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President Edgar Lungu and Daughter Tasila before going off for the Wedding ceremonyFather and Daughter having a last moment before the daughter’s big Wedding day:President Lungu and Daughter TasilaFather and Daughter having a last moment before the daughter’s big Wedding day:President Lungu and Daughter TasilaPresident Edgar Lungu and Mrs Esther Lungu prepare to give out their daughter’s hand in marriage to Patrick Mwansa at this afternoon’ Wedding CeremonyPresident Edgar Lungu and Mrs Esther Lungu prepare to give out their daughter’s hand in marriage to Patrick Mwansa at this afternoon’ Wedding CeremonyPresident Edgar Lungu and Mrs Esther Lungu prepare to give out their daughter’s hand in marriage to Patrick Mwansa at this afternoon’ Wedding CeremonyPresident Edgar Lungu and Mrs Esther Lungu prepare to give out their daughter’s hand in marriage to Patrick Mwansa at this afternoon’ Wedding CeremonyPresident Edgar Lungu and Daughter Tasila before going off for the Wedding ceremonyPresident Edgar Lungu and Daughter Tasila before going off for the Wedding ceremonyTasila Lungu arrives for the Wedding CeremonyTasaila Lungu Shows off Her Wedding DressTasaila Lungu Shows off Her Wedding DressPatrick Mwansa receives a bride from the father President LUNGU
The New Couple Tasila and Patrick Mwansa during the Wedding ceremonyThe New Couple Tasila and Patrick Mwansa during the Wedding ceremonyThe New Couple Tasila and Patrick Mwansa during the Wedding ceremonyThe New Couple Tasila and Patrick Mwansa during the Wedding ceremonyThe New Couple Tasila and Patrick Mwansa during the Wedding ceremonyPresident Edgar Lungu and First Lady Esther Lungu at the Daughter’s Wedding CeremonyThe New Couple Tasila and Patrick Mwansa during the Wedding ceremonyThe New Couple Tasila and Patrick Mwansa during the Wedding ceremonyThe New Couple Tasila and Patrick Mwansa during the Wedding ceremony
President Lungu and family with the new Son in Law Patrick MwansaPresident Lungu and family with the new Son in Law Patrick Mwansa
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Mwansa. May God bless you.
Like I advise every other new couple; marriage is NOT the wedding ceremony. Marriage starts AFTER the wedding ceremony. Just as sweet as your wedding day was, so SHOULD the rest of your times TOGETHER be. We Bless You. But am not happy about the lack of information about Tasila’s mother’s role or her family.
.. . . . .and they lived happily ever after- AMEN
Congratulations! What a handsome couple. May God bless you and keep you and grant you many children.
How many people were allowed for this wedding ? Where they too many or not ?
Congratulations to you both, husband and wife!
Try as much as possible to keep your marriage private. Don’t be like Tayali who tells us about the fights he has with his wife and how cheated on her!
Congrats, please avoid inchimbuya in marriage
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Mwansa .May God bless you???
Congratulations and God bless Mr & Mrs Mwansa
Congrats! wishing you many happy years.
Chalila kuno. Amazing wedding mwebantu. You can see that tasila is a president in making. Even hh knows it that is why he congratulated her. Tasila is hhs future president. This is one of the best weddings I have ever attended. Simple and yet sweet. Very humble. Now watch all the angry diasporans who are married to obese wyt women and men issue attacks here. They are jealous
They make a lovely couple! Well done!
Yaba, the dude has hit the jackpot. Congratulations and God bless your marriage
A big conguratulations to u guys especially tasila for setting up a good example to women who thinks of amalevels.
Great! I don’t expect you ukulaumana.
Iwe mwansa, fast fast tulefya ifumo mukwangufyanya.
Make my president shiikulu chite.
Fanika twalichepa mufamily ai.
Ifintu nibwangu.
Get set!
Congrats baice!
Congratulations! Happiness and joy in your marriage.
