Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Cut off my finger if load shedding doesn’t end by March 2021-Nkhuwa


Energy Minister Mathew Nkhuwa has offered to have his finger cut off if load shedding does end by March 2021.

Mr. Nkhuwa said he is confident that load shedding will be a thing of the past by end of first quarter next year.

He said the Kafue Gorge Lower Power Station is expected to be fully functional by March 2021 adding over 720 MW of power to the grid.

Mr Nkhuwa who is also Chingola Member of Parliament was speaking on Saturday when a PF Mobilisation meeting at Kaunda Square grounds in Chingola.

Mr Nkhuwa who spoke mostly in Bemba said he is ready to lose his finger if loadshedding goes beyond March 2021.

“By December this year, we would have commissioned the Kafue Lower and by March next year, all the five machines at Kafue Lower would have started running and that will add plenty of energy to the grid effectively ending loadshedding and if this is no done, you can cut off my finger,” Mr Nkhuwa said.

And speaking at the same meeting, PF Copperbelt Mobilisation Commiteee Chairman Bowman Lusambo assured Chingola residents that production at KCM will improve once the transaction of possible investors are finalized

Mr Lusambo said there are a number of investors interested in KCM but the Covid-19 pandemic have hampered discussions with possible new owners.

He said KCM would be able to create thousands of new jobs once a new investors takes over.


    • Is this guy and engineer or he’s relying on the lies from Zesco? He might as well start preparing for divorce coz we know WHICH finger we’ll cut off !!!

  1. You have lied to us before so what can stop you from lying to us again? It is not even necessary to say “cut off my finger if loadshedding does not stop by March 2021”. These words can only come from a Government whose electorate have completely lost confidence in them due to unfulfilled promises, so they resort to saying if this and this does not happen by such a time you should do this to me.

  2. From September to October this year, now commissioning is 2021. Lungu even lied in Parliament that October liadsheding will be a thing of the past. PF a failed govt. #2021ZedChangeGovt that’s all

  3. ‘all the five machines at Kafue Lower would have started running and that will add plenty of energy to the grid effectively ending loadshedding’

    why have these machines not been running?

  4. I think there should be one government spokesperson. The president talks of October, the minister talks about March next year. Hope cadres will not talk about first week of September next year. Who does the evaluation of power needs? At the rate constructions are going coupled with climate change, I doubt if hydro is a long term solution.

  5. It is Kafue Lower Hydro and not the old Kafue Gorge. That is why the Minister says all the five machines will have started running. It is a new power station. Don’t argue if you are in diaspora! Sha!

  6. This man is clever, he knows that by much there is too much water to go by even if there is little rain… he should say end for GOOD

  7. it is in u to tell us lies.last time u were talking about the water in kariba dam.kalani chambe unko naba mwakole bene kz.

  8. Why the finger, i would rather cut off your ugly head you pri.k liars. You’re not even ashamed of yourself telling lies all the time.

  9. Mr. You can’t fool a con man. The water levels will be high then. We are educated sir.
    You people in the PF are pathetic.

  10. But this is silly. This man has lied to us Zambians on several occasions over power and nothing has happened. He even staked his ugly head and no one asked for his ugly head when it came to pass that he lied. No one is even interested in his ugly finger now let him keep it to himself. Better he keep his ugly finger to himself than to litter the country with ugly fingers.

  11. This man will just lose his fingers mahala, isn’t it the same man who said the same things the other year and his fingers are still intact.

  12. This is pure SONTA APO WAMBOMBA. PF is the second party after UNIP to build a major Hydro Power Station SINCE iNDEPENDENCE
    KUDOS to UNIP and PF the two PRO POOR PARTIES whose priority was and is to cater for THE vulnerable zambians.
    Ba NKHUWA keep working ignore the harcore capitalist who cant tell us what they hope to do for the Zambia “IF” by mistake came into power.
    ” GOD FORBID”. In any case there is nothing to promise us because PF have done wonders all over the country in terms of INFRASTRUCTURE.
    Give us a better manifesto than that of PF other than merely peddling in unsubstantiated rumors of corruption, then we shall vote for a change.
    Otherwise for now and 2021 its PF the pro poor Party.
    Bye for NOW

    • Thanks for the attempt chief, it is too late. All economic indicators are completely off tangent because of reckless borrowing and not covid. What we are seeing is the colour of failure for those who have not seen the colour of failure before….

