Saturday, October 12, 2024

We are PF, Blood and Soul, and will Apply to Contest Parliamentary Seats on PF Tickets


Kitwe Mayor Christopher Kang’ombe with his Kalulushi counterpart Rashinda Mulenga and former District Commissioner Binwell Mpundu have refuted on-going allegations that they are working with some named opposition political parties.

Speaking at a joint press briefing in Kitwe today, the trio accused some senior party members of maligning to opposition United Party for National Development( UPND) and National Democratic Congress( NDC) to destabilize the ruling PF in their respective districts.

However, the three pledged loyalty to the Patriotic Front and President Edgar Lungu stressing that allegations that they are working with the opposition political parties are unfounded and contemptuous.

They further challenged those with evidence that they are working with the two opposition political parties to come out in the open and challenge them rather than peddling lies.

“To express an ambition to run for the higher office cannot be a basis upon which detractors must be making assertions that we are politically maligned,” they said.

The three youths said when the right time comes, they will definitely exercise their rights to aspire for the higher offices and that will be done within the PF.

They said right now they are focused on mobilising the party and to garner support for President Lungu so that he can win the elections next year.

The three said it is not wrong for one to aspire for a higher office especially that parliament will be dissolved next year and all the seats will remain vacant.

And speaking in his own personal capacity, Mr Mpundu says he has intensions of contesting in Nkana constituency, which is currently being held by Minister of Planning and National Development Alexander Chiteme.

He said in 2015, he was arguably the leading contender for the Nkana seat and that at an appropriate time, he will announce his intension to contest for the seat.

“I have intensions to run for office as Member of Parliament for Nkana,” he said when asked whether he was interested in the seat.

And Mr Kang’ombe categorically stated that he is aspiring to contest for a parliamentary seat next year because he believes all seats will be vacant.

He said ever since he declared interest in contesting for a parliamentary seat, his political journey has been full of turbulence.

Mr Kang’ombe said his removal from the National Dialogue Forum in 2021 where he was representing the Local Government Association of Zambia and his expulsion as PF vice-provincial chairperson are some of the hurdles he has faced.

He said some people have taken advantage of his predicament to peddle lies that he has been working with the opposition.

Meanwhile, Ms Mulenga says there has been calls from people for her to contest for a higher office.

She said if she has to make a decision to contest for a higher office, then it has to be done in an orderly manner which does not interfere with the function of her office, the party and Government.

And when asked whether she has interest in contesting as Member of Parliament for Kalulushi constituency, she said right now she is focusing on her mayoral duties.

Ms Mulenga said if she has to contest for the seat, she will have to consult with elders and fully engage the party.

Below is the full Press Statement



It has come to our attention that some ill-motivated individuals are spreading patently false allegations namely that we are working with named opposition parties on the Copperbelt. These allegations have no iota of truth whatsoever, and must therefore be treated with the utter contempt they deserve.

We have, on several occasions addressed this matter privately to relevant authorities, friends and family but it has become necessary that we do so publicly to shame the purveyors of these falsehoods that we, individually and collectively, are working with the opposition NDC, UPND, or indeed any other opposition parties. This is far from the truth, as our records can show differently.

Those with evidence to the contrary must forward it in the open as we have done. Our commitment to the Patriotic Front, and particularly our desire to work for the re-election of President Lungu next year, is the only agenda guiding our current political engagements.

To express an ambition to run for higher political office cannot be the basis upon which detractors must be making assertions that we are politically misaligned. When the right time comes, we shall individually exercise our rights to aspire for higher office, and that will be within the PF, and properly guided by the party constitution and the wisdom of party elders.

All parliamentary seats will be vacant upon the dissolution of Parliament in May next year, and so aspiring candidates must just work within the confines of the party statutes and not against one another. The PF’s collective success, must always invariably, supersede our narrow personal ambitions, which sometimes undermine teamwork.

We therefore take great exception to any insinuations that we are working with the opposition.


As Kalulushi Mayor, and PF Kalulushi Constituency chairlady I do not take for granted, these onerous privileges to serve the people as guided by the PF.

My works in public and even in privacy, are for the people of Kalulushi and right now I am in full gear cultivating votes for President Edgar Lungu and the party.

Yes, I have heard calls from different walks of life for me to consider running for higher office. That decision will be made in an orderly manner that does not interfere with the orderly functioning of my office, party organization and other government functions in the district.

Answering this call will also be in wise consultation with party elders and full adherence to the rules of engagement of the party. For now, my duty is to deliver on the mandate as Mayor and I am doing so with pride as I advance the electoral chances for our President and the party.


It has been 7 months since I left public service at the end of my 3-year term as District Commissioner of the great city of Kitwe. My service to the country and in particular to the great people of Kitwe was a proud moment in my career. I seized that opportunity wholeheartedly and endeavoured to perform my duties with all my energies and with all honesty and integrity.

