Monday, March 3, 2025

Both Opposition and Ruling Party Must support Motion to Suspend Comprehensive Sexuality Education-EFZ



“Both Isles of the House must support the suspension of CSE to allow for review and attainment of broader consensus”

We wish to welcome the positive initiative by the National Assembly to discuss the possibility of suspending the Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) until enough consultation and broad consensus is achieved on this matter.

We also wish to express profound gratitude for Her Honour the Vice President, Hon. Inonge Wina, who has called for a review of CSE programme and has since referred the matter to a multi-sectoral technical working group to be overseen by the Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs. However, this move can only be more assured if the motion under current discussion is successful.

We, therefore, urge Parliamentarians from both sides of the Isle, to support the motion moved by the Chembe Member of Parliament, Hon. Dr Sebastian Kopulande and seconded by Honourable Given Katuta, MP for Chiengi.

This is to ensure that the national roll-out of CSE earmarked for 2020 in all schools is halted until stakeholders agree on the CSE framework, standards, curriculum and teaching guidelines of the programme.

As a Church body, we wish to urge the government to lead in this matter in the House, to demonstrate a true listening disposition, as Zambia is a Christian Nation and upholds Christian principles. We should recognise that the implementation of any programme that undermines the integrity of that status must be reviewed, but not while its still actively implemented in the very format that is under question.

It ought not to be taken lightly that Comprehensive Sexuality Education as implemented elsewhere or as modified in Zambia, has a standard framework whose outcome threatens the moral, cultural, religious and legal environment of Zambia.

Observing that numerous claims have been made in recent public discourse regarding claimed wide consultation on CSE at inception, here is a list of those consulted, as documented in the Ministry of General Education Comprehensive Sexuality Education Framework Grades 5-12, on page V under Acknowledgments:

  1. Ministry of Community Development Mother and Child.
  2. Ministry of Health
  3. Civil Society Organizations (SAFAIDS, Restless Development, Youth Vision Zambia, Youth Alive Zambia, Children in Need, YWCA, YMCA.
  4. Faith Based Organizations (ZINGO, CHAZ)
  5.  and other key individuals.

Firstly, it should be emphasized that the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, Article 26, Item #3, as a binding policy on ALL UN Member States, says, “Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.”

We raise the following questions for honourable members as they debate the Motion:

1. Is there empirical or even detailed evidence that Zambian parents, at the grassroots, in the broader sphere of Zambian constituencies, were extensively consulted across our nation?

2. If the extensive consultations carried out by proponents of CSE, and claiming it to be the basis upon which they rolled out and implemented CSE among pupils in Grades 5-12, and communities of Zambian parents at the grassroots, and not only those parents who may be technocrats rolling out CSE, were not evidentially consulted, as the List of those consulted here above shows, was this a blatant breach of the binding UN UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS Article 26, item#3?

3. If the above #2, is true, which from the list of those documented as having been consulted is shows, then the touted so called wide consultation process was flawed, and cannot be the credible basis upon which an Education Curriculum on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for children in primary and secondary schools, who are legally minors, was rolled out in Zambia. Why insist on propagating a program, which has violated the fundamental right of parents? This move indirectly invalidates the current CSE curriculum framework. And is a curriculum fails the validity and authenticity test, it needs to be withdrawn and taken back to the drawing board.

4. On what UN Member States ’binding Policy is CSE promulgated around the world, and Zambia in particular?

5. On Page xii of the CSE Framework a statement is made “The school has an obligation to compensate for the losses they may have experienced elsewhere by helping them to form an enlightened outlook on sexuality.” Is the School’s OBLIGATION to overlook the need for parental consent on teaching the children (minors) sexuality?


6. On Page 1 of the CSE Framework Grades 5-12, item -Identifying different types of family structures: under CONTENT it states, “Nuclear, extended, single parent, child headed and non-traditional families/adoption.” You will notice that in the verbiage here, we are familiar, in the most part, with family structures indicated, except NON-TRADITIONAL, which they have subtly, with a forward slash, tacked on ADOPTION. What is a Non-Traditional Family being taught to our children?

Here is a description of a Non-Traditional Family, according to SOCIOLOGY 101: Intro to Sociology on “” Web Site:

“Family structures that may be considered non-traditional or alternative include single parenthood, cohabitation, same-sex families, and polygamy.” Therefore, it such nebulous and fluid verbiage, that is part of the Comprehensive Sexuality Education Framework for Grades 5-12 being disseminated in our Zambian schools and is unacceptable.

7. On Page 4 of the CSE Framework Grades 5-12, Item – Explain Self-body exploration. What is being explained to a 5th Grader on how they can Self-Body Explore? These and many other questionable teachings, under Comprehensive Sexuality Education are being unleashed on these innocent minors, who may be aware of human body parts, but may have not thought of “Self-Body Exploration.” This needs clarification as to what this entails.

As Zambia holds and observes the Day of National Prayer, Fasting, Repentance, Reconciliation and Healing, it is important to recognise that the moral and spiritual fibre of Zambia is under severe attack and the country as a nation is at a crossroad and tipping point, unless we do what is correct for the good of the country.

We pray that our Lord will speak through the representatives of the people on this matter. As it is said, Vox Populi, Vox Dei (Latin, ‘the voice of the people is the voice of God’).

May God bless our great nation.


  1. I have submitted my personal recommendations as a father. Please let us all get involved in giving our recommendations.

  2. One would expect Archbishop Mpundu to be at the center of this, but no this not important to him unless you tell him to insult ECL and to predict how Zambia will be on fire next year.

  3. CSE, shouldn’t even wasting our nation’s time discussing it. Zambians whether politician or ordinary, must be asking themselves, what and how this subject is going to improve the economy of Zambia. While at the same time, Zambians especially those who have lived in the western countries such as Britain should know why this subject is being imposed upon Zambia by the west. The west knows that once young people are taught CSE they will be actively experimenting the knowledge practically. As a result there will be millions of ‘babies’ single parents especially girls who will be abandoned by their ‘baby’ boy friends. The same Zambia will be forced by the west to be paying those single mothers. But the question is can Zambia pay single mums like the west which have a lot of money do…

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