’t understand who and what they are fighting against. This and other unqualitative things just proves that UPND doesn’t know and understand what they are up against and they are not equal to the task peacefully and legally. UPND needs to pull up their socks peacefully and legally instead of only relying on pictures and videos of large crowds, slogans, press statements, Facebook posts, complaints and jokes

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