United Party for National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has paid conveyed congratulations to what UPND MPs, other MPs from other parties, and the Independent MPs, for what he called standing on the right side of history.
Reacting to the fall of Bill 10 Mr Hichilema described Bill 10 as a diabolical idea from an evil regime that had sought to entrench itself against the will of the people. adding that the Bill has been permanently buried today never to rear its ugly head.
Mr Hichilema further sent congratulations to the Civil Society Organisations, and what he called progressive Churches the people of Zambia for rejecting what he called dictatorship and corruption that Bill 10 was seeking to legitimize.
And Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has added his support to the people happy that Bill 10 has been put to rest. In a statement released to the media, Mr. Sinkamba said that is are happy that Bill 10 has finally been put to rest it was a toxic chalice, acrimonious, and a serious liability on the economy.
“It was toxic chalice because it poisoned minds of some party cadres whereby some resorted to violence and shedding blood, for example, what happened at Intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka,
“It was acrimonious as evidenced from the divisive. It divided the church; it divided traditional leadership; it fuelled tribalism; and the regionalism that it brought was complete anathema it most people that promote values of national unity, peace and love.
“It was a liability on the economy because Government went out the way to spend without restraint to make the Bill pass. Precious time and resources were wasted on the Bill instead of attending to other ideas that could help cushion the economic impacts of Covid-19 and rising external debt.
“So, seriously speaking, let it rest in peace so that the Nation embarks on a healing process, ” concluded Mr. Sinkamba’s statement
It was toxic indeed. Let it rest in peace.
Bye bill 10 PF will see in hell
This news is a breath of fresh air…..
Chi Bill 10 chakwa Chagwa chagwa!
This thing had long failed, were even MPs themselves started dying just so the number of the paid could not add up.
Kaizer Zulu this is what is coming in 2021, loss. Zambians are tired of your theft & corruption. Just wait & see. I have not met anyone on the copperbelt or Lusaka who says they will vote for pf. Huge numbers have moved on from your nonsense. Change is coming 2021!!!
Rest in pieces Bill 10
Chi Bill 10 chakwa Chagwa chagwa!!
Why are PF supporters quiet. They are fast to comment. Mwalokewa namvula mu dry season?
I can’t believe it. People are happy pulling Zambia backwards. If you are happy with the status quo, why do you always complain?
Zambians, in 2021 please try to vote for people with independent functioning brains.
Am glad this issue has come to end. It was a chocking bill indeed…imagine the re-introduction of deputy ministers sure imwe? I wonder where the money to pay them was going to come from! Anyway it is dead
Next PF must fall come August 2021. This news today deserves a party at my place.
The fat lady has sang. Its over!
Finally and finally, the controversial Bill No. 10 2019 has been put to rest and never to resurrect again. The will of the people has prevailed, God has answered our prayers. Congratulations to our Members of Parliament who voted against this evil peace of legislation. The truth is that Zambia has won. To all our leaders be warned that pride comes before the fall. Arrogance does not pay by ignoring the people who put you in power. Please see the writing on the wall and start doing that which is right. Look at it only the ruling party is given the right to mobilize its members by misapplying the provisions of the public order act. You think people are so gullible and can be taken for a ride. Selective application of the law. Kanganja was warning those Chawama pf youths but i know…
Well done real Zambians now there is a light at end of the tunnel.
How much has PF stolen in the name of Bill 10?
Commission of Inquiry needed!
The joys of democracy is that it allows the will of people via parliament to he heard. This was never a competition but a serious debate on our constitution which required all parties to be involved in. We will respect the decision of parliament and are proud to have participated in debating this unlike our friends in upnd who always politicised things. We hope our friends in upnd will also respect the decision of people come election time in 2021.
It was toxic chalice for you because it enlightened the minds of people to the opportunities they were missing out on.
@ Rowdy, where is your place, again?
Just wasting tax payers money with this nonsensical Bill 10…from Chawama compound and you think you can just come up with useless bill 10….Zambia doesn’t belong to you makaka Bandit President Lungu and makaka PF pompwes
“”It was acrimonious as evidenced from the divisive. It divided the church; it divided traditional leadership; it fuelled tribalism””””….. The biggest lie is in this statement itself HH, did you even read the BILL?? the bill gave the traditional leadership the power to resolve disputes themselves, keeping alive our tradiotions and lands secure.
Look who talks on tribalism . Forgotten your recent lukashya langauge #BallyTalkingTribal?