I can[t see any relatives of Mr. Mwansa. Not even his Dad, Mum or Uncle.
Does it mean he has no relatives?
Otherwise wedding pics look good.
Young man take very good care of such a happy wedding.
So You know everyone in the pictures? And that they are all relatives of Tasila?
Congratulations to both of you.Wishing you happy marriage Mr and Mrs Mwansa. Let God be at the centre of your marriage. To you Tasila, you have set a good example to some ladies who are still using levels (Amalevels) as a measure of marriage which doesn’t really matter in the life of marriage. All the best.
am equally surprised that this Bemba man is not represented,where is ba lubemba.I wish them well.
Beautiful wedding! The bride looks beautiful. Congratulations and all the best in your marriage.
I loathe your dad’s politics but I wish you happiness in your marriage. I hope Mr Lungu uses this moment to reflect on his leadership and governance and its impact on many Zambia families. A lot wouldn’t have the opportunity to marry away their daughters and sons because they are either dead of preventable diseases; couldn’t afford a wedding because they don’t have a job, lost their jobs or didn’t get their pension. You can do better by the country Mr Lungu.
Fake Kaizar Zulu, you wished you were were there but unfortunately you are in public housing in the UK.
If only these people could run the country as successfully as they run their weddings and parties!!!
Anyway, congratulations to the newly weds.
Shame Tasila will have to account for mukula, unquestionable plot acquisitions, and many other crimes that have made her very wealthy.
And jail time is a possibility Mr. Mwansa.
That was awesome congratulation Mr and Mrs. mwansa
Tasila na bawiso we want our forest back. ACC investigate the fencing of a national reserve and this time don’t put Manda anywhere near the case.
Enjoy the moment, no one knows what 2moro brings. Congrats bane!
@Kaizar Zulu. Why should everything be political??? So sad even when everyone should be happy and supportive…
Congratulations Tasila and Patrick. God bless you the Mwansa’s.
Am happy for you. Mr Mwansa please don’t let your marriage be like those of public figures..put a fence to your marital affairs.. Congratulations and take good care of my mlam Tasila
After corruption from lungu his daughter is able to afford a wedding with stolen money from hard working Zambians
Seer 1 will take care of this
Congratulations wishing them the best but where is Tasila’s mother?
Congratulations guys. This looks great.. Wait a minute I can see similar pictures in the papers when this girl will be appearing in court for what we all know but with different faces – no makeup no nothing. The first question will be – where did you get the money to have a lavish wedding in September 2020? kikikiki!!! Its not majelasi just asking.
What a disaster!!!
Ba Kaiser, what has Diaspora got to do with a wedding? Yama grow up and leave us alone with our fat spouses. Let us just celebrate and congratulate Mr and Mrs Mwansa, it is their day?
Congratulations to the couple after
All the rumours of wedding. Finally
Is he the doctor people were saying?
What is his profession?
His relatives are in DRC.
Kaiser I am so disappointed with your comments. You are an advisor to the president and yet your are so racist…. white fat husband and wives…in the eyes of God we are one made in his own image. Love has no color or weight or tribe. Sometimes tondolo musuma yama and is a sign of wisdom..?
M whitto I accidentally upvoted your comment. Please note that was an error. My friend yes no problem marrying someone of different sizes. However the problem comes in where some diasporans take advantage of such people in the west who lack self esteem just for visa purposes . We watch this on that programme where people do this for papers. You seem upset are you one of them. That is not love it is crookedness
Kaizar are you sure you are the presidents advisor?
your responses leave much to be desired
Act like one and most of all think like one
That’s what happens when you appoint a grade 7,no disrespect to those that have actually done well.
No butt
No booty
What is the background of this Kaizar Zulu, he keeps on using the President for his own greed, hate, jealousy and envy. Grow up, kids in a primary school showing more willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behaviour they do not necessarily agree with. They are also respectful of each than you, so why should a civil servant behave worst than them. What do your kids and employees make of your paranoia?
