Monday, March 31, 2025

Kazungula Bridge to enhance trade between Zambia and Bostwana


The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Cross Border Traders Association has praised governments of Zambia and Botswana for the progress made towards the completion of the Kazungula Bridge.

Association Chairperson Jacob Makambwe says the completion of the bridge will further cement the strides made in attaining regional integration among the 16 SADC countries.

Mr. Makambwe explained that cross border traders have for a long time faced challenges in transportation especially going across the Zambezi River.

Mr. Makambwe noted that the completion of the bridge will go a long way in easing the movement challenges, and reducing the time that traders used to spend to cross over.

“The completion of the Kazungula Bridge is a step in the right direction for us cross border traders, we faced a lot of problems using those ferries, as we spent a lot of time unnecessary but with that, we will change which is to our advantage,” he noted.

And Mr. Makambwe has also commended the two governments for ensuring that the bridge comes with a One Stop Border Post (OSBP) facility.

He explained that as Zambia strives to benefit from the Africa Continental Free Trade Area Agreement, setting up an OSBP will facilitate quick movement of goods and services in the region.

“Infrastructure is key if Zambia is to benefit from the Africa Continental Free Trade Area, it is for this reason that putting up a One Stop Border Post (OSBP) facility at Kazungula will result in reduced time spent at the border and also it will be cheaper for us the traders because will not be required to pay use the bridge,” he explained.

The construction of the 259.3 million United States dollars Kazungula Bridge project is almost complete and will be handed over to the governments of Zambia and Botswana.

The bridge is a multi-national project in the North-South Corridor and is part of an infrastructure improvement programme that covers the whole corridor. The project includes a bridge linking Botswana and Zambia over the Zambezi River to replace the existing ferry, and a one-stop border facility at Kazungula.


  1. We thank God for this massive Deveploment. It is a job well done.
    Congratulations to both Governments on the hard and completion.

    God bless all

  2. What enhancing trade when we are producing very little to export. It will enhance the bringing in of tomatoes, onions, tooth picks and other goods by the South African retail chains.

  3. A modern bridge for a world class mindset! Serve customers promptly and lets move on – no faffing about.

    Well done to all concerned in constructing this extremely essential bridge. It’s indeed worthy!

  4. Which Zimbabwe? The bridge would have been short and cost less. But Zimbabwe refused to participate and told Zambia and Botswana to construct the bridge without touching Zimbabwe. It has no role on this bridge.

  5. When was Zimbabwe part of this project Iwe @Nsimbi? Have you followed the history of this project from its beginning? Yes Zimbabwe was supposed to be part of the deal, but crazy Bob Mugabe backed out (claiming security risk to Zim.) This bridge was originally designed to cross into Zim and swing back into Botswana as this distance was shorter, but Mugabe refused to be part of it. Which is pretty stup!d and shallow if you ask me. So designers moved the bridge a little bit up the river so that it does not touch any part of the Zimbabwean territory. Hence making it a little longer and expensive. It is only recently (after the removal and eventual death of Mugabe) that Zimbabwe has asked to join-in the “party”. I am not sure what the answer has been from both Zambia and Botswana given…

  6. Continue….

    Zimbabwe’s behavior in the beginning. So I am not sure what huge amounts of money Zimbabwe has paid that you are talking about?

  7. There is no trade between Zambia & Botswana because both dont manufacture anything. All this bridge was intended for was to easy connection to export of copper from zambia & Congo to the coast in SA on one hand, and the importation of groceries from SA to Zambia for their supermarkets. Botswana is also SA’s supermarket. So nothing between these 2 countries

  8. We thank God. God would n’t be happy with such thanks because it implies when man is lazy, so lazy that he can’t make a bridge, he will then Condemn God for not supplying a bridge. Leave God out of your petty presumptions. Work for yourselves

  9. “We thank God”? . God would n’t be happy with such thanks because it implies when man is lazy, so lazy that he can’t make a bridge, he will then Condemn God for not supplying a bridge. Leave God out of your petty presumptions. Work for yourselves

  10. Where Botswana and Zambia’s economies are is not where they will be in the future. This bridge will result in faster and cheaper crossing of the Zambezi river and should benefit the two economies and those of the entire region. I see Kazungula beginning to grow into a sizeable town like Nakonde and Chirundu. Kazungula now needs proper physical planning so that it grows in an orderly fashion and not like the disorder in Chirundu.

  11. That picture there isn’t the real thing ka? Traffic is moving one way on both lanes. Can you give us actual pics ba LT?

  12. To all those thanking us, you are very welcome. The reason I joined public service was to serve our people. If I can put a smile on one face to me that brings me joy. Excellent development under pf

  13. @Nsimbi, this is typical of what some Zambians would like to believe such crazy stories coming from nowhere. When and where did your Zimbabwe get those huge sums of money to pay for towards this bridge? From the time Zim got independence they never wanted to cooperate with the poor Zambian neighbour, talk about Kariba North Bank power generation, we had to go it alone, we own jointly the South bank. The batika project is coming now because Zim is on its knees in terms of power deficit, and economic disaster. Zambia proposed this venture a long time ago but our southern neighbour thought that they would never need more power. Very sad for this kind of arrogance. This world is a world of changing fortunes nobody ever imagined that the Zimbabweans would ever troop north after independence…

  14. …Moral of the story. Support your neighbour to prosper with you because you may not know when you may be jumping the border just to get some water from your neighbour.

  15. Robert Mugabe was a real pain in Zimbabwe’s backside and the whole region actually. He’s the reason the whole project was delayed. Botswana and Zambia wanted to involve Zimbabwe out of their commitment to SADC but Mugabe was making impossible demands although his country had no money to pay.

  16. This is progress, how I wish these governments can embark on an even bigger project of developing the railway network between these countries to take trade in the SADC region to another level. We shouldn’t always look to the west or east for innovation, we have the skills right on our door step. Zambia can benefit from regional corporation to bring our dilapidated infrastructure in line with Botswana and South Africa. We can learn a thing or two from their project management skills. The corrupt people found it impossible to get their way on this project.

  17. It will ‘bridge’ the gap between people and prosperity. When the supply of trade gets enhance, the demand for manpower gets enhanced, it will automatically create job platforms for women and youths.

  18. This news is a double bonus for Zambians. The bridge provides better connectivity, time saver, and less traffic. But further cement the strides made in attaining regional integration among the 16 SADC countries. THIS IS HUGE!

  19. We were already praising the PF government, now opposition supporters will also praise for all the development projects and vote for PF but silently.

  20. True! Infrastructure is a key for development, and it will be benefited for all including haters and unpatriotic people.

  21. @Joey.go back to history. This construction of the bridge started way back in UNIP era. MMM govt signed the loan deals. The construction was commenced in of era. Besides this bridge would have been completed way back in June but was derailed by lack of payment from the corrupt of regime.
    Credit goes to the Botswana govt who were ahead in terms of payments.

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