Friday, October 11, 2024

Decency In Politics and the Good Governance Practices-Cardinal to National Building


By Lucky Mulusa

Dr. Mumba’s press address regarding the recently held Lukashya bye-election left me with a feeling of profound sense of worry for our nation. Our politics have degenerated into a tool of national destruction rather than one for national building. He covered a wide range of issues from electoral malpractices, general maladministration, to insults and personal attacks. But interesting to note in his address was how he dedicated almost half of it, to the damaged relationship between himself and one Raphael Nakachinda.

When people who are in particular positions of favour because of a foundation that was favourably created for them, make insulting the sponsors, their stock-in-trade, you can really feel the way Dr. Mumba feels. Its difficult to think that Raphael would manage relationships any differently and so advice to him is an exercise in futility. What he has done to Dr. Mumba, he has done it to Hon. Mutati and will do it to others as and when it suits him.

I cant imagine myself insulting President Lungu under any circumstance.

This is simply because of my history with him. I do not agree with a lot of things happening under his watch, but still I can’t insult him. For example:

  1. While Lusaka is undergoing decongestion through the current road works, the government should not have embarked on an ambitious programme to recongest Lusaka by squeezing a 25,000 sitting capacity conference complex between Parliament building and Mulungushi Conference Centre. Imagine the traffic into the Arcades area from all over the city delivering delegates!
  2. The fact that over four years after the enactment of the 2016 constitution, the Ministry of Justice has not operationalized the office of the Public Protector, through the creation of a Parliamentary Committee, into which the Public Protector is supposed to report issues of maladministration;
  3. The numerous retirements of innocent citizens through the so-called “national interest” quoting the President who, more often than note is not even aware; and
  4. There are a lot of things happening, but then, I can’t insult anybody.

While nothing in life is permanent including political offices, one day, with God on everybody’s side, every single individual in the current Cabinet will be retired to the terraces, from where they will watch others govern this country using the same treacherous laws and policies being promulgated today. This means that unless there is intervention, the culture of insults, violence insolence, arrogance of incumbency, just to mention a few, might linger on long enough for them to experience the impact of them from outside government. So when given an opportunity to govern, do it as if you are the governed so that you may create favourable legal, economic, and social environment for yourself beyond your tenure.

Regarding Dr. Mumba’s lamentations over the PF’s alleged misconduct over electoral practices in Lukashya constituency, I have this to say: Katz (1997, p 3) writes, ‘elections are the defining institution of modern democracy.

During the brief period of an election campaign, voters are the masters and seen to be so.’ To examine the electoral process as Dr. Mumba did is therefore to analyze the central device which has made representative democracy a feasible proposition for emerging democracies.

Leaders in their tour of duty, must always ensure that the major accomplishment of liberal politics, that is rule of law that affords protection for individual rights and a means of resolving disputes between citizens and the state is never subverted. Consistently, the “rule of men” must never be allowed to replace the “rule of law” through enactment of laws that reverse achievement in liberal democracy that has ensured leaders are constantly ensnared in the threads of legal restraint. For our case, operationalization of the Office of the Public Protector would go a long way towards that objective.

I have always wondered, whether thoughts of a future outside power ever cross the minds of leaders in positions of authority. Will they be happy and proud of the environment they would have created for the nation? Will they be happy with the culture of violence and insults they are cultivating and sustaining now and to which they will most likely fall victim? When President Chiluba, MHSCRIEP, left office, he found Zambia to be a prison without walls due to the toxic environment he had helped create and sustain. He was heckled, insulted and could not even drive around in a car with windows open nor step out to greet people. It’s the same cadres he had used to call Mwanawasa all sorts of names, who needed another target and the target was himself (Chiluba).
Sanity, decency, and good governance practices in politics are some cardinal possessions no politician must lose.


  1. Lucky Mulusa you write so well, you’ve been heard. As for Nervers Mumba, it’s difficult to sympathize with him because he’s not different from Nakachinda, he’s just on the receiving end. While Nakachinda is in Parliament Nervers became VP using the same dirty tricks, late MCS called him Judas Iscariot

  2. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Mulusa, you had the opportunity to change the status quo from inside. But as usual you were silent when you had access to power and the powers that be because you were protecting your job. What you are writing makes sense but it is meaningless because they are empty words as no one will hear you. Heck the man you are quoting Mumba was even a Vice president at one time (was he I’m starting to forget) but he did nothing as well when he had that opportunity. The same script continues… how come no one sees these wrongs when they are still in power? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!

  3. Thanks Lucky Mulusa,we just hope you have identified progressive forces to work with to push put these destructive chaps in PF.They have no foresight,no planning! Just on Mulungushi,they could have done better to take it to the eastern part of Lusaka,near the airport,so that traffic to their would be in opposite direction at peak hours.The show grounds should have been moved outside town! But again,these are Casino chaps,that is all they are multiplying!!

  4. This is the man who told us the capital city of Zambia would move from Lusaka to Ngabwe before even getting cabinet discussion and approval of his musings.

  5. Unfortunately, you do not want a major Conference Centre to be far away from hotels, shops and malls. Taking it outside Lusaka requires creating a mini city in that area. Nobody will build a hotel there because clientele is periodic. So, Mulungushi location is still the best – the design of the Highway Interchange is what needed to take this into consideration.

  6. In 1998, Zambia hosted an AU summit without any problems. Existing facilities @ Mulungushi were adequate. Suddenly they’re inadequate and we hv to build another conference centre.

  7. Election time is time for giving. It is not a time for receiving. Give out Chitenge material. Give out Tee shirts. Give out miniature posters. Give out business cards. What happened in Lukasya was not different from what happened in other constituencies. Remember, handouts are not enough to win an election. In the opinion of many. the PF candidature was stronger than the one from UPND. Chiluba was a magician. He rose against all odds to become president of our great country. All is well in Lusaka and God is happy in His heaven.

  8. Dr Makasa Kasonde when did you get your docterate? In what faculty? From Which University? Why aren’t you in Zambia?

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