Wednesday, March 26, 2025

While President Lungu Courts Privatization, Let Him Come Clean On The Issue of Alleged Terrorism Financing


By: Anthony Bwalya – UPND Member.

President Edgar Lungu is busy persecuting his political opponents in Zambia on flimsy, trumped-up charges, ranging from treason, aggravated robbery (in the case of Mucheleka and others), and now abusing state power to institute a Commission of Inquiry into the Privatization Process from nearly 30 years ago.

President Lungu was an active participant in this process. I want to imagine that he understood the process then, and still understands the historical perspective of the process. The only thing that has changed now is that Mr. Lungu is now trying to leverage this historical process against his political opponents.

President Lungu has bigger problems to worry about, problems that will not just go away given that the issues are aggressively being tried in a Rwandan court.

President Lungu’s mention in the alleged financing of an armed terrorist group in Rwanda should be of grave concern to all sober-minded citizens. Of course, we are NOT implying that he is guilty, but merely raising questions about the caliber of his judgment.

Here are some basic facts and publicly available:

The testimony by Major Callixte Nsabimana also known as “Sankara” alleges the following:

– President Edgar Lungu gave Paul Rusesabagina $150,000 out of a total pledge of $1m towards the end of 2017. He further offered the rebels the ability to operate freely in Zambia.

– The president allegedly sympathized with Rusesabagina for the treatment he had to endure under the Paul Kagame regime. Rusesabagina had great respect for the president due to the help/support he had offered fleeing Rwandan businessmen.

– In early 2019, Nsengiyumva Appolinaire met with the President to discuss further support for overthrowing the Kagame regime.

We, therefore, have FIVE key players in this saga:

  1. President Edgar Lungu – the only Zambian Citizen alleged to be involved
  2. Major Callixte Nsabimana also known as “Sankara” – FLN leader, has already pleaded guilty to charges laid against him for attacks in Rwanda.
  3. Paul Rusesabagina – Another alleged FLN leader last known to be based out of Belgium with a trucking business in ZAMBIA setup in the late 90’s after fleeing Rwanda.
  4. Nsengiyumva Appolinaire – A Rwandan living in ZAMBIA operating an SME.
  5. Kayumba Nyamwasa – former Rwandan military chief, arch enemy of Paul Kagame, exiled in South Africa and accused of Terrorism in Rwanda. Despite an arrest warrant, brags about being able to visit Zambia often and has allegedly been seen visiting Zambia often lately.

MAY 2019

As part of the trial in May 2019, Sankara alleged the involvement of high ranking intelligence officials in UGANDA and BURUNDI. Meanwhile, the RWANDAN PROSECUTION alleged funding for this rebel group came from Rwandan refugees living in countries including ZAMBIA. Recruitment was also alleged to be happening in ZAMBIA.

Therefore, the initial allegations of terrorism financing and recruitment happening on ZAMBIAN soil came from the Rwandan prosecution, and by implication, the Rwandan authorities. The Zambian authorities did not/ have not respond to these allegations.

Around the same time, the Zambian Financial Intelligence Centre lays bare a case of terrorism financing that occurred in 2018, with funds flowing from Zambia to a state where terrorism activities are prevalent. The known individuals involved were linked to terrorism groups in that state. The case was transferred to “competent” authorities for further investigation.

DECEMBER 2019 to MAY 2020

In a complex web of transactions, ZCCM forms a joint venture with little known Sudanese investors (Karma Mining) for ZCCM to obtain a minority stake in a gold processing venture. In a transaction that appears to have failed basic due diligence measures, particularly due to Sudan being a known state sponsor of terrorism, as well as appearing of the sanctions list of the USA, UN, EU, and UK. The sequence of events behind this transaction implies political connotations and appears to have been forced onto ZCCM by the political elite.

A further venture was agreed into with Array Metals, who have exploration rights to $400m worth of Gold in Mumbwa. The players behind this group are Ugandans with no previously known gold mining experience. These Ugandans have suspected links to the political elite in Zambia and in Uganda, and officials are known to have business dealings with a UN-sanctioned General from South Sudan.

