Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The Modernization of Maina Soko Military Hospital in Pictures



  1. This is marvellous A-mazing Fantabulous. We are doing very well. And some upnd diasporan will come and say ati n.y.o.n.y.yo. the diaporans are foaming with anger at the mouth. They can’t understand how such developments can happen in a country they ran away from.

  2. Good job. How much public money was spent?
    Next could you please fix the existing hospital like UTH and KCH.
    Now is this a bribe to the armed forces? I hope soldiers and the police are seeing that Lungu wants their support when Zambians become hungry and angry at him.

  3. This is US Government Project under US DoD!!!!!!!! Gosh Zambians.. l You can be so uninformed and not intelligent at times its annoying!!!!!!.. Does that look like those cheap, corruption ridden, empty Chinese funded and constructed hospitals to you ???? No corruption to any GRZ officials at all. this is US Federal Money at work. the US Government does not play around and are not jokers or dark corner corrupters like chinese .. look at at the medical equipment an technology in there.. no play. When you claim to build a hospital, this is what we should see before running your mouthes.

  4. Borrowed money which will heavily be paid by generations to come. Let’s hope it was not built at inflated price?

  5. Ah imwe ba LT I thought you were giving us the finished product. Its still under construction! Ukumamanya.

  6. @Kaizer Zulu, at first I used to support you as a non partisan Zambian based in the USA for two decades. I think you have a boil on your ass when it comes to people in diaspora. Just because someone disagrees with some issues the PF government is not doing right, does not make them UPND. Grow up ugly man.

  7. @Digga, should it really matter who funded this upgrade of Maina Soko hospital? If what you are saying is true, you better believe it, the United States (through DoD) has done this out of fear of the growing influence of the Chinese in Zambia and Africa at large. The American DoD has been operating in Zambia for decades but NEVER felt the need to help their counterpart (the ZMoD) fund a facility of this quality. This, if true, is to prevent the entrenchement of the Chinese military influence in Zambia. Especially that Zambia has currently gravited towards China for military equipment procurement than the U.S. And America is now getting nervous.

    Maine Soko was a “dilapidated shack” of a hospital for a long time and the American DoD did nothing to help until now. The question is, why?…

  8. Continue….

    Better believe it, this ain’t charity. Because America does not operate that way, especially anything to do with the military. Africa is the most attractive and desired “woman” on earth right now, and everyone is courting her. Including the Chines, in the only best way they know how….hate them or love them!

    • I totally agree!
      Western angst at the rise of China and it’s influence in Africa and globally (B&RI etc) …is what moved the US to act …US now perceives China as an adversary. This US act is simply a push back …but the West are late!!!

  9. Kikikiki….it’s not long ago when they were showing a road being built in Nigeria misleading us that it’s in Zambia…..be vigilant , there’s too much fake news intended to shift people’s minds politically.

  10. @Yambayamba.. Just dont call it a loan when its not because people will read “loan” and will get emotional. One other thing. Get off this US wants bla bla bla from us. We are too tiny with a measly $19 billion GDP pa to be of any significance.

  11. Enock, Kaizer will be the next president in Zambia have some respect for the fellow. He has done a lot for PF and Lungu. In PF books this translates into a good service to our country. Kaizer for president.

  12. Enock you say you used to support me as a non partisan zambian. Now I am failing to understand why you feel upset over my comment which is clearly addressed to upnd supporting diasporans. You would only be upset if you are a upnd supporter. You have just revealed how dishonest you are. A non partisan person wouldn’t have been affected by my comment. Stop lying to yourself. You are a upnd supporter. Be proud of it

  13. @Kaizer Zulu, I am not affected because I don’t care about your hatred for the UPND. You are simply an obssesed diasporan hater. And if you want to really know me, ask the UPND supporters based here, some of them close friends how I counter their everyday hateful speech against the PF even when we are seeing massive development in the country. You have just got an anathema for people in diaspora period. And don’t even think you know ECL than fwebena Kitwe from his Chimwemwe days all the way to Mukuba Secondary school. To you, everyone in diaspora belongs to UPND, which is a very shallow way of looking at fellow citizens. We are all Zambians. Stop being politically tribal. I’m neither no UPND or PF or any party. But I appreciate the good the PF has done in four years because I regularly…

  14. @Enock join us to install Kaizer as no 1 for our country soon so that we can all benefit from his work ethics!

  15. Let the truth be told. PF ni zee. Development issue mwandi they have done it. Lusaka is turning into something else. You can forget the debt. Opposition don’t touch development. No wonder malawian president came to learn how lungu is doing it without money

  16. Borrow as much as you want for the infrastructure.. we are willing to pay for it. You want development pay for it. That’s how life is . Good job ECL

  17. Very nice infrastructure. I feel it should have build on the outskirts of Lusaka on a more spacious piece of land. It’s too close to the Independence Avenue.

  18. By now we should have had several UTHs in each province. At least Covid has taught us something. Our leaders have seen that they can’t always bank on being evacuated to other countries for medical attention. We have to have our own facilities.

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