Mukwasu what are you even talking about? My personal views on a private run website have nothing to do with my boss or the party I support. It is called freedom of speech. I am sure you should know about it seeing you are in diaspora.
What I am talking about will only upset those who are guilty of marrying old pensioners to get visas. It is very common for old desperate usually obese wyts to fall for such thinking they have found love. We even know of cases where some zambian men have married wyt gay men for visa because they can easily claim that they are at risk of their lives if they settled in Zambia, a good example is tarino who I hear is gay
Please people ignore this Kaizar Zulu thing masquerading as Kaizar Zulu who was fired by Lungu. This fake one is in the UK and he lives in public housing… he’s the new Mushota, looking for attention to satisfy his insecure egos. He uses Kaizar Zulu’s photo to claim he’s the Kaizar who used to be Lungu’s political adviser before he got kicked out….look at his flag handle and you will notice he’s domiciled in the UK. Pathetic loser thinks he’s f0oling anyone!
Common Kaizar Zulu you can do better than this. The fact the President seeks counsel from you requires that you uphold the highest standards in the land. We should start thinking anybody from Kamwala bus terminus be guiding the him on serious national issues.
Look at the past presidential adviser and compare yourself? By the why what logic does it make to behave differently when you walk out of State House or what’s the motive?
Mukwasu sorry I do not adhere to your political correctness. I am sorry that I speak the truth and facts. I am sorry I say what everyone is thinking but is afraid to say. In other words I am sorry to you that I am honest. To make life easier for yourself, why don’t you choose to ignore my comments ? Last I checked, I have been winning elections irrespective of my views on issues, so why should I change for your convenience?
Ati put a fence to your marital affairs.kikikikikikki. Iyi family Nima experts at fencing things.
Firstly, Congratulations to President Lungu and Mrs Lungu on this wonderful occasion of your daughter’s marriage to Patrick Mwansa. The fact that Tasila has chosen to settle with Patrick through a Church wedding is evidence of the Christian values you have imparted in your daughter. Hence your deserved congratulations President and Mrs Lungu. To Tasila and Patrick, congratulations for having made it to be husband and wife through the sacrament of matrimony. That is the way things should be coming from families that have brought you up well.
Congratulations adorable couple and May God bless you every joy! Tasila you are down to earth sweet girl, in love with your lifestyle! Where is Tasila’s biological mum from the USA in this special moment?
kz; let’s concentrate on the bride of the year, it’s her turn to shine! Leave out the Diasporans in peace and their splash Lifestyle , thanks.
Men you put women off…when you repeatedly confront them be more than you( success/ wealth) love has no boundaries. I hope my secret admirer will oneday swallow that fear and shower me those love feelings I am longing for…Any way I am not a fan of such gents who claims to be highl earning and but lifestyle contrary.
Kaiser, Yes, I am in a Diaspora and proud to being to 2 beautiful worlds. It makes me cringe when I read comments about VISAS… You don’t have to be married to a white person to obtain a visa..hahaha…Tasila was also in Diaspora and came back when dad became president. Otherwise she would have been one of us… Just think of the Chinese and all others living in Zambia… The world is now a global village and you can live wherever you wish..??
Just look at Lungu’s teeth, they’re the most prominent thing on his face, I mean, I could see them from miles away those Muliokela like dental saws!
Kaizer, can I please allow people to celebrate the wedding. It is a couple’s day and not yours or anybody else. Congratulations to the couple and may God bless your union.
Mwansa your political business is showing because if you were genuinely objective you would realise that in fact that is exactly the message I am trying to spread. Please read my first comment. You are directing your sentiments to the wrong person. Read all the negative comments from your fellow pro upnd supporters and address them. Be objective for once
Kaizer, I meant to say can you for a change keep quite and let the people in the limelight shine. It is there day and stop negative comments just for this occasion. Please, please, please!