The above two transactions, which leave the Zambian people with minimal benefits, coincidentally appear to be linked through the players and nations involved.

JULY 2020

As part of Sankara’s sworn testimony in court, startling new allegations are made, as summarised above.

The PF Government in a series of confused responses initially denies the claims without responding directly as to why the allegations cannot be true.

They then secretly (but exposed by eagle-eyed citizens) send Joe Malanji as an envoy of the President to meet with Rwandan authorities. He returns and issues another uncoordinated and non-sensical statement saying that the Rwandans are equally surprised by the allegations, that they are not credible, and that Sankara had never traveled to Zambia. Bilateral relations remain intact.


  1. Sankara has never claimed to have traveled to Zambia. He said the people who met President Lungu were Rusesabagina and Appolinaire. These two individuals have irrefutable links to ZAMBIA. In fact, the latter, until recently, is known to have been appointed to the procurement committee of the IDC by President Lungu.
  2. The Rwandan prosecutors themselves alleged the involvement of players on Zambian soil.
  3. Would the Rwandan Government be prejudicial and ignore the court case and allegations to clear Zambia of any involvement before the trial is concluded and judgment is delivered?
  4. What incentive would Sankara have to dream about the president’s involvement? How would Sankara even dream about individuals like Appolinaire being in Zambia?
  5. Rwandan and Ugandan relations are strained. Zambian relations with Uganda are strong, and politically connected individuals between the two countries are involved in Zambian Gold. Is there a connection or is this a coincidence?
  6. The PF regime indicated that Zambia was sending investigators to Rwanda to get further insights into the case. Was this ever done? If so, what were the results?
  7. It is also important to note that Kayumba Nyamwasa, former Rwandan military chief, arch-enemy of Paul Kagame, has been allegedly allowed free movement into Zambia despite an arrest warrant. This has been noted by the Rwandan authorities as well and requires an explanation.


The challenge the people of Zambia have with the current government and leadership is a matter of trust.

Even if the president is innocent in this, how can we be confident that one of his many friends and associates has not used the name of the president to commit crimes?

We have heard this over and over again from the PF. This is the reason why it is important that the president ensures he surrounds himself with people of good reputation and standing in society.

Why is it that the word “terrorism” keeps popping up in Zambia? First, it was the FIC report, then ZCCM Gold Scandal with links to Sudan, a country sanctioned for state sponsored terrorism, as well as Uganda, a country mentioned as part of this plot and now sponsoring of terrorism in Rwanda.


We propose the following:

  1. Can the government sue the accuser in the courts of law?
  2. There is a clear CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The President through his Minister cannot lead investigations into himself for these allegations.

Therefore, we propose that a cross-member panel/committee be set up in Parliament to lead the investigations. Parliament shall then hold the Government to account should any of the allegations be proven. Failure to allow an independent parliamentary committee to investigate will raise red flags and create mistrust.

The people of Zambia deserve answers and we demand answers now!


  1. So the UPND defense is based on counter accusations. He that childish tactic really works the court room will be circus. Every thief will be looking for another thief to use. HH needs to face his privatization and tribalism demons that keeps on coming after him. The only time he will be free of the demons is after he confesses. Even when entering hell HH and his supporters will be pointing at other people’s sins.

  2. Fellow Zambian’s PF is about to ended our much cherished peace. Let’s be proactive, let’s petition; Commonwealth Secretary-General Baroness Patricia Scotland , the UN, EU, AU, ICC over what has become of Zambia.
    Lack of commitment to promotion of basic human rights, high levels of intolerantce to peaceful dissent, and freedom of expression.
    Little or no efforts to bring those responsible for the abuses on citizens especially the opposition. The acts of violence, vandalism and gassing being exhibited by the PF amount to acts of terrorism.
    Corruption is hamper development by capturing public and private resources, distorting economic decision making and undermining governance and accountability.
    Efforts to manipulate the 2021 elections are fully in progress, soon we will be worse…

  3. If Lungu can not tell us why he over saw PF gassing our people resulting in 50 innocent civilians being murdered , he will not tell you anything about terror financing…..

