Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Young should’ve access to factual and age-and culturally-appropriate information about relationships-UN


The United Nations (UN) in Zambia has commended the Government for its announcement that the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) curriculum would be subjected to a multisectoral technical review.

In a statement released to the media, the UN said that the recent statement by the Vice President of the Republic of Zambia, Ms Inonge Mutukwa Wina, MP, provides a way forward, a platform for more discussion of the national CSE Framework, and an opportunity for all actors to find out more about the content of the Framework and results from its implementation.

The UN further said that it believed that the CSE Framework provides an important tool to address early and unintended pregnancies, HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), child marriage and Gender-Based Violence in Zambia and that the UN stands ready to provide support to the Government of the Republic of Zambia on the planned review.

The statement further said that the UN believed that children and young people should have access to accurate, factual, age-and culturally-appropriate information about relationships as they transition to adulthood.

“Contrary to recent rumours and misleading information circulating on social media, the CSE Framework (2014) was developed by the Government of the Republic Zambia through a thorough and consultative process involving education sector stakeholders, traditional leaders, faith-based groups and Civil Society Organisations, resulting in an age-appropriate curriculum respecting Zambian cultural values. The CSE Framework in Zambia has been delivered to learners as an integral part of examinable subjects and not as a standalone subject. It has contributed to reduced teenage pregnancies and drop outs from school, and mitigated the spread of HIV and other STIs among young people in school and out of school,” the statement concluded.


  1. Mwine Lubemba was the first to condemn CSE, so which traditional leaders were consulted and were their views taken on board? I doubt. CSE is a fraud just like many other foreign grown programs. If there was consultation then why has it been rejected by many stakeholders except those that sat and received allowances?

  2. When I see Kapolyo Kampyongo I see a dangerous criminal. It’s scary seeing him so close to the VP, choka mambal iwe! Shaa

  3. We did well . We are an open minded government willing to listen to all stakeholders so that decisions which reflect the wishes of the people are made within reason

  4. Boza, ubufi, Mulabeja ba UN! You paid a few “for hire” NGO characters in Zambia to draft something you knew would not be accepted by the vast majority and called it “Zambian”!

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