Sunday, March 23, 2025

East Ex-Parastatal Workers ask Lungu for inquiry into Privatisation


Former employees of Luangwa Bicycle Industries, United Bus of Zambia (UBZ) and Lint Company of Zambia (LINTCO) have asked President Edgar Lungu not to delay in the constitution of a commission of inquiry into the privatization that took place in the 1990s.

Hundreds of ex workers and their families who marched from Chipata’s Shoprite Mall through Umozi highway to the Provincial Administration braved the scorching sun and presented the petition to Eastern Province Minister Makebi Zulu.

Joshua Banda, a former LINTCO worker urged President Lungu to quickly set up a commission of enquiry in order to prob the privatization that forced over 3,000 permanent workers into the streets because of the sale of the company.

Meanwhile, renowned lawyer and Malambo lawmaker, Makebi Zulu has assured the workers that President Lungu will continue to listen to them and address their aggrievances.

“Colleagues in 1990s LINT Company of Zambia (popularly known as LINTCO) was a profit-making parastatal which employed over 3,000 permanent workers but it is common knowledge that such a viable company was privatised without regard to the beneficial interests of workers, farmers and the country at large,” said Mr. Banda

The questionable sale included the four cotton ginneries located in Chipata, Lusaka, Gwembe and Mumbwa. He said all vehicles, houses, offices and office equipment were sold adding that since 1996, the former employees have asked unanswered questions as to why a profit-making company such as LINTCO privatized.

“Was it even necessary to privatize the company in the manner it was privatised? Who really benefited from the privatisation? Your Excellency President Edgar Lungu these questions can only be answered by a commission of inquiry which we plead that you institute.

He recalled that in 1970 to 1991 LINT Company of Zambia was number three in the world producing the best lint fibres and exporting hence bringing income which was shared 51 percent to the company and 49 percent to the Government which was not the case now.

He said the negative effects on 3,000 workers were translating to 18,000 Zambians who were directly affected by non-payment of benefits because of ZPA.

“Some of the workers have been sent to the grave early or though some are still living but with stroke due to low or high blood pressure because of ZPA .Most of our children have been deprived of their right to education because of ZPA, marriages have broken down due harsh condition subjected to because of ZPA our submission and cries,” he said.

“Since 1992 to date, ex-LINTO employees have tried to engage the lawyers through the court of law, judgments have been passed but in vain. In 2011 when the Patriotic Front (PF) took over Government, the late president Michael Chilufya Sata promised to pay the benefits and indeed in 2013 some of the 1992 group were paid but many employees remain not paid. In pushing for our payments, we sleep at Intercity Bus station without food. We look like street adults,” he said.

And former UBZ Regional Manager Aswell Moyo said President Lungu must consider establishing a Commission that will look into both the privatization and liquidation processes of companies. Mr. Aswell Moyo said the country lost out in the privatization and liquidation processes of companies. He said workers from privatized companies have not been paid their terminal benefits by the new owners for over 25 years.

“Your Excellency, we humbly ask you to allow the truth to come out on what transpired in the privatization and liquidation of state-owned companies,” he said. Mr Moyo said the wrongs committed to former workers and to Zambia itself must be corrected adding that the truth must come out.

“This is not a witch-hunt but a call for truth and accountability, even during judgment day when God, our Lord comes to ask humans to account for our past deeds, it can never be called a witch-hunt but a call for accountability,” he said.

Eastern Province Minister who is also Malambo law maker, Hon. Zulu said he would present the petition on the privatizations of LINTCO, UBZ and Luangwa Bicycle Industries to President Lungu. He urged the ex-workers of President Lungu’s support.

Mr. Zulu has assured the workers that President Lungu desires the best for the poor because he himself comes from a humble background. He has since encouraged former workers and their families to register and have a say in the governance of their country.

Former employees of Luangwa Bicycle Industries, United Bus of Zambia (UBZ) and Lint Company of Zambia (LINTCO) during a Protest march
Former employees of Luangwa Bicycle Industries, United Bus of Zambia (UBZ) and Lint Company of Zambia (LINTCO) during a Protest march
Former employees of Luangwa Bicycle Industries, United Bus of Zambia (UBZ) and Lint Company of Zambia (LINTCO) during a Protest march
Former employees of Luangwa Bicycle Industries, United Bus of Zambia (UBZ) and Lint Company of Zambia (LINTCO) during a Protest march
Former employees of Luangwa Bicycle Industries, United Bus of Zambia (UBZ) and Lint Company of Zambia (LINTCO) during a Protest march
Former employees of Luangwa Bicycle Industries, United Bus of Zambia (UBZ) and Lint Company of Zambia (LINTCO) during a Protest march


  1. The call for privatization inquiry in Zambia always turns political and Lungu hasn’t done well on anything economy-related .