    BTW remember the $1.6 million arms import case to assassinate lungu ????

    Lungu is a serpent wearing a suit with a bible in his back pocket ready to dupe the masses

  4. This is where UPND misses the point. In trying to defend the criminality which HH was engaged in, they want to justify it with other unfounded elements. This time we talking about Privatisation. Let Hakainde acquit himself from those allegations. Equity!

  5. Hakainde threatened to sue Nawakwi over the Privatisation of Mosi O Tunya and Rainbow but ducked out when he discovered he will be exposed. He picks a very little non issue of a house which he shall lose also. Let him answer

  6. Hakainde’s defense cannot lie in issues his proxies like Lukuku and Bwalya wants to put up. Let’s exhaust the discussion on commission of Inquiry and we can talk about other allegations. You can’t use the excuse ati even that one stole as an excuse to your own stealing. If Bally is a lazo, we better know now before we can decide whether to entrust him with State power.

  7. Zambians, lets agree to put this privatisation to an end through this Inquiry. I personally don’t agree with idea of giving excuses of other people’s wrongdoing to absorb the wrongdoing of another. If HH was wrong, we must agree to probe and then follow up with those who came later

  8. Anthony my brother, I have always told you that your search for that adoption certificate should not make you to become a praise singer or defender for HH in his own wrongs. He duped Zambians and its his family who are enjoying that money. Let them stand up with Mukuni and talk for themselves

  9. Continued
    Efforts to manipulate the 2021 elections are fully in progress, soon we will be worse than Zimbabwe. Ten years from now we will be saying we used to have a ruthless dictator by the name of Lingu.
    hashtag #ZambianOppositionlivesmatter

  10. Extra ordinary bollocks. We are not known as a peaceful people and country for nothing. Let your chief mwankole answer at the coi when it’s setup. To borrow from the mmd slogan ‘the hour has come’.
    We have amalegeni out

  11. Those boys in yali are making everyone unsettled in UPND. Why? Just noticed even people in street are now talking about this privatisation issue.

  12. By trying to accuse a fellow citizen of being complicit in terrorism, Anthony is showing tenets of terrorism himself in order to advance his agenda. Learn from other countries whose first duty is to defend their citizens against external aggression at all costs. At the rate Anthony is going, he will land into prison. Just let HH answer for himself.

  13. This is a Rwandan problem not Zambian. So, UPND should not say, ‘The people of Zambia demand answers,’ no, they do not care. I prefer HH to Lungu for President and there should have been a post mortem on privatisation in Zambia when Levy became President but he squandered the opportunity by pursuing Chilub and his tandem of thieves in courts of law where the burden of proof is heavier. Levy should have instituted a COI instead. There are are too many issues at stake. ZCCM and other SOE executives grabbed more houses than they were entitled to. It is not just about HH. We need answers. A lot of people stole but some squandered their estates in loose living. We will be satisfied! Let us be satisfied!.

  14. This article is written by a non patriotic Zambian, one who has no interest for our beloved Zambia,and I believe he is a beneficially of privatization.

  15. @Saint, Zambians can not have their president actively involved in terrorist activities in another sovereign state, being mentioned in that country’s courts of law. This is an indictment to the whole Zambian nation being held collectively on account of one individual. NO, we Zambians reject that charge and the offender should be held to account for his actions – Zambians are innocent, today or tomorrow the offender/criminal will face justice as his accomplices currently on trial.

  16. This is called cribbing, Anthony Bwalya. Not expected at all from a seasoned politician. You should know that there is no time limit to start inquiry in such a crucial matter, whether 30 years or 50 years. By the way, why are you so worried if your leader has not done anything wrong? President Lungu was active participant in the process of privatization and he understands the process fully. Your leader needs to understand the repercussions. Instead of getting to such low level, you better think on how to salvage your party. Whether UPND leaders are ready to get doomed with a corrupt and anti national person or remove him to save the party. After all, it is the matter of trust of innocent Zambians who support UPND.