Wishing u all the very best in your marriage. May you be happy forever.
Kaizer if that is your message, good!! Now help rein in those who want to spoil this beautiful day for the couple. Congratulations to the two turtle doves once again.
CONGRATULATIONS to both of you Mr and Mrs Mwansa.
This is the most humble and greatest wedding I am seeing in pictures involving a president’s child.
CONGRATULATIONS also go to both parents of Mr and Mrs Mwansa.
Thirdly but not least CONGRATULATIONS the organisers of the wedding, extended relatives and friends of the newly wedded who were in full support this wedding morally and materially. I love you all and
GOD Bless you all .
Kaizer, leave HH out of this. Seems you have got too much idle time.
Today you want to wish tasila blessings and yet all along you have been calling her a thief and insulting her father. A lot of hyprocites. I can’t respect such people
Congratulations to the newly wed couple! Wishing them all the best.
Mr Kaizar Zulu , why is everything have to be about politics with you .Can’t you just people send their well wishes to the couple. We are all one people and must learn to tolerate each other and be at peace with each other despite our political affiliation .God bless
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Mwansa. May God bless you.
Like I advise every other new couple; marriage is NOT the wedding ceremony. Marriage starts AFTER the wedding ceremony. Just as sweet as your wedding day was, so SHOULD the rest of your times TOGETHER be. We Bless You. But am not happy about the lack of information about Tasila’s mother’s role or her family.
.. . . . .and they lived happily ever after- AMEN
Congratulations! What a handsome couple. May God bless you and keep you and grant you many children.
How many people were allowed for this wedding ? Where they too many or not ?
Congratulations to you both, husband and wife!
Try as much as possible to keep your marriage private. Don’t be like Tayali who tells us about the fights he has with his wife and how cheated on her!
Congrats, please avoid inchimbuya in marriage
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Mwansa .May God bless you???
Congratulations and God bless Mr & Mrs Mwansa
Congrats! wishing you many happy years.
Chalila kuno. Amazing wedding mwebantu. You can see that tasila is a president in making. Even hh knows it that is why he congratulated her. Tasila is hhs future president. This is one of the best weddings I have ever attended. Simple and yet sweet. Very humble. Now watch all the angry diasporans who are married to obese wyt women and men issue attacks here. They are jealous
They make a lovely couple! Well done!
Yaba, the dude has hit the jackpot. Congratulations and God bless your marriage
A big conguratulations to u guys especially tasila for setting up a good example to women who thinks of amalevels.
Great! I don’t expect you ukulaumana.
Iwe mwansa, fast fast tulefya ifumo mukwangufyanya.
Make my president shiikulu chite.
Fanika twalichepa mufamily ai.
Ifintu nibwangu.
Get set!
Congrats baice!
Congratulations! Happiness and joy in your marriage.
I can[t see any relatives of Mr. Mwansa. Not even his Dad, Mum or Uncle.
Does it mean he has no relatives?
Otherwise wedding pics look good.
Young man take very good care of such a happy wedding.
So You know everyone in the pictures? And that they are all relatives of Tasila?
Congratulations to both of you.Wishing you happy marriage Mr and Mrs Mwansa. Let God be at the centre of your marriage. To you Tasila, you have set a good example to some ladies who are still using levels (Amalevels) as a measure of marriage which doesn’t really matter in the life of marriage. All the best.
am equally surprised that this Bemba man is not represented,where is ba lubemba.I wish them well.
Beautiful wedding! The bride looks beautiful. Congratulations and all the best in your marriage.
I loathe your dad’s politics but I wish you happiness in your marriage. I hope Mr Lungu uses this moment to reflect on his leadership and governance and its impact on many Zambia families. A lot wouldn’t have the opportunity to marry away their daughters and sons because they are either dead of preventable diseases; couldn’t afford a wedding because they don’t have a job, lost their jobs or didn’t get their pension. You can do better by the country Mr Lungu.
