Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Clergy call for prayers of national peace at the day of Prayers


President Edgar Lungu and First Lady Esther Lungu today joined hundreds of Lusaka residents to commemorate the National Day of Prayer, Fasting, Repentance and Reconciliation which falls every year on October 18 at Lusaka showgrounds.

In attendance were various members of the Clergy, who led the programme in intercessory prayers, leaders of opposition political parties and members of the general public.

The event was characterised by songs of praise and worship done by different choir groups and prayers with the homily conducted by Father Lastone Lupupa of the Catholic Church.

This year’s theme for recognizing the Day was dubbed Zambia Seeks God’s Intervention for Sustained National Unity, Peace and Prosperity.

National Day of Prayer Organising Committee Chairperson, Joshua Banda noted that the theme in itself partially defines the purpose of today’s gathering.

Bishop Banda advised on the need to pray for sustained unity, peace and prosperity while the nation observe the day as the main key areas of seeking God’s intervention.

“In light of the fact that from time to time we as a people by our ingratitude to God and our insensitivity to one another, turn to weaken ourselves in the noble quest and commitment to celebrate our unity in our merging diversity we have been indulged with. As a result, we find ourselves sometimes quarreling and even trading insults and we have regrettably even resorted to violence especially during election intervals,” he stated.

The Bishop said the day hence gives an opportunity for all Zambians to confess all the faults to one another as the nation turns to God in fasting and repentance with a determination to reconcile.

And Bishop Banda further noted that the second facet of the theme mentions peace which defines the other purpose of today’s gathering.

“Peace is a rare commodity that God has blessed Zambia with. Our gathering together therefore, from all walks of life setting aside any differences is an indication of our determination to call upon God for help to sustain the peace and harmony that we badly need,” the Bishop indicated.

He added that the country also need to seek God’s intervention in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic that Zambia like any other country has been battling with over the last few months.

Bishop Billy Mfula of Jesus anointed Ministries prayed for peace, unity and prosperity and urged political leaders and national leaders to take advantage of their positions to promote peace and unity in the country.

Other Clergy who participated in intercessory prayers were Bishop David Masupa, President of the Independent Churches of Zambia who rendered a thanksgiving prayer for everything God has done in the nation.

Bishop Edgar Ng’ambi of Praise Christian Centre International and Bishop Sydney Sichilima, Synod Bishop of the United Church of Zambia prayed for confession and National repentance and the rededication of the nation to God respectively, among others.


  1. “Christians for lungu” National Day of Prayer.
    Exodus 20:7: Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain

  2. This was very uplifting. I could feel the presence of the holy spirit within our midst. The upnd devils stayed away out of fear of the holy spirit. We need to exorcise them

  3. Yes, Christianity constitutes prayer. You can laugh all you want and mock all you can but leave the saints to worship and acknowledge their Creator! He has done great things for us. We don’t want to be like those who go around slaying innocent people just because they disagree with them or disrespect their so-called prophet. Take a look at what happened in France..

  4. Prayer is important for all the nations. It is a blessing for our leaders to acknowledge God. No man is too big for God. It is better to pray than not to pray at all.

  5. All those above claiming this is fake, your wives have been faking orgasm to keep you happy, have you left them?

  6. Kazier Sulu where did you learn and experience faked orgasms? Prayers are not enough for you, do you have the address for Chinama please, please rush there today.

  7. The Pharisees were at it again. Gathering at street corners and market places and praying loudly to be seen by all. Yet, their actions and uncouth mouths froth of evilness and selfishness. They have no decency or care for humanity. Rid of these psychopaths.

  8. However, the reported call by Nevers Mumba to pray for Chishimba Kambwili who is serving a jail sentence after being convicted of criminal offences will cast doubts on the credibility of Pastor Mumba as a national leader. Mumba feels it is fine for political leaders to break laws with impunity. Yet there are many prisoners, including Ilas, Kaondes, Lalas, Lozis, Lundas, Luvales, Namwangas, Ngonis, Nsengas, Tongas and Tumbukas who are in prison for committing minor offences – and who deserve a prayer. Mumba is being selective to champion for his political comrades who strive on criminality. Oh! Mumba himself was fired as Ambassador to Canada and later convicted for trespassing at ZNBC. A congregation of dishonest politician team up against humanity.

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