  17. The presumption that President Lungu will be worried by some random terrorist naming him in some court. Zambians believe in the President than a terrorist. Given an option, I will trust a Zambian if he alleges something, rather than some foreigner, that too an accused. This logic is beyond comprehension that some random terrorist will create big problem for President Lungu. And if at all this happens, Presidnet Lungu will handle it. You better be prepared to face the inquiry, you have lot of answering to do in days to come.

  18. The Nemwine btwn Gwendolyn and Ken Bwalya above is a sponsored one. I hv posted no comment on this article. The real Nemwine is this one and he won’t be commenting on the article beyond this point. LT is a low-brow website.

  19. I just looked at the headline and lost interest because this issues is not here or there. It has been resolved.

  20. Whatever so called facts you have written here, is nothing but junk. It has no credibility in eyes of law. This is as funny and laughable as a thief naming police officer after being arrested. What is this? Are you alright sir? Instead of wasting time in writing this essay, you should have consulted good lawyers to defend your leader. Hichilema needs a good lawyer, more than anything right now.

  21. Whatever you have written is imaginary. There is no concrete evidence to support it. Mr Bwalya, if you claim that President Lungu met Nsengiyumva Appolinaire in early 2019, do you have any corroborative evidence to support it? Or it is yet another fake narrative peddled by UPND? At the face of it, this entire article appears to be last ditch effort to salvage the image of Hichilema and UPND. But I doubt, how effective it would prove.

  22. You appear to be relatively wise among the UPND lot. But, Mr Bwalya, my friend, you are wasting your knowledge and skills. This is losing battle. There are bleak chances of Hichilema coming out of this. His conviction is certain.

  23. President Lungu is ‘allgeed’ to be involved. And who says that? A certified terrorist, who is facing trial. The fact that you trust a criminal more, reflects on the character of UPND and Hichilema. What else can one expect from a person who is neck deep in corruption and criminal activities.

  24. Anthony Bwalya you are as useles.s as used paper. If Edgar has committed those aforemetioned crimes time will catch up with him just like it has caught up with this white color thie.f HH. The man (HH) alone as an individfual has done more damage to the economy than any past government, just look at how he benefited from the sale of Mosi-o-tunya Hotel. He set up his own company to buy the hotel at a very low price This was very unethical and according to corporate governance this is a very serious crime for which HH must be jailed to deliverf justice to so many Zambians that have died because of his insatiable appetite to have more to himself. Thanks to his coming to the political limelight the man has been exposed. TAKATEKEPO

  25. Anthony Bwalya if president Lungu has comitted those aforementioned crimes time will catch up with him just like it has caught up with HH. The man alone as an individual has done more damage to the Zambian people than any other persons, just look at how he benefited from the sale of Mosi-o-tunya hotel. He set up his own company to buy the hotel at a very low price. This was unethical, according to corporate governance this is a very serious crime for which HH must be jailed to deliver justice to the Zambians who died because of his insatiable appetite to have more to himself. Thanks to his coming to the political scene, more of his wrongdoings will be exposed when the much awaited COI is set up. TAKATEKEPO

  26. Dear Mr Bwalya. You need help. Seriously! Go see a good doctor. You seem to be shaken by the wrong deeds of your leader. It is nothing but his sins those are haunting Hichilema and UPND. It was a mistake to rely so much on him. The demand for his retirement from politics that rose from within the party could not be more timely than this. It is not too late even now. Dump Hichilema if you really want UOND to survive.

  27. Please fellow Zambians, don’t get hoodwinked by this criminal, Lungu. These PF criminals had all the time in the world to set up a COI into privatization, having been in power for 9 years now. So why bring up the issue close to election time? If Lungu is sincere in wanting to probe HH’s involvement in the Privatization, why can’t all parties agree to look into this after the election? And do you think that even if HH is found wanting, that’ll help the country change the culture of immense corruption that’s happening under gangster Lungu’s watch? How is it going to create jobs for the youth, improve the economy? And what about the so much corruption that has occurred under Lungu’s watch. Why have they not set up COIs for that? Don’t get foooled. Wake the heck up!!!!