Fake Kaizar Zulu, you wished you were were there but unfortunately you are in public housing in the UK.
If only these people could run the country as successfully as they run their weddings and parties!!!
Anyway, congratulations to the newly weds.
Shame Tasila will have to account for mukula, unquestionable plot acquisitions, and many other crimes that have made her very wealthy.
And jail time is a possibility Mr. Mwansa.
That was awesome congratulation Mr and Mrs. mwansa
Tasila na bawiso we want our forest back. ACC investigate the fencing of a national reserve and this time don’t put Manda anywhere near the case.
Enjoy the moment, no one knows what 2moro brings. Congrats bane!
@Kaizar Zulu. Why should everything be political??? So sad even when everyone should be happy and supportive…
Congratulations Tasila and Patrick. God bless you the Mwansa’s.
Am happy for you. Mr Mwansa please don’t let your marriage be like those of public figures..put a fence to your marital affairs.. Congratulations and take good care of my mlam Tasila
After corruption from lungu his daughter is able to afford a wedding with stolen money from hard working Zambians
Seer 1 will take care of this
Congratulations wishing them the best but where is Tasila’s mother?
Congratulations guys. This looks great.. Wait a minute I can see similar pictures in the papers when this girl will be appearing in court for what we all know but with different faces – no makeup no nothing. The first question will be – where did you get the money to have a lavish wedding in September 2020? kikikiki!!! Its not majelasi just asking.
What a disaster!!!
Ba Kaiser, what has Diaspora got to do with a wedding? Yama grow up and leave us alone with our fat spouses. Let us just celebrate and congratulate Mr and Mrs Mwansa, it is their day?
Congratulations to the couple after
All the rumours of wedding. Finally
Is he the doctor people were saying?
What is his profession?
His relatives are in DRC.
Kaiser I am so disappointed with your comments. You are an advisor to the president and yet your are so racist…. white fat husband and wives…in the eyes of God we are one made in his own image. Love has no color or weight or tribe. Sometimes tondolo musuma yama and is a sign of wisdom..?
M whitto I accidentally upvoted your comment. Please note that was an error. My friend yes no problem marrying someone of different sizes. However the problem comes in where some diasporans take advantage of such people in the west who lack self esteem just for visa purposes . We watch this on that programme where people do this for papers. You seem upset are you one of them. That is not love it is crookedness
Kaizar are you sure you are the presidents advisor?
your responses leave much to be desired
Act like one and most of all think like one
That’s what happens when you appoint a grade 7,no disrespect to those that have actually done well.
No butt
No booty
What is the background of this Kaizar Zulu, he keeps on using the President for his own greed, hate, jealousy and envy. Grow up, kids in a primary school showing more willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behaviour they do not necessarily agree with. They are also respectful of each than you, so why should a civil servant behave worst than them. What do your kids and employees make of your paranoia?
Mukwasu what are you even talking about? My personal views on a private run website have nothing to do with my boss or the party I support. It is called freedom of speech. I am sure you should know about it seeing you are in diaspora.
What I am talking about will only upset those who are guilty of marrying old pensioners to get visas. It is very common for old desperate usually obese wyts to fall for such thinking they have found love. We even know of cases where some zambian men have married wyt gay men for visa because they can easily claim that they are at risk of their lives if they settled in Zambia, a good example is tarino who I hear is gay
Please people ignore this Kaizar Zulu thing masquerading as Kaizar Zulu who was fired by Lungu. This fake one is in the UK and he lives in public housing… he’s the new Mushota, looking for attention to satisfy his insecure egos. He uses Kaizar Zulu’s photo to claim he’s the Kaizar who used to be Lungu’s political adviser before he got kicked out….look at his flag handle and you will notice he’s domiciled in the UK. Pathetic loser thinks he’s f0oling anyone!
