Thursday, January 23, 2025

Leaked Video:European Socio-economic Expert Explains Why The West Has To Keep Africa Poor



  1. We all have always known this. Europeans are not of God. They have been this way from the very beginning. We just turn a blind eye to them at our own demise. The only hate the Chinese because it’s China’s time to pillage Africa’s resources.

  2. And some brainwashed upnd supporting diasporans spend all day criticising African leadership in their country of birth while sitting in countries which clearly don’t see them as equal even after obtaining their citizenship. One word for this is f00lishness

  3. This is nothing new. It does’nt take revelations from a socio-economic expert to analyse the scheme. Anyone who looks deeper, observes and reasons will see the natural facts – Africa is not poor, we are kept poor. Unless we gang up, wise up and stand up Wakanda style, the Muzungus will continue to steal our Vibranium for a very, very long time to come.

  4. It is not a secret that the primary cause of poverty in black African countries is incompetent, corrupt and feckless leadership. The Europeans only play a minor role.

  5. Africans have to take a bold step to free ourselves from this but I can assure you, it is almost impossible as we are dependant on the western.

    We are not only dependent but we are also extremely corrupt as Africans, that is why we can’t stand on our own.

  6. It’s not the west doing that but your failure lead as African leaders.Whrn you have presidents who fail to radicalise proactively on selecting a team of normal people to help him/ her to plan statistically and proactively in a quest to foster human development and let alone economic development. How can you have human development and moral values when you are irrational and inward orientedly leading a kakistocracy circus regime? How?

  7. Africa is poor because of poor leaders bent on getting brown envelopes at the expense of their citizens. We need more leaders like Kagame n Magufuli who protect their people from ravenous wolves.

    • Simwinga Paul when look at how advanced they are? Zambia is this month turning 56 but what has it done for it’s people, every day we are calling for well wisher yet those same people who claim to be helping us use our own money to say they are helping us when we have everything to heal our land

  8. Yes indeed I like this revelation in our mother land however things wont remain the same , when they call the G 7 countries that is what they go to talk about , Africa should wake up to the occasion and change things , we need brave leaders like Nkrumah , Mwalimu Nyerere , Kaunda the Kapwepwe kind of leaders to free Africa from the evil western world .
    Many times I have spoken about the evils committed by the western world but politicians only think about their parties and fail to see the wickedness from outside Africa .
    Africa must unite to solve the massive problems we have in our midst .
    Living in the western world not wrong at all since now the world is one in fact it to the benefit of Africa , and indeed if you want to know some one you have live with him then you will…

  9. That’s why the forced privatization on the MMD Government to ensure all the means of production are in private hands and crooks took advantage to loot in the process

  10. There are so many platforms to post. I just wonder why I waste time on this good for nothing LT that censors my posts all the time.

  11. They want to keep us focused on fighting each other and convince us we are poor because we brought it on ourselves.As long as we do not identify them as the enemy we shall continue being their slaves. IMF killed manufacturing in Zambia through their SAPS programmes etc. They would not give us money unless we obliged with their conditions.Where has that taken us? The WEST wants us to be SLAVES forever.

  12. Any one can come up with any theory from their b.ums……only the intellectually challenged with inferiority complex would place them selves as victims in this here 20th centuary………

    The Chinese , the Indians , the Asians don’t fall for this crap only dumbo Africans would belive this and act like victims….especially the PF rats who will even find a reason in that video as to why they loot the treasury dry…..

  13. The dude addressing the crowd is not European but a Boer. There’s a difference in their mentality. You should have picked up the accent by now

  14. Spaka what you are seeing is much deeper than your thoughts, look even when they explain to you clearly you fail to understand what they are saying.
    Look there is a great war raging over Africa and it’s wealth which started during colonialism and locks have been placed in Africans brains to think it’s their faught that they lose out on their resources .
    The truth is nations that depend on the continent’s resources will fight nose and nail to keep stealing for ever.
    How ever Africa can turn this around by uniting as one and to speak with one voice and fight as one for the same purpose.

  15. nshilimubemba

    “…locks have been placed in Africans brains to think it’s their faught that they lose out on their resources .
    The truth is nations that depend on the continent’s resources…”

    You are contradicting your self……this is like a farmer who gets given rippoff prices for his produce and then you say he has he has been programmed to blame him self for allowing that to happen….of course , who else would you blame ? , the bussiness man buying the produce for for profit ?? He don’t give a darn, as long as he makes money.
    And one thing you fail to understand is most minerals and other natural resources found in Africa are plentiful in other countries , copper , gold , oil , timber you name. Only in Africa it is easier to bribe.

  16. They steal 10 fold and bring back small change in the form of donations to blind Africans . Donated money also ends up in the back pockets of the elite leaving the masses with breadcrumbs…so sickening if you ask me….Julius Malema is the kind of leader Africa needs at this time….Africa is under siege as the west n east are running out of resources.

  17. Leaked video! Come on, you’re now peddling misinformation LT. The 3 part series video were part of a lecture under the title “Underdevelopment in Africa” from 5 years ago. The individual speaking in this part which has been shortened to misinform is Dr. Howard Nicholas an economist that I’m glad to have been following on Google Scholar.
    Take time and watch the whole video series.

  18. Kaizar Joseph Goebbels Zulu, I see you’re still yapping yapping, talking bad of the diaspora, running your mouth outside prison walls. Why are you not in prison already? Your buddy corrupt Lungu is doing everything he can to avoid prison next year. But with you, since you’re no longer in any government position, we have to send you to prison early. You need to report to Chimbokaila soon, so they can allocate you a cell. Thugs like you should not be allowed to roam freely outside prison walls. You’re a danger to the diaspora and to the Zambian society.