  2. So what exactly will this hope for a better past bring to the present set of realities? Vinangu ivi tiziganiza mwe.

  3. What President Lungu did in Mansa has given hope to many of us whose companies were either Privatised or liquidated that someone is listening to our cries. Privatisation should not have been about buildings but also workers plight. Thanks President Lungu

  4. What President Lungu did in Mansa has given hope to many of us whose companies were either Privatised or liquidated that someone is listening to our cries. Privatisation should not have been about buildings but also workers plight. Thanks President EDGAR Lungu for caring

  5. These former workers are better advised to start preparing their fields as rains are around the corner. Because of ignorance which KK used to say is more dangerous, they do not know that there has never ever been a commission of inquiry in Zambia that has yielded anything. Zero

  6. These people must be pushing for the money they worked for, and not an inquiry which will not be rewarding them in any way. Totally misled by some mischievous PF politicians

  7. 15 years after privatization, Zambia’s economy was among Africas top 10 , debt was written off to only $2billion, exchange rate was K3,300(or K3.3 re-based) to $1.Banks had so much liquidity, they were falling over each other to provide car loans,home renovation loans etc.
    30 years after privatization , Zambia is the 5th hungriest nation in the world,debt is now at $27billion, exchange rate is K20 to $1.Lending rates are over 30%.The economic situation is hopeless
    ECL and the PF now want to blame today’s poor economic situation on something that happened 30 years ago.Why were things okay under Mwanawasa?
    We were not born yesterday.

  8. Those pleas to the head of state will not yield anything because ZPA was acted within its mandate and was a product of parliament. I am one of the victims of privatization who has not been its now been 25yrs plus. Its better for my fellow victims to pursue other things otherwise its water under the bridge. This being campaign period politicians will promise this and that but nothing will come out positive. To enlighten you, there is no part in the current (2021) budget reserved for ex employees for former parastatals.

  9. I am also looking forward to the truth about the enormous assets of the liquidated Zambia Airways. However, I don’t think this government or next year’s government will have the capacity to compensate all those who lost something. Government will just lose more of our money to benefit the few commissioners but there will definitely be nothing for the majority of us. This will just leave us more angry.

  10. Yeah this isn’t about politics. Its time to open an inquiry into the whole privatisation. Only when we have full report will we know what Govt ought to pay and to whom or whether it is the private owners who should have paid. Former workers have every right to push for this inquiry

  11. Yeah this isn’t about politics. Its time to open an inquiry into the whole privatisation. Only when we have full report will we know what Govt ought to pay and to whom or whether it is the private owners who should have paid. Former workers have every right to push for this inquiry.

  12. The appearance of grey hair does not symbolize the arrival of wisdom…do as u please and let’s see what good that will do u.. personally I am interested in Barotse agreement commission of inquiry and why it was abrogated…will that get me anywhere???.nope.. but anyhow..humour us..set it up..the more money we waste the faster our economy goes under which is what I am looking forward to…lol

  13. QUOTE:“Since 1992 to date, ex-LINTO employees have tried to engage the lawyers through the court of law, judgments have been passed but in vain. In 2011 when the Patriotic Front (PF) took over Government, the late president Michael Chilufya Sata promised to pay the benefits and indeed in 2013 some of the 1992 group were paid but many employees remain not paid. In pushing for our payments, we sleep at Intercity Bus station without food. We look like street adults,” he said.
    And former UBZ Regional Manager Aswell Moyo said President Lungu must consider establishing a Commission that will look into both the privatization and liquidation processes of companies. Mr. Aswell Moyo said the country lost out in the privatization and liquidation processes of companies. He said workers from…

  14. Where are the former workers of cold storage board of Zambia to also demand a commission of enquiry ,

    Lungu sold cold storage board of Zambia to foringners who stripped all the equipment and shipped it out of the country devastating whole communities in Lusaka

  15. Vima stage managed protests focusing on one man. And how did they get the “permit” in the covid era? Strange but true, symptoms of a finished country. Commission of inquiry – more money to waste. Nzelu kuipa