Common Kaizar Zulu you can do better than this. The fact the President seeks counsel from you requires that you uphold the highest standards in the land. We should start thinking anybody from Kamwala bus terminus be guiding the him on serious national issues.
Look at the past presidential adviser and compare yourself? By the why what logic does it make to behave differently when you walk out of State House or what’s the motive?
Mukwasu sorry I do not adhere to your political correctness. I am sorry that I speak the truth and facts. I am sorry I say what everyone is thinking but is afraid to say. In other words I am sorry to you that I am honest. To make life easier for yourself, why don’t you choose to ignore my comments ? Last I checked, I have been winning elections irrespective of my views on issues, so why should I change for your convenience?
Ati put a fence to your marital affairs.kikikikikikki. Iyi family Nima experts at fencing things.
Firstly, Congratulations to President Lungu and Mrs Lungu on this wonderful occasion of your daughter’s marriage to Patrick Mwansa. The fact that Tasila has chosen to settle with Patrick through a Church wedding is evidence of the Christian values you have imparted in your daughter. Hence your deserved congratulations President and Mrs Lungu. To Tasila and Patrick, congratulations for having made it to be husband and wife through the sacrament of matrimony. That is the way things should be coming from families that have brought you up well.
Congratulations adorable couple and May God bless you every joy! Tasila you are down to earth sweet girl, in love with your lifestyle! Where is Tasila’s biological mum from the USA in this special moment?
kz; let’s concentrate on the bride of the year, it’s her turn to shine! Leave out the Diasporans in peace and their splash Lifestyle , thanks.
Men you put women off…when you repeatedly confront them be more than you( success/ wealth) love has no boundaries. I hope my secret admirer will oneday swallow that fear and shower me those love feelings I am longing for…Any way I am not a fan of such gents who claims to be highl earning and but lifestyle contrary.
Kaiser, Yes, I am in a Diaspora and proud to being to 2 beautiful worlds. It makes me cringe when I read comments about VISAS… You don’t have to be married to a white person to obtain a visa..hahaha…Tasila was also in Diaspora and came back when dad became president. Otherwise she would have been one of us… Just think of the Chinese and all others living in Zambia… The world is now a global village and you can live wherever you wish..??
Just look at Lungu’s teeth, they’re the most prominent thing on his face, I mean, I could see them from miles away those Muliokela like dental saws!
Kaizer, can I please allow people to celebrate the wedding. It is a couple’s day and not yours or anybody else. Congratulations to the couple and may God bless your union.
Mwansa your political business is showing because if you were genuinely objective you would realise that in fact that is exactly the message I am trying to spread. Please read my first comment. You are directing your sentiments to the wrong person. Read all the negative comments from your fellow pro upnd supporters and address them. Be objective for once
Kaizer, I meant to say can you for a change keep quite and let the people in the limelight shine. It is there day and stop negative comments just for this occasion. Please, please, please!
Wishing u all the very best in your marriage. May you be happy forever.
Kaizer if that is your message, good!! Now help rein in those who want to spoil this beautiful day for the couple. Congratulations to the two turtle doves once again.
CONGRATULATIONS to both of you Mr and Mrs Mwansa.
This is the most humble and greatest wedding I am seeing in pictures involving a president’s child.
CONGRATULATIONS also go to both parents of Mr and Mrs Mwansa.
Thirdly but not least CONGRATULATIONS the organisers of the wedding, extended relatives and friends of the newly wedded who were in full support this wedding morally and materially. I love you all and
GOD Bless you all .
Kaizer, leave HH out of this. Seems you have got too much idle time.
Today you want to wish tasila blessings and yet all along you have been calling her a thief and insulting her father. A lot of hyprocites. I can’t respect such people
Congratulations to the newly wed couple! Wishing them all the best.
Mr Kaizar Zulu , why is everything have to be about politics with you .Can’t you just people send their well wishes to the couple. We are all one people and must learn to tolerate each other and be at peace with each other despite our political affiliation .God bless