A consortium of opposition political parties have urged the general citizenry and members of parliament to fully support the constitution amendment bill number 10 of 2019 as it is key to economic emancipation.
Christian Democratic Party President Danny Pule said the five opposition parties have come together with a common agenda of educating people on bill 10 and advocating for its enactment.
ZANIS Reports that Dr Pule made the remarks during the press briefing in Lusaka that was attended by four other political parties.
Dr Pule underscored that bill 10 once enacted will represent the views of all Zambians and will also be a catalyst for economic growth.
“As the Christian Democratic Party with all the countrywide structures we are in full support of bill 10 and other politicians should embrace it as it means well for the country. Once enacted it will lead to the delimitation of constituencies as the current 156 are not enough with the population growth that we have had. Without bill 10 there is no way the constitution can be amended,” charged the opposition leader.
Dr Pule emphasized that bill 10 has numerous benefits such as delimitation of constituencies that will see an increase from the current 156 and economic growth due to adequate representation by members of parliament.
Others who spoke at the press briefing included National Congress Party (NCP) Peter Chanda who called on the general citizenry to respect the Zambia police service.
Mr Chanda recalled that the recent happenings of police abduction and slapping in the full view of public should be condemned in strongest terms by all well-meaning Zambians.
The NCP Leader called on the Ministry of Home Affairs to impose punitive measures on the people who break the law by disregarding constitution offices.
“No one should break the law with impunity and the Minister of Home Affairs should punish such people because we all have the duty of respect the police service. As politicians whether in the ruling or opposition we all have the duty to spur economic growth and not advocate for violence and name calling,” said Mr Chanda.
Meanwhile, Zambia Republican Party’s Writ Musoma, National Revolution Party’s Cosmo Mumba and Citizens Democratic Party’s Robert Mwanza all echoed the support to bill 10 and respect for the rule of law.
The constitution amendment bill number 10 of 2019 will be restored to the order paper of the national assembly on Thursday October 29, 2020.

I don’t recognize any of those bastards. Opposition parties, whom do the oppose?
Headline should have read “five people support bill 10” as these are one man parties and surrogates of the PF.
It’s sad for Pull to support wrong all for money.
These are not opposition parties
Attention seekers….Ba Pule you are already finished……You gat no political muslces so therefore just shut up.Nga niba Cosmo Mumba ikalenifye..And those three others just join hands with the UPND THEN YOU WILL GAIN POLITICAL MILLEAGE OR JUST GO HOME!!
These are PF carders not opposition parties. Who deosnt Cosmo and Danny Pule?
How many Members of Parliament do their political parties have?
Kikikikiki…kuti wasekaa. Opposition parties? Opposing their fellow opposition parties…! Nonsense
Economic emancipation, my foot! Don’t insult our intelligence, please!!
So because we don’t have bill 10, then we have over borrowed? What nonsense is?
Someone bought these guy new suits just to basturdise our democracy.
What these i***ts can do is advise their MP,s to vote for bill 10 in parliament.
A bunch of useful *****s
Not sure how much they are paid by their masters per act like this one
Mmm..tell your members of parliament to support bill 10…?.. sorry..u don’t have any..not even a councilor…so you ball gagging nonentities should just stfu
Hehehehe……one man parties , ati political parties.
LT you are now compromised by lungu.
The fire at Kafue gorge is more important than this trash from state house…..
Useless no-hopers! Just keep eating PF money. If indeed you are political parties why don’t you just tell your MPs to support the Bill Sh..t”
One would wish each of their balls were an MP, at least they would have had 10 votes.
The only thing missing is the retard Chilufya Tayali
And Spuki party
Who calls Danny Pule an opposition leader. He’s just a pervert man!
The fuq are these pusies.
Ba upnd ba shala beka. Iye uluse shame.
Bill 10 let’s goooo
Let the 5 Opposition Parties instruct their MPs to vote for Bill 10. Good luck to them.
Paid up has been with nothing, oxygen stealers
Thanks god, they have no MP.
I think the phrase ‘opposition party’ has lost its meaning.
That’s why we see people like abena tayali, ba pule, and others supporting everything the pf is doing and stands for.
Find something else to call yourselves, not opposition party, When you are busy opposing the known opposition parties like upnd and NDC, but supporting every move the pf makes.
Come on guys, check yourselves!
I am told even the wife went a long time ago. Am sure could not stand the insanity
What changed? When the same parties were with UPND in opposition to bill 10 they were called opposition parties. Now that that they support bill 10 they have become one man parties. What changed indeed!
Did the white lady leave
…..more like a consortium of ID10Ts.
Ba Pastor Danny Pule, why are u selling your soul for 30 pieces of silver? Forget about entering heaven. U are hell bound. U know it very well.
How many Members of Parliament do these artisan parties have? ZERO. So, they do not represent any constituent Zambian except themselves and their families. The parties are no different from NGOs.
Dan Pule the Casanova, no shame at all sitting with his grandchildren still chasing after corrupt money, am sure he is still chasing every teen skirt in his eyeline, no morals this randy mudula.
LT, how can a circus be classified under headline news
These guys can sell their souls like this? I thought ba Pule was a pastor with integrity. Awe sure. That is why Jesus said to enter heaven, your righteousness must surpass those of the Pharisees..
President Kaizer Zulu, please show your leadership skills in this matter. We need you. Kaizer for republican president in 2021.
They’re very well paid. They’re the chaps who went to the ConCourt to push Edgar’s infamous 3rd term. They’ll scatter when he loses elections
If we keep Lungu up to 2026 don’t cry when Zambia will own a $100M debt. This guy has no plan of repaying but wants to borrow more money on behalf of Zambians.
This matter is very simple. No MP in Parliament. No Voice and No vote. The 5 Briefcase Opposition Parties cannot tell UPND and Independent MPs how to debate and vote on Bill 10. They are irrelevant. Period.
Kikikikikihahahahahahehehehehe…Zambia the Real Africa
Kikikikiki…hahahahaha….hehehehehe..ho…Zambia the Real Africa
PUle is a disapointment wa chalo cha Zambia, the land we LOVE !
How was that White lady convinced to marry such an ***** ?
Those political parties have no representation in the national assembly, they are simply representatives of themselves and their support for the Bill 10 is nothing but personal. Just like any other citizen they are free to express themselves but they should be justify the need for the support and not just give shallow statements if they want to influence the MPs and the general public. Some politicians kuwayawayafye mwe!
g) establish the office of deputy minister; (For what?? increasing the wage bill)
(h) revise the composition of the Cabinet; (Why and how)
The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2019
Parliamentary Period: Third Session of the Twelfth Assembly
That is true? Question is who do they represent????
Eish! What a relief that none of these clowns is in parliament, neither does any of them have a member there. For a moment I panicked when I read “five”… False alarm. Endani mukafoole mwasewenza a mambala.
Hahahahahahah kikikikikikiki opposition party leaders challenging HH who is in opposition