Pig, Ngulube and given Unfortune, trusted by Apona lungu panshi.
Upnd has lost all elections it has participated in without bill 10 being in law. So why do they now think that they will win elections? This is why you get disgruntled when you lose.
Don’t get confused. The loss in parliament today is for PF. Start being alert to little details, thought being a lab tech, you should understand details better. We were being told that they have the numbers, you know when one is used to deceiving people, they say anything. Bye bye polio
This is very, very good news koma! Neo kukondwela monga ka bebi shuwa! Now it is time to dismantle the remainder of this decaying collection of vi ma labishi va cabe-cabe! Tiyeni uko!
I’m finding it hard to see what is there to rejoice about. What exactly have we gained as a nation apart from exercising a democratic right in parliament? Have we come up with any other alternatives to drive the nation forward? It’s a pity if we can only oppose but not propose – and still linger on square one.
When the people have spoken, it does not pay to insist on arrogance. Give Zambians a choice to freely choose, will give you an answer.
Some PF magistrates must have started developing goose pimples. Should Kambwili become Veep, some people will find Zambia to be as small as a one roomed house.
PF and its leadership is gone and dead. We wait to burry it like America did to galant man called Osama bin Ladden.
We are still looking to catch up all PF plan with its fallen network, until we burry the remains of its boat at the middle of the ocean.
You see a visionless supporter of a visionless leadership consoling themselves and claiming there is no alternative offered. This country had started moving forward until 2015 when the blind and arrogant sat were they shouldn’t have. This country has seen the lowest calibre of people calling themselves cabinet minister during this period I have alluded to. So the only way forward is forward with the normal calibre of leadership.
Whatever the outcome of remains the winner. If you ask me why?First answer why you think of went ahead to table the bill knowing that it will fail. Secondly, why were ngo and upnd demanding for its withdraw than just defeating it I’m parliament?
If you are a critical and independent thicker like you will realize that upnd opted for withraw of the bill than what has happened . Even if they are toastiing the gall of bill 10, deep down their soils they are troubled at the fact that we shall procceed to 2021 election under the same constitution why upnd and JJ called rubbish and worse. On the other Jan of will look defeated but rejoicing inside at a siminglygood hesture from the opposition by denying reforms. Pf are more than happy to go to the polls with the current constitution…
Ba PF have no shame. How many people have they arrested just speaking on bill 10?
Where is this so called Ngulube?
Ignorance is a disease. Celebrating the last nail in xxx’s coffin. 14 days for petition hearing remain, public order act remain. Who is the real loser here?
Ignorance is a disease. Celebrating the last nail in xxx’s coffin. 14 days for petition hearing remain, public order act remain. Who is the real loser here??
KZ you better start planning for an asylum it go in exile. As UNDP comes to power you will not be able to run from the courts of law. You will definitely face the wrath of the law. This goes to your ex boss and his minions
Bill 10 is late, waiting for postmortem
THE Constitution Amendment Bill 2019, aka Bill no.10…. Let everything that was conceived in 2019 die please, including COVID-2019!
The Former Political advisor who as usual misled his former boss on bill 10 and other things will never show remorse but we know he has eaten humble pie.
Imagine after loosing the vote in parliament today, Tutwa still saying ECL will win in 2021. The same language he was using that bill 10 will pass in parliament before this loss, full of false hope, ether a slow learner or does not learn at all.
And the alleged MPs who were paid to support, do they pay back. I am sure there are serious fights behind the scenes. Evil has always been defeated from the beginning of the world.
Who wrote this story? Who subbed it? Who proof read it? Who passed it on for publishing? Who disrespect us this much to give us rubbish?
Instead of focusing on serious issues to help people, the chaps were busy with a very unprogressive bill. Even giving money to discredited surrogates to put bill boards, that money should have been used to buy Panadol for UTH.
Surely to promote the interests of the youth, women and the disabled, does one require a law. Out of the 10 nominated MPs there is neither a youth nor disabled. KK made blind Lazarus Tembo a minister, did he require a law, No. All that is required is political will. The beauty with parliament is that there is no abuse of government resources the way it is in bye elections. Of course it is possible that money could still have changed hands. We know you are bad at learning but please pretend you have learnt something. All economic indicators are down, debt is on our throats, unemployment is unacceptably high. Start working.
