Saturday, October 12, 2024

Privatization inquiry not politically driven, Mundubile


Patriotic Front (PF) Chairperson for Legal Affairs Brian Mundubile has dismissed assertions by some sections of society that the call for an inquiry into the Privatization process of national assets is politically driven.

Mr Mundubile, who is also Government Chief Whip and Mporokoso Member of Parliament, said the matter is of national interest.

Mr Mundubile said politicians have been compelled to comment on the issue because it affects the people they represent.

Speaking to journalists in Chilubi, Mr Mundubile said many Zambians who lost their jobs have suffered the adverse effects of privatization because the process was allegedly mismanaged.

“The call for an inquiry cannot be politically driven, because this particular topic has been discussed time immemorial. The fact that some politicians have commented does not mean it is politically driven,” said Mr Mundubile.

The lawmaker however said people in leadership or those who aspire for leadership positions and were involved in the privatization process should have their names cleared regardless of their political affiliation.

He said individuals who were involved in the process should not be negative about the inquiry but instead see it as an opportunity for them to set the record straight.

“What we are seeing now is a blame game, but there is need to set the record straight. This is not political but if you want to be a leader, you need to clear your name in certain issues,” he said.

Mr Mundubile has since appealed to members of the public to support calls for the inquiry.


  1. It’s all politics. Mr Valentine Chitalu was the Chief Executive Officer at ZPA and after him Mr Stuart Cruikshank but so far none of these have been mentioned. Just accept that Hichilema has gained and he’s a front runner but you don’t know how to handle his threat because of the many wrongs you’ve committed. So the option is for you to scandalize him through an inquiry, but don’t forget that in inquiry is just a talking shop. Some of the sponsors of PF also gained, HH didn’t do things alone. You might get embarrassed as well. Politics of scheming are long gone, whatever you do when your time is up you’ll pack and go

    • If Hakainde is clean why are his people so scared of this inquiry. HH has dodged this question for long because he is a criminal who recommended sale of assets to himself

    • Hichilema would rather talk about corruption of others and forget his dark secrets in Privatisation. Its time for him to also account. If he is not luck he may go to jail

  2. Please start working on the economy, the country is bleeding. How does the privatization inquiry improve the life of a boy in Kaputa. Please, let us be sober minded and focus on issues that matter, organisations like YALI have to eat, but please prioritise what you were voted for

  3. His President said it at a political rally that they are targeting HH, and he is busy saying the contrary here, Very disjointed party this one, no wonder they have failed to sort out unemployment and the economy. Just full of rhetoric

  4. I am an objective PF member but very disappointed with the way our leaders talk to us. As if they are speaking to Children, everybody including a kid knows that the target for the privatization inquiry is HH. Instead of working, busy playing as usual

  5. Inflation, exchange rate, unemployment, reserves all gone. All economic indicators used to measure an economy are completely down. Debt is unsustainable. No one is giving us money due to our reckless borrowing and in your wisdom you should be talking about privatization, how cheap

  6. The worst government ever, this PF one. We have not had such jokes since 1964. And a strange type of democracy where all public media is in their pocket, opposition never covered. others are not allowed to mobilise. I agree with Archibishop Mpundu if this is not dictatorship, then what is it

  7. We all know the target is hh and is meant to cripple hih is challenge to lungus rule

    If you are truthfull that this is not to cripple HHs challenge to lungu , set a date after lungu wins 2021 elections.

  8. Well done, we need to put closure to this privatisation. We know HH stole from people and he doesn’t want to account.

  9. What tangible results came out from The commision of inquiry into Voting Pattern and electral violence?
    The Zambian people asked for the commision of inquiry about gassing, 42 fire tenders costing 1 million dollar each noting yet has been established but you are quick to jump to the privatisation inquiry that other successive govts did not consider as important?Be careful you may just shoot yourself in the foot because privatization is so broad and spacious it covers so many years,so many organisations including international ones,it involves so many people,so many lawyers that includes the President.

  10. Let’s do an inquiry into how the Zambian economy got so unhealthy,debt ridden and so crippled 1st. This nonsense privatization inquiry is surely aimed at HH.

  11. H² is criminally minded person. No wonder UPND are in panic mode. Today, they will be blaming YALI when HH fought Nawakwi himself.

  12. Many pipo just comments about this without seeing the privatization documents. Let these documents be published so that pipo know

  13. Mundubile’s statements in this article are actually enough evidence that this inquiry is politically driven. Mundubile states “the fact that some politicians have commented doesnot make it politically driven” and then he adds “those who aspire for leadership positions and were involved in the privatization process should have their names cleared regardless of their political affiliation”. What more evidence does one need to reconfirm from Mundubile himself that this is a politically driven inquiry. Mundibile stop taking Zambians in circles. Remember there are enough Zambians who critically analyse issues.

  14. So all the PF machinery from the VEEP to this man down to the barking dog monday and his puppy Antonio have been instructed to parrot one thing only and that is this enquiry is not about one man. Oh really why then wait all these years until its time for elections where your future looks very bleak. I dont know why you take zambians peacefulness to be dullness.

  15. PF regime is in government and can set up a commission of inquiry even without the public outcry. So why waste Zambians time, just set up the inquiry as soon as possible. Zambians and the world will watch who was responsible of privatisation that robed Zambians of their livelihhod.

  16. PF regime is in government and can set up a commission of inquiry even without the public outcry. So why waste Zambians time, just set up the inquiry as soon as possible. Zambians and the world will watch who was responsible of privatisation that robed Zambians of their livelihood.

  17. I will be a witness to the commission of inquiry into privatisation of state assets and state companies if it gets constituted. I will ask if it was fair to sell government houses at less than the price of roofing sheets on those houses as Frederick Chiluba did in Matero in Lusaka.

  18. HH pretends to be cleaner and smarter than others when he is the worst of the worst, just look at the way he benefited from the sale of the Mosi-o-tunya Hotel in Livingstone. The man set up his own company (Sun international) where he was sitting as a director at the time he was appointed as negotiator and negotiated the sale of the hotel to his company at an undervalued amount , this was very unethical behaviour,and blind UPND folowers cant see any wrongdoing in HH’s conduct. Let the man face the wrong side of the law for stealing from Zambians. TAKATEKEPO

  19. No body is talking about the objectives and goals of privatisation undertaken by the then MMD government. I hope this wasteful inquiry on privatisation will also assess the extent each privatised entity achieved the set objectives and goals of privatisation. We have to review each and every privatised company to assess what came of it in order to judge whoever was involved in the process. Rather than focusing on alleged wrong doing, the inquiry should judge which privatised companies met the objectives and goals of privatisation and which didnot. Sanctions should be targeted to those involved in privatised companies which didnot fulfill the set standards of success!. Should we say selling of public houses to individuals at give away price was wrong doing and therefore those involved…

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