  28. Iwe Bwalya, stop this rubbish. You mean tawakwata ubongo mu mutwe to think that that allegation even by an ***** does not add water. Even the amount of money you speculated ECL paid the alleged terrorists doesn’t add up. Tawakwata common sense. Umwine Kagame nabena Rwanda don’t even talk about it. They just rubbished it- you yourself you are bring the rubbished topic. Get a life mwaice wandi- ufola shinga to sink below the pitlatrine?

  29. It’s dangerous to be rich in Zambia!
    If you know you are rich, keep it to yourself and lead a quiet private life!

  30. The privatization inquiry is politically driven to fight a politicians battle for personal survival. I hope it is budgeted for if not to be financed by it’s instigators “some Zambians” and definitely not all Zambians let’s be specific on this score! The allegation leveled at Edgar Lungu of funding the Rwandan rebel group for insurgency is a serious national security issue which a serious government would have attached priority importance. A president’s name of a sovereign state can not be mentioned in a treason court case of another sovereign state without investigations being carried out. This is not like the corruption case of the Malawi maize purchase scandal that Dora Siliya was implicated! By mere mention of Edgar Lungu and the ensuing behavior by the leadership quickly…

  31. I thought what he has written is supposed to be presented in court by HH. Lusakatimes is not a court where you want it to pass a verdict. Give those points to HH to defend himself. My advise to Anthony is don’t exhaust all your energy on social media, Nawaki is not sleeping she is doing some research and she Is busy reading what you’re writing as your defense. She is able to see your weakness.

  32. @34 The dying horse kicks harder however in plain air. The sentiments of my blind brother nthony Bwalya are but the last payout from his self-confessed boss HechHech that he took advantage of the ‘sleeping’ government. Simply put, Mr Anthony Bwalya is also taking advantage of his almost jailed boss who could pay anything seemingly reversing his self-confession. It is now HH is realising how an 1d10t he was to confessingly and boastingly told the world on several occassions that he found people sleeping and then took advantage and stole the moneys. So, we can only understand that under such a circumstance HH is paying his henchmen anything to anyone appearing be a soother. KK used to say, “Hope against hope”. Similarly Bwalya is also taking advantage of his self-embittered boss. This…

  33. …KK used to say, “Hope against hope”. Similarly Bwalya is also taking advantage of his self-embittered boss. This CoI is not ECL call and it is not even politically motivated. To the contrary, HH self-inflicted it through his usual way of looking at women the way he looks at the cattle he owns. Simply put, HH has no shred of respect for women. HH himself started arguing with Madam Edith Nawakwi over her sleeping mode during the time when she was a Finance Minister. She said, she and others were sleeping. They trusted HH as a Zambian was going to deliver to the Zambians patriotically. Alas, HH mis-interpreted their trust to them being in sleep mode. Bwalya! Be careful about the dead horse you are backing. Nashifule ndalama naumulila- stop there mwaice. Tawaliko uko Nawakwi alele…

  34. …Nashifule ndalama naumulila- stop there mwaice. Tawaliko uko Nawakwi alele. Don’t sink with your paymaster in his own deep sheet.

  35. @Kaizar Zulu – What a disgrace. Classic corrupt criminals. If in doubt, blame the opposition party… who are NOT IN POWER AND DO NOT HAVE POWER TO MAKE THESE DECISIONS. Every corrupt decision made in Zambia since PF came into power has been made by Lungu and the PF. The reason our Kwacha has gone from K5 per US to K20 per US is because of Lungu and the PF. Our load shedding is because of PF. Our petrol prices are due to Lungu and the PF. Our massive debt and stolen money is because of Lungu and the PF. They are in charge, and they are to blame.

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