  19. We are just a bunch of dull people who can’t analyse matters. We are quick to accept what ever nonsense the Europeans tell you. They tell you to destroy your manufacturing industry your follow in the name of privatisation. You give them free minerals and banks. Who bewitched you Africans. You think foreigners will develop your country…dull creatures you are..

  20. They expose what they do to keep desired development away from Africa yet African leaders choose to be deaf and get blinded by the “gifts” they receive for themselves and suppressing information for the citizenry.

  21. It has been a known fact that some sectors of the West got thrilled with entertainment to see photos of children afflicted with malnutrition. Some powerful forces in the West are using surrogate African opposition leaders to work against their governments with the view to mortgage African assets to the West. Opposition parties such as RENAMO in Mozambique and UPND in Zambia are vehicles paid to create havoc in Southern Africa. Some opposition leaders have been trained NEVER to mention names of Kwame Nkrumah, Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere and Patrice Lumbumba. It is a big Western Project.

  22. This guy is just a radical Right and what he is saying has nothing to do with our situation. we have kept ourselves poor. Even at personal level, though the national situation contributes significantly, our personal effort is key determinant of our situation

  23. Mwansa Kabinga

    What do you smoke ????

    Ati “….with the view to mortgage African assets to the West…”

    The Chinese own you …….you are owned and controlled by China. You are actually a burden on western taxpayers.

  24. The speaker, I believe, is ill-informed. There is no apparent collaboration among industrialised countries to keep Africa poor: The UK has exited the EU in order for it to pursue its own national interests; the U.S. is pursuing an isolationist foreign policy; multilateral institutions like the World Bank and the IMF have continued to grant loans for use mainly in creating tradable goods; African countries are, by and large, currently engaged in efforts aimed at improving their manufacturing capabilities to produce for export markets; industrialised countries have continued to provide bilateral loans and grants to assist African countries to improve the vistas of their people through CIDA, DANIDA, JICA, SIDA, DFID / FCDO, USAID, and the like; and various organs of the UN are continuously…

  25. Spaka and the diasporan donkeys above don’t get it. Their white masters have done a spectacular mind job on them. These white bottom cleaners/, economic refugee are a product of effective colonialism. Just the other day, Germans from Schalke mocked an African player from Dortmund and yet they still support their masters and their second class/sub human status and look down on fellow Africans. Free your minds, donkeys!!!

  26. UPND’s cadre “Spaka” sounds afflicted by revelations of a European social-economic expert. Spaka, Richard Ngoma and Anthony Bwalya are challenged to connect the dots to link anti-African activities executed by paid agents, such as RENAMO, UNITA, current UPND as well as the activities of the Bruntherst Foundation that hired General Obasanjo to cause havoc in Kenya, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. UPND’s snakes such as Spaka, Richard Ngoma and Anthony Bwalya should go to a credible university and take a course on “African Studies, for them to realise that a political leader should never take pride of grabbing poor people’s land in Namwala and farms in Kalomo. Year 2021 will mark the end of an era for stooges on pay role to support white colonialists .

  27. There are so many videos text on keeping Africa poor.
    As long as Africa does not industrialise and our leaders cannot wake up to reality very soon Africa will be grabbed by the west and China for themselves. It is now not a secret that COVID-19 which is calimed to be heavily sponsored by Bill Gates and Melinda Foundation was supposedly intended to be dumped in Africa for the African population to eliminated. Mind you Bill Gates is a proponent of population reduction or elimination in Africa. Western countries work through multi-billion corporate entities such as anglo-american to keep Africa underdevelopped. HH wants to bring back Anglo-American back to Zambia. It boggles my mind.

  28. It’s not the west keeping us poor. It’s the dull African leaders who are poor in their heads. They’re selfish, greedy and….. Any bad word is ideal to use to describe African ministers and presidents.

  29. @Moses Chibuye.
    Exactly, we’re a special kind of self sabotaging individuals who are always quick to blame every white man for the bad decisions we make.

  30. The speaker in the video is apparently Dr. Howard Nicholas from the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka—an island-country in South Asia located in the Indian Ocean southwest of the Bay of Bengal and southeast of the Arabian Sea. We should not sweat over comments made by such a socialist / Marxist ‘expert.’ I doubt if selective clips of his comments portrayed in the video represent the views of any industrialized country. It is unfortunate that we have continued to blame colonialism and neocolonialism for our failure to address the unprecedented socioeconomic ills facing our countries.

  31. Bandawe, spot on my guy!! These colonised upnd donkeys don’t get it. Take time to hear Dr Arikana Chihombori-Quao’s videos.

  32. Bandawe, spot on my guy!! These colonised upnd donkeys don’t get it. Take time to watch Dr Arikana Chihombori-Quao’s videos.

  33. Africa – We don’t have the ROom to fully use our natural resources, than the west and now the East. Our Universities and College s are Carbon copies. We don’t want to spend, better eat and forget today

  34. Africa cannot develop because it taxes itself to death! High taxes are poisonous for business!
    Africa will never be in control of its destiny!

  35. Corrupt PF dumb heads actually think China is all for Good. China promotes corruption that is why it could be the worst “new coloniser”. Most sub saharan African Leaders are in love with China for its policy of ” mind your own business” or “non intervention in internal affairs” This is a skilful smooth policy to create freindship of deception and also used as a counter West influence.
    So dull and corrupt PF is enjoying the freindship while the country’s economy goes down and down.

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