  13. We all know that load shedding will end in march next year but will resume after the elections..just like you did in 2016..you must be a donkey if you believe the sudden economic upturn that we will see in the country before the elections is real..we know you will fix doller and fuel prices..but at what cost

  14. What about the water which was
    Coming from Victoria falls to kariba dam.Has it reached or still
    On its way?They said it takes four

  15. I have received various calls and messages from you all asking and pleading for me to comment. I would just like to notify you all that unfortunately today I will not blog or provide any views on any posts. This is because of personal reasons. I know that this will disappoint my many fans and supporters. However, this is a very difficult decision that I have had to take. I hope to engage you all in the future as we prepare for elections in 2021. I will be back hopefully tomorrow. Kz

  16. I appreciate PF for building Kafue Lower Hydro to add more power to the National Grid, but that does not mean it will be the end of load shedding by March 2021. More likely the minister does not understand Generation, MW, Loading, availability of water as fuel. He doesn’t know that our hydro generation is not designed to the lowest water on record to meet the current need, because population and industries have grown, fluctuations of water due to climate change and evaporation of water, old transmission net work can breakdown to cause load shedding. Hence, the minister should just keep quite until Zambia break through to be more than enough.

  17. Mr Nkhuwa is this how stupid you think we are? Just become you want to rig 2021 elections you really have to make yourself look so stup!d sir. You are an old man. Ukwisa pubilafye kubukalamba? Anyway, will see how you will play with your grand kids or guitar with a missing finger. I’m making an appointment for a finger cutting ceremony next year.

  18. Rubbish.
    You will use tax payers money to import electricity from ESCOM to blind your blind followers to vote for you in August.

  19. Don’t argue…he has offered and we should find a way to make this legally binding. Chop his finger off or face prison should be the deal. I admire his ambition but let’s hold him to task to stop the rhetoric.

  20. The daring itself speaks volumes, only a person who has lied several times before uses this kind of language as a last appeal. He should have just offered castration, because there will be no women in prison where they are all heading.

  21. I am already brandishing my okapi because I know it’s just a campaign strategy……So I am looking at May or join to do the surgical.

  22. Chop off his “Mabumba” as well!
    Let him also “Testify by his Testacles” so that we chop them! This is what the Romans used to do. You had to put your hands and swear by your Testacles. If you are found to be telling lies, you have them chopped and fed to the d0gs … Kikikiki

  23. July 21, 2011 29
    PRESIDENT Banda yesterday commissioned the construction of the US$2 billion Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro-electric Power Station which will add 750 megawatts of power.

    This was not even a PF project. It was commissioned a couple of months before PF came to power and was then suspended by them (presumably after diverting the funds) They had to restart after some years and it’s been postponement after postponement. This assertion by the minister is not new. Lies in the morning, lies in the afternoon and lies in the evening.

  24. – January 24, 2017
    Government through the Vice President Inonge Wina, has assured Zambians that load shedding in the country is coming to an end next year.-

    – October 21, 2019
    ZESCO Managing Director Victor Mundende says he expects load-shedding to end by the close of 2020

    – And Lungu said last month that the 750 megawatts would ‘come on board’ by the end of the year

  25. Better be on record that you’ll step down stressing “Mark my words and bring me to account if I renege on my word!” No one would wish to engage in the messy act of chopping off a finger! Who knows you could be diabetic and a finger is due for chopping off!

  26. Matthew Nkhuwa please sit down. Do you think that cutting of the finger is an easy undertaking? I doubt if you can stand the pain and I can’t imagine how you’ll sound crying in Tumbuka! Adada naleka, munigowokere!

  27. You cant croos the

    Don’t cross that bridge till you come to it.
    I’m not sure why you’re so concerned about how to write a thesis for your degree—it’s over a year away, so don’t cross that bridge until you come to it! Get it in your thick head.

  28. You cant cross that bridge till you come to it.
    I’m not sure why you’re so concerned about how to write a thesis for your degree—it’s over a year away, so don’t cross that bridge until you come to it! Get it in your thick head.

  29. hahhahahahahaha
    I’m not sure why you’re so concerned about how to write a thesis for your degree—it’s over a year away, so don’t cross that bridge until you come to it! Get it in your thick head.

  30. I’m not sure why you’re so concerned about how to write a thesis for your degree—it’s over a year away, so don’t cross that bridge until you come to it! Get it in your thick head.

  31. Cut off that finger now before he changes his pledge like SG Mwila did. We can always find a prosthetic one if he is proven right in March 2021. This administration is pathetic.

  32. 2021 will be full of drama…..one promised to run butt naked from Archades mall n the other bet his finger to be chopped off if pf does not deliver. Interesting times ahed…Wow

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