Friday, October 18, 2024

Young Generations must Rejoice and Jubilate over the failure of Bill No. 10


By Guess Nyirenda Executive Director

Operation Young Vote (OYV) would like to express its joy and gratitude at the Fall of Constitutional Amendment Bill No. 10.

Realizing that the fight against Bill No. 10 was a fight against “Super Powers” with all resources on earth and machinery and schemes of all kinds, OYV would like to pay tribute to the Hon. Members of Parliament who allowed the Almighty and True God to dwell in them through and through and stood with the people of Zambia and on the right side of history.

Zambians especially the young generations must rejoice and jubilate because the failure of Bill No. 10 to pass the second reading in Parliament means that they are assured of still finding a country called Zambia at least in some good years to come.

OYV is of the conviction that the Fall of Bill No. 10 is victory against dictatorship. It is victory against impunity. It is victory against hooliganism and thuggery. It is victory against manipulation, hate, acrimony, violence, and bloodshed as those that commit crime with impunity will have to think twice or even more before they commit any criminal act. It is victory against corruption, unprofessionalism, brutality and abuse of authority including the Public Order Act. It is victory against division, tribalism and regionalism. The collapse of Bill No. 10 is triumph against reckless borrowing and accumulation of mountains of unsustainable debt.

The Death of Bill No. 10 is victory for transparency and accountability. It is for professionalism and hard-work by citizens. The burial of the late Bill No. 10 is cause for Zambians including those that propagated it to celebrate as this triumph is not only for today but for many more generations to come. It is victory for constitutionalism and the rule of law to stand and be respected.

Freedom of expression denied to the young people by those that think they own others has won with the burial of Bill No. 10. Human Rights have also succeeded at the Fall of Bill No. 10.

Zambians must together, form now going into the future embrace the attitude of strength and courage and not that of fright and dismay for the Lord has indeed shown his love for the country by giving power to the weak and strength to the powerless.

The ultimate collapse of Bill may also mean that the race for the political party candidacy for presidency is open putting to rest the sole candidacy syndrome by those that wield power.

We are of the considered view that the ultimate burial of Bill No. 10 will open up doors for genuine and true dialogue and reconciliation that Zambians have dearly yearned for in many years as those in power have been given a wake up shot.


  1. This article makes very little sense. It doesn’t indicate how all those items that are mentioned in the article are going to be realized from the fall of bill 10. Let’s be factual when we are writing articles for the public domain rather than waffling around.

  2. The intention of dialogue forum was all about to bring unity and reconciliation of the two major political players ie PF and UPND after 2016 General Elections. The court did not serve Zambians aspirations but just added pain on the wounded soul.
    While the Church mother bodies were trying to give ideas on how to bring the two for reconciliation, the PF brought in Bill 10 to confuse more and more Zambians so that Zambian pay attension to unnessesary issue which was not healing.
    Bill 10 now is dead, another confusion is the ECZ online registration of Voters.
    Do we need Online NRCs and Clear the dead?

  3. PF shouldn’t have killed James Lukuku. If anyone deserves national mourning then its Lukuku. A true Opposition leader, not tu Tayali and Cosmo Mumba.

  4. Agony is creating an imagined battle because you have nothing to fight against. Bills are proposed every day all over the world and majority don’t become law. So what is so satisfying about bill 10 failure when pf has been winning elections without bill 10? How does then the lack of bill 10 give upnd advantage when even without it they have lost elections countless times. This small boy is retarded in the brain

  5. Guess Nyirenda???? my foot. I have never heard of a Nyirenda so dull. Nyirendas are Tumbuka people with fine brains, but this is the dullest Nyirenda I have ever heard of who rights trash and not a sample of the many Nyirendas I have ever meet and seen. He waffles through out with no specific citation of what not to celebrate. No wonder the name “guess”. Can you please add to your names, to include “Dull” Guess and remove my ancestors name from your cv. Nyirendas are doctors, engineers and excellent musicians, remember, Angela Nyirenda, Stone Nyirenda, Nathan Nyirenda, and professor Nyirenda at Oxford University in mathematics. This one is a dull Nyirenda. Almost all Nyirendas I have known have fine and excellent brains. This one is a “Dull Guess Nyirenda”.

  6. @ Ndithu, you are spot on. Is Guess “Dull” Nyirenda aware of legend late former Speaker of National Assembly, Wensley Nyirenda eloquence is yet to be compared with any current Zambian parliamentarian. The other shameful “Kabwanda wa munthu” is Judge Esau Chulu. He is a shame from Eastern province. Declared in 2016 elections results for Lungu in Lundazi which were more than total number of registered voters in Lundazi.
    ” Chaholi iye iye wa munthu”.

  7. Rejoice and jubilate over what? It’s like telling a prisoner to rejoice and jubilate because he has left his solitary confinement and may now take a walk on the prison yard. Meanwhile, the cuffs are still on his hands and the shackles around his feet…
    “Young generations” – failing to look and to think deeper than Bill 10. What power has been given to the weak and what strength to the powerless? Have they been given better housing, jobs, education? What about health and social welfare?

  8. Not this young generation of Zambians they are preoccupied with commenting on posts on social media about Mutale Mwanza’s new Ford or is it Range or who she has had a one night stand with….such are the useless role models for our young girls.

  9. Can somebody tell me the article in Bill 10 which was poisonous as to make HH and his MPs rejoice in such a manner as if he has just married his dream partner.

  10. Mr. Guess Nyirenda???? my foot. I have never heard of a Nyirenda so dull. Nyirendas are Tumbuka people with fine brains, but this is the dullest Nyirenda I have ever heard of who writes trash and not a sample of the many Nyirendas I have ever meet and seen. He waffles through out with no specific citation of what not to celebrate. No wonder the name “guess”. Can you please add to your names, to include “Dull” Guess and remove my ancestors name from your cv. Nyirendas are doctors, engineers and excellent musicians, remember, Angela Nyirenda, Stone Nyirenda, Nathan Nyirenda, and professor Nyirenda at Oxford University in mathematics. This one is a dull Nyirenda. Almost all Nyirendas I have known have fine and excellent brains. This one is a “Dull Mr Guess Nyirenda”.

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