Saturday, March 15, 2025

Mobile NRC issuance exercise in Lusaka gains momentum


The ongoing National Mobile Registration Exercise in Lusaka has gained momentum.
Lusaka District Commissioner David Silubanje has advised parents and guardians to utilize the 40 days mobile national registration exercise to obtain the national identity cards for the children.

Mr Silubanje said the exercise accords Lusaka residents a rare opportunity to obtain the NRCs closer to their doorsteps unlike the ones offered at static offices at the Lusaka Boma, Chelstone, Matero and Chilenje, which are usually congested.
The Lusaka District Commissioner said this when he toured Chawama constituency where the department of National Registration, Passport and Citizenship is currently conducting a week long issuance of the NRCs.

“I want to warn parents and guardians not to be tempted in bringing children below the prescribed age as doing so will result in serious consequences,” he warned.

“Again, I advise parents and guardians with children above the recommended age to come to the Boma offices so that they can be interviewed why their overage children didn’t get the cards at the right age before they are issued the cards.

Mr Silubanje further warned foreigners not to take advantage of the exercise in tempting them to get the cards saying doing so is a serious criminal offense.

He explained that the current exercise is targeting Zambian citizens who have reached 16 years hence foreigners should not think of attempting of getting the cards.

“The General National Registration Card is a preserve of Zambian citizens only and those with intentions of illegally getting one will be punished. Generally, am happy at the pace at which our officers are working and may l commend Lusaka residents are at the orderly manner in which they are conducting themselves. I want to implore you to be patient with the officers as they discharge their work and every eligible child will be issued with the card,” he said.

And some of the children that were issued with the cards have commended the government for the mobile national registration exercise which has brought the service closer to the people.

Faith Tembo, 17, is happy to have successfully obtained the card after failed attempts to get one from Lusaka’s Boma Office due to overcrowding.

“Am very excited because this year l will be completing my senior secondary school education and l intends to apply for tertiary education next year,” she said.


  1. There a Lusaka District Commissioner too?
    Lusaka minister
    Lusaka mayor
    Lusaka District Commissioner
    Lusaka PF chairperson
    Hoooly sh!t it is Gomorrah.

  2. Let’s register bane, it’s time to remove this corrupt regime from power!!! All their evil plans will fail this time as we will strongly stand for what belongs to us together with our Father Dr Nevers Mumba… UPND FORWARD!!!!

  3. Needless in Lusaka where distance to registration centres is no problem. People shouldn’t replace or get NRCs because of a pending general election.

  4. These idyots at ECZ should have been following those issuing NRC to register as voters. Use same vehicles, same desks, share beds etc. You are in highly indebted Zambia, use economics of scale.
    Nomba ukushikwata amano, they will do their own registration of voters.

  5. This is now an opportunity for people of Rwandan origin, who have flooded Zambia, to get cheap NRCs. I hope this exercise is being conducted properly?

  6. Great stuff. Oh how I love democracy. Can the upnd agree to accept the results? For me I am very confident that we in pf can even agree to give our wives to upnd members if we lose. Can the upnd members agree to give us their wives for celebration when we win ?

  7. KZ

    “…..For me I am very confident that we in pf can even agree to give our wives to upnd members if we lose. Can the upnd members agree to give us their wives for celebration when we win ?….”

    Your wife’s are too ugly…..we would rather become priests ….

  8. KZ

    “…..For me I am very confident that we in pf can even agree to give our wives to upnd members if we lose. Can the upnd members agree to give us their wives for celebration when we win ?….”

    Nooooo……..your wife’s are too ugly. We would have said maybe the PF women…

    Manje….yaba…..the luos , the mumbis

    ….ahhhhh no they are all too ugly , the staff of nightmares.

  9. Registration of National Registration Cards is suppose to be carried out every business day in Zambia. This shows either the department of NRC is very inefficient or had no material for printing. I do not know whether we need outsiders to come and run such departments.

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