Thursday, January 9, 2025

Zambia Ripe for Investment in Infrastructure – Mwale


Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development Vincent Mwale has invited Indian companies to consider Zambia as the best destination for investment in infrastructure development.

Mr. Mwale said opportunities exist in the energy, roads, health, and tourism sectors through various financing models such as public to public, public-private partnership (PPPs), and equity financing.

He has praised India for financing infrastructure such as the 650 health posts dotted around the country, Mahatma Gandhi International Convention Center, and the Lusaka Roads Decongestion Project.

Mr. Mwale said this in a speech delivered on his behalf by his Permanent Secretary Danny Mfune during the 15th Confederation of Indian Industry- CII – Exim Bank Digital Conclave on India Africa Project Partnership during a virtual Session on “Fast-Tracking Africa’s Infrastructure Development.

The Minister said financing for infrastructure remains a challenge in as much as Africa recognizes the need to fast track infrastructure development.

Mr. Mwale stated that Zambia is confident that Indian companies that have shown interest to invest in Zambia will soon actualize their investments.

The Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister says Zambia has a comparative advantage for investment because it is a peaceful country enjoying cordial relations with its 8 neighboring countries and beyond.

Zambia’s High Commissioner to India Judith Kapijimpanga attended the virtual conference.

This is contained in a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka by First Secretary for Press at the Zambian High Commission in India Bangwe Naviley.


  1. Instead of spending billions militarising the police , lungu should have invested in those same investments ka mwale is yapping about……..

    You spend billions militarising the police then invite foringners to come with the same billions and invest , who then externalise all profits ?

  2. Am very embarrassed on behalf of the two diasporan dunder heads who are insulting above. Please do not see these Bush pigs as a reflection of our country. These swines are not zambian anymore and have adopted foreign nationalities.

    In terms of the article, of course Zambia is the best destination for investment. We welcome you all

  3. The once vibrant platforms for robustly sharing ideas has been turned into low level play forms by insulting souls supposedly in the diaspora. We have a very large number of Zambians in the diaspora community who do not share these values of insulting people. There are several categories of those in the diaspora. One such category is the low level group with very little brains to think and are just full of insults. Freedom of speech is not insults. Insults are a backward form of expression for brainless individuals who have nothing to offer the society except vulgar language.

  4. Indeed for a long time most research papers concluded that Zambia’s slow pace of development was attributable to poor infrastructure. So I support all investments into infrastructure, however, I only have one major problem. We’re not getting the value for our money. I felt sad when I recently visited the Magistrate Court Complex in Lusaka. Most tiles are gone, the building looks older than the New Government Complex. The roads done as from Formula 1 have the shortest life span. We’ll keep doing the same thing because we have failed to get quality jobs despite the cost. Govt keeps losing colossal sums of money through the procurement system. Nowadays even drivers, nurses, clinical officers, accountants, etc want to be in the procurement chain. What are they looking for? Mufunanji a…

  5. For me Vincent Mwale should be considered for the Presidency, together with Brian Mashimba and Alexander Chiteme, these are the young turks we need running government.
    Davis Mwila, Brian Kampyongo should be retired or sent to the diplomatic service

  6. Its sad about these two fellow diasporans insulting that it takes low life thug Kaizer to correct you, come on guys we are better than that

  7. Kwacha is falling faster than the water at vic falls. Zambia is failing to service the debt and you want investors to throw their money in here?

  8. Kaizer, you started very well. We are all embarrassed by those two! But you fell in the same trap and started embarrassing us. Please don’t follow what they are doing we may not know the difference.

  9. Unfortunately throwing all eggs into infrastructure and infrastructure only has depleted and indebted the country. There are very few opportunities along and at the end of these roads anyway.

  10. The only problems we have in Zambia is that we allow everyone to come and have their own banks, here in Europe it doesn’t work that way they have to put their money in the local banks and it helps to keep the economy running, in Zambia we don’t so much mind about what matters to our economy so we lose out on the money banked in foreign owned banks.
    Please try to learn something from other nations who have had such experiences before.

  11. Kaizer, I am your follower. If you stand for president I vote for you! You rock. Keep it up!! Please consider it just for my sake.

  12. Kaizer, if you form a party I will join you because you have unique ideas. None orthodox shall we say. Be your own man and form a party I will follow you.

  13. “Ripe for investment”. Ata ni mango? Enable your entrepreneurs locally! Promote them and support them so that they venture out and invest in India and all those places you are begging for investors. Then they will bring back “ubukumu “ the same way the Indians are taking back theirs…

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