  16. Yes the people have spoken. Let their wishes be. If you have noticed only the upnd camp are very bothered about this inquiry. Why is that ? They claimed their demigod is innocent so why shiver in your underpants? You know deep down that the self proclaimed billionaire hh is not such but rather a crook. A white collar crook. I requested an inquiry even before it came to spotlight and now it is gaining momentum. Trust me it is going to happen. If you stole I would advise you to start running. Because we are coming

  17. Whatever the outcome, the point is any rebursement will have to be done by GRZ. And you all know that GRZ is broke, so those hoping they will cash in as a result of this Commission Of Enquiry will remain miserable. It will just ignite fights that will be out of control. After 25 years, this is a silent case. This call is just being used for political reasons, ECL is pretending that he is listening but back behind his head he is calculating the next move.
    This call for an inquiry is pure nonsense and a non-starter. Do you think an Inquiry of such magnitude can be completed before the 2021 elections? Nope…And do you think ECL will be interested to pursue this inquiry if at all he was re-elected? Nope…
    This inquiry is of beneficial to ECL, if its results are known before elections,…

  18. This inquiry is of beneficial to ECL, if its results are known before elections, but that is not going to happen and thats why bwana ECL is dragging his feet.

  19. Inflation 16%, real one maybe 30. Exchange rate over 20Kwacha maybe K30 by December. Reserves totally depleted. Debt unsustainable. 95% of government to debt servicing. Fuel price, the highest ever. Unemployment a REAL struggle. Mealie meal by far much more expensive than the MMD days. An aeroplane was bought for 165 million US dollars whilst dialysis machines are in short supply at UTH, completely beyond comprehension.

  20. Am now more convinced we need this inquiry than before. This is about our past and the lives of former workers, the issue about what happened to our assets. What happened to the money realized from Privatisation. It’s not about Hichilema but if HH is found wanting for duping Zambians, so be it.

  21. Zambians are generally very dull people.

    And you wonder why the country is poor.

    The only people that will benefit from this inquiry are PF politicians that will pocket large monies in sitting allowances.

    Wake up you dull Zambians and ask Lungu what he did to Euro bonds and other huge debts.

    Even after being gassed, you still want to be sucking the d1ck of the gasser ? Very dull people.

  22. “Since 1992 to date, ex-LINTO employees have tried to engage the lawyers through the court of law, judgments have been passed but in vain”. END OF QUOTE.
    Why has DEATH missed you all these 28 years of joblessness and poverty?
    DEATH should have taken good care of you and thereby have the problem solved permanently!

  23. QUOTED “Since 1992 to date, ex-LINTO employees have tried to engage the lawyers through the court of law, judgments have been passed but in vain”.
    Why has DEATH been missing you all these 28 years of joblessness and poverty?
    DEATH should have taken good care of you and thereby have the problem solved permanently!

  24. A call to set up an enquiry into Zambia Privatisation is a lost cause. To begin with as i have said before president Edgar Lungu will NEVER set up that enquiry. All those screaming for this call are playing into the psychological move by the government to divert attention from national challenges created by government, whose effects are felt by the general public. That enquiry if ever setup, will not ameliorate current sufferings neither restore the loss incurred by the late and survivors employees or their families. To that effect its a lost cause rather, ask what government can do for you NOW than wait for “Donchi Kubeba” mantra.

  25. Kakaiza zezulu, your time is equally fast approaching and never mind your rants, it shall surely come. Brace yourself for safe refugee somewhere they will accept you.

    I will celebrate with other Zambians. Recall Castro Chiluba, he too was once untouchable!

  26. Genuine concerns from ex workers. Let truth come out from Inquiry. Ba UPND, why are u jittery? Do u think Hichilema is guilty of wrongdoing? If he did, he must repent and give back

  27. What does he smoke at state house, the man has failed to deal with corruption under his nose. What is he going to do after the inquiry – put in the dust bin like the others. This guy is spreading his confusion, be very, very careful. He has already spread corruption.

  28. These so called enquiries will benefit Chishane Shane and his hand picked picked panel .They are not necessary and a drian on the country’s financial economy which is surviving on Chinese Kaloba . On the other hand ,I wish Chisane Shane would lose his way on back to State house to sort the many problems the country is facing .

  29. These so called enquiries will benefit Chishane Shane and his hand picked panel .They are not necessary and are a drian on the country’s economy which is surviving on Chinese Kaloba . On the other hand ,I wish Chisane Shane would lose his way back to State house to sort the many problems the country is facing . His aimless movements are not necessary and also an avoidable drain on the country’s economy .

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