I will therefore be forever indebted to his Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu for that rare opportunity he gave me at a tender age.
Like in a football game, being substituted for another player is not the same as being discarded. I am still very much in the team and ready to put on the boots for any future game for which the coach may require my services.

Let me hasten to mention that during my tenure as DC Kitwe, I took every moment to ensure that services were delivered to the people of Kitwe and ensured that the public servants in Kitwe performed at the pace of a speedboat as compared to the speed of a canoe, ostensibly to advance the electoral chances of President Lungu and the PF in the 2021 general elections.

I will therefore continue mobilising people to support his Excellency President Edgar C. Lungu and the PF. Take note therefore that all the activities I will embark on from now on will be to achieve the above said goal.


As Members of the public may be aware, my political journey has faced some turbulence over the last 17 months.

Two incidents worth mentioning are:

  1. My removal from the National Dialogue Forum (NDF) in 2019 where I was representing the Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ).
  2. My removal from the position of Provincial Vice Chairman for PF on the Copperbelt in February this year.

Unfortunately, some political players have decided to take advantage of these two incidents to peddle lies about my allegiance to the political party I so dearly love and helped to build in my own little way.

Further, my intentions to stand as Member of Parliament in 2021 has equally being used to advance the misinformation about me, that I am working with NDC. That is not true.


Collectively and individually, we therefore assure the President, the Secretary-General of the party and the entire party leadership, that we are, as before, available and ready for duty to help mobilise the party ahead of the 2021 elections.

Those peddling malicious information against us must please stop it. We should not give credence to the saying that politics is a dirty game. Yes, politics is a competitive game but blatant lies and falsehoods must have no place in modern day political discourse.

Issued at Kitwe, Sherbourne Lodge.
Christopher Kang’ombe:
Rashida Mulenga:
Binwell Mpundu:


  1. We follow the official party decisions. If you are suspended you shall remain so until a decision is made to unsuspend you

  2. The biggest opposition to PF is PF. Alexander Chiteme and Elario Musonda are in maningi trouble, the same applies to Kampamba Chewe. The problem is that you started campaigns too early, give your colleagues chance to serve. If PF are not careful only Malanji will remain MP

  3. The biggest opposition to PF is PF. Alexander Chiteme and Elario Musonda are in maningi trouble, the same applies to Kampamba Chewe. The problem is that you started campaigns too early, give your colleagues chance to serve. If PF are not careful only Malanji will remain MP

  4. PF wont adopt those 3 as MP candidates in 2021,so they will rush to be adopted by a desperate party UPND or NDC,finally they will lose-end of their short political career!!
    Patience pays are too young,so wait for a right time than fighting sitting PF MPs in Kitwe!

  5. PF are jealous of beautiful and clean looking members.
    Rashida is beautiful, no dispute no favor, she is beautiful period!

  6. @Bongoz, Joe Malanji is on the ground working, I don’t see anyone who can unseat him. Pavyuma and Mwila Mutale are independents and equally working. Binwell Mpundu and Christopher Kang’ombe will be the next independents if not adopted by PF. NDC can take Kalulushi

  7. The declaration of ambitions to aspire and contest for Parliamentary seats by the trio within PF Party as long as they follow the Party’s rules and regulation is their democratic right, just like Mr. Garry Nkombo for arguments’ and example’s sake decides and declares today that he will challenges HH for presidential post within UPND in 2021. Whilst it’s his democratic right. Believe you me his decision won’t go well with the incumbent and within the Party hierarchy.

    So is the trio. The fact that the current holders have as well declared their intention to recon tests the seats. The Party is and will be at war within its rank and file and it’s a recipe for anarchy and vote splitting for the Party. What is of interest is the fact that trio decided to hold a press conference whilst the…

    the Vice President and Party Secretary General were both in town and this in itself is insubordination and failure to adhere to Party rules and disrespect for the two leaders. They should have called on the SG and presented their views or misgivings to him or better still wait for nomination time and file their names within their Constituencies

    My advice and opinion is that Parties in Parliament as they debate BILL 10, they should include a clause that will give a time frame for MP’s say any one individual citizen can serve a maximum of two terms of Parliament life or sitting regardless whether he/she stays in his/her Party and or criss- crosses the parties. If he or she has been elected or nominated to Parliament twice, then it’s “FINITO”

    The other option is to pass a…

    bill in Parliament that will compel non performing MP’s to be recalled by their respective Parties and appoint a replacement within their parties and from the same constituency of the recalled MP. We have a situation where some People have been MPs from time immemorial. The should room for new blood just like the Presidents time is Two Terms.

    bill in Parliament that will compel non performing MPs to be recalled by their respective Parties ans appoint a replacement within their Parties and constituencies of recalled MP. To day we have a situation where some People have been MPS in subsquent ruling parties without a break. They should be at least a break like the Presidential TWO TERMS

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