Friday, March 7, 2025

Do not chase pupils who have not paid their school fees, teachers warned


Choma District Commissioner, Protacial Mulenga has appealed to school authorities in the area not to turn away pupils who have not paid their school fees.

Mr Mulenga explains that this will allow learners to swiftly catch up on lessons missed while schools were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

ZANIS reports that Mulenga said this in Choma today, when he visited Macha central Basic school, where he also handed over a 1 x 2 classroom block.

“There will be disciplinary action against those who will not comply with the directive,” Mr Mulenga asserted.

And the District Commissioner has also announced that the government has released 25,000 Kwacha to the department of Social Welfare in Choma, for the payment of school fees to the vulnerable pupils on government bursary.

Meanwhile, Mr Mulenga has similarly warned of disciplinary action against teachers who receive housing allowance and yet they occupy government houses.

Mr Mulenga said it is not in order for teachers who receive housing allowance to put pressure on the government to also provide accommodation for them.



  1. This is how Zimbabwe started. Next it will be stop evicting tenants who have failed to pay rent, after that nicintobentobe. We are trouble but it appears we are all happy. That’s good lekeni tucule while ECL, Tasila and Lusambo get rich.

  2. Good move but encourage parents to pay because if they don’t it will backfire on the same pupils. Some parents might even send their children to school without masks so the teachers will have a duty to provide them in order to protect other children. How will they do that if parents don’t pay school fees? Some parents would rather pay K700 at a private school for a pre-school kid and neglect a grade 12 at a government school. The treasury is under pressure from all angles so parents need to compliment Govt effort. It’s their children that’ll be affected in case of an outbreak. If school children die in numbers Boma will just declare a national morning and send Chanda Kabwe and Iris Kaingu to deliver mealie meal

  3. I think, primary and secondary education should be free in state run schools. Charging should only commence at university level. Children sitting three to a tiny desk, cannot be worth paying for – this is not good!

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