What did we tell these empty vessels when they were busy bribing everyone when they were running a mock meeting called National Dialogue Forum (NDF)? We told you to scrap this useless bill and forum but you didnt listen … dulll Lazy Lungu and his foooolish fooools, just imagine if you put the selfsame energy to bettering Zambian lives and reducing the debt.
@ Doreen Chisinga who in the first place interfered in the powers of traditional rulers jurisdiction over matters concerning their governance? The way PF vigorously pushed for Bill 10 adoption amidst the raging Corona virus pandemic raised a flag of there being a decomposing fish! Most in PF who were supporting Bill 10 are those who are mostly mum during parliamentary debates only shouting “Yaaa! Yaaa!” or “Hear! Hear!” who don’t even understand what Bill 10 is all about! KBF a PF stalwart calls them ignorant cadres! Come to think of it, the opposition parties in parliament seems to have more of the enlightened membership! Lets now guard against PF trying to squeeze in peace meal changes through other avenues.
@scouser I doubt the undp will come to power. I am even more certain that UPND will never rule this country not in a million years. Please can you agree to accept the outcome of the election next year ? That is all i ask from you. You are confident of winning so when you lose please take it like a man
Good see that tarino has come out from his hole. We hope you took time to reflect on how ignorant you were and that you have come back changed and objective. We hope you have cleansed yourself of tribalism
We have a Democratic Government in power!!!! @ Tarino, good to see your presence on LT lol.
It’s good that hh is celebrating that no amendments should be done to the 2016 constitution. It means he must accept the outcome of the 2021 elections and respect the POA in its current form. No changes will be entertained through peice-meal amendments. Now, going by recent by-elections, the voting pattern strongly resembles that of 2016-upnd remains strong in their strongholds while PF remains stronger in theirs. So a presidential petition will more likely happen in 2021; it will be 14 days and not the 21 bill 10 seeked to change!!
…sorry, 30 days Bill 10 was suppose to bring. Upnd think they will stop ECL from standing through the eligibility issue and lied to their supporters that PF want to use Bill 10 to sort out this “problem”. But that eligibility issue is water under the bridge. It will be a huge disappointment for them again, same people refused ECL from drawing a pension in 2015 for not finishing a full term today are saying he has served twice, how???? Celebrate today, mulumbwana, you will cry again in 2021
Any objective person who read the entire Bill and analyzed it, would have cause to celebrate. It is not surprising that those sad at what has happened are part of those who were either in the forefront to attempt to bulldoze it through Parliament (while pretending that it was democratic) or did not actually understand it (e.g. @Zambian Citizen) and hence decided to merely remain the blind followers that they are.
Bye bye Bill 10, constitutional fraud has been put to a STOP.
This is supposed to be a referendum on Makaka Bandit President Lungu….infact he is supposed to resign and quit Politics….useless half baked Lawyer Tutwa Ngulube and Makebi Zulu don’t know nothing about law…..just supporters of wako ni wako politics…no substance and now at least we know what’s coming in 2021…..Bill 10 replica
Wait a minute, any chance this Bill 10 won’t be resurrected from the dead by these PF charlatansx even through some other form? Remember I thought it was dead at some stage through it’s expiry but it was brought back.
It’s a small win but fake Kaizar Zulu above is right to say this does nothing to stop the PF from rigging and manipulating elections results. We should ‘listen’ to him, he is so sure PF have already won next year’s elections. That should be the focus of the opposition to ensure the PF and ECZ don’t manipulate the will of the people in anyway before and after the elections, including the current process leading up to it.
@KaizerZulu… Futsek! Go join your illiterate mates. You’re sucking much-needed oxygen from this platform. Go bury your head in the sand with your Bill 0. There’s nothing you can say today to take away our joy.
Is the @Kaizar Zulu account the real former adviser to the President?
The genesis of Bill 10 was an evil out come of the dialogue process which Zambians thought to mend when many were injured as a result of the worrisome and doubtful 2016 General elections.
This animal came in to hijack the whole plan to hount Zambians. God is God and we still wait for this rotten leadership to give answers to un asked and asked questions of 2021 elections. UMULANDU TAUBOLA.
Let do a ka draft ecz,like for change
Letsdo a ka draft ecz,like for change
Comment:may bill 10 rest in peace.shame to munduwire, tutwa, lubinda and pf at large
Congrats to HH,JJ.mwimbu and UPND and all well meaning zambians this wat we call PATRIOTISM
Lovely stuff. Bill 10 